twenty one

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Season One, Episode Eight

"a murder of woes"

"a murder of woes"

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"THE PLAN WASN'T TO GET YOU EXPELLED" the female siren said greeting us as we arrived downstairs. "We're sorry." 

"The Nightshades need to be ready for what's coming, or a lot of people are going to die" Wednesday warned them.

I glanced over at Ajax and frowned with my arms crossed at my roommate. I still hadn't forgotten about our small argument last night.

Bianca had a face of confusion as mrs. thornhill came over with a plant in her arms. "I'm so glad i caught you, i was weeding my wolfsbane and i just completely lost track of time..this is a parting gift."

"White oleander, one of nature's deadliest" Wednesday mentioned.

"It also symbolizes destiny and renewal" Thornill added. "You're a very talented young woman Wednesday, i can't wait to see what you do next."

"Wednesday, this time i'm personally escorting you to you're train" Principal Weems informed as she walked over.

"Alright, i'll meet you in a few...i have to say something to Lucas first" The pig tailed girl told the woman who nodded leaving us to it.

Once it was just us two with nobody else to interrupt us i sighed taking a seat on a nearby bench as Wednesday stood. "So you've given up..or do you have a backup plan of some kind?" I asked.

"I don't see how i could make any more plans. We've done everything and there's nothing that can be done. At least..for me that is" Wednesday said.

"What do you mean?" i scrunched my eyebrows.

"I want you to continue on with the Nightshades and make sure Tyler doesn't get away with hes crimes" she told me. "I don't want you to also be driven by revenge either, make sure that you're emotions don't get the best of you."

At first glance i took those words as kind of an insult but i was able to quickly understand she was just looking out for me. "Yeah, um- of course i won't let you down" I nodded.

"I know you and Ajax aren't on the best terms..don't let that go to waste either" the raven haired girl advised as i smiled.

"At this point i should tell you to make all my life decisions for me" I rolled my eyes as Wednesday smirked. "So do you plan on going to a different school?"

"I prefer otherwise but my parents will probably enroll me anyways" She sighed. "I should get going now."

"Right" i got up from my seat as Wednesday watched me closely.

"I'm sorry, for- for getting with Tyler right after our situation. I've been selfish for a large part of our time together and it took my a while before i understood to respect others's feelings and thoughts" Wednesday apologized.

TOLERANCE, WednesdayWhere stories live. Discover now