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Hyun-Jae kept her bow up and an arrow ready to shoot him if she had to as she kept her eye on him. The whole room growing silent as they didn't know what to do at the moment.

Mr. Kang couldn't believe what he was hearing as he scoffed. "Come here." He spoke up.

I-Sak and On-Jo stayed back as they didn't listen to him and wouldn't dare grow closer to him at the moment.

Mr. Kang grew even more upset about that as he decided that he would take the first step and move closer. Alarming the others.

Su-Hyeok listened as he was the first to make a move and try to get between him and the girls as he was held back by his friends at the moment. As they didn't want anyone to get too close or bit.

Hyun-Jae moved back as she kept her aim even if she was shaken up by the thought of him turning in the safe spot they had been in. She didn't want to shoot someone she knew but she knew it would eventually happen weather she liked it or not.

Mr. Kang tried to move closer again as he felt his nose start to bleed. Turning away from them as he wiped it away before turning back as he staggered forwards a bit until he collapsed before them.

"Is he dead?"

"He's turning."

"Get him out already." Na-Yeon spoke up as she was crouched by the wall covering her head at the sight. Wanting someone to do something. "Shoot him already!" She added.

Hyun-Jae turned to her. "Will you be quiet for once before you attrack more of them here?!" She spoke as she tried to focus.

The man began to move again as he turned. His bones cracking as he twisted and turned before standing back up as he hissed before trying to attack them.

Su-Hyeok stopped him from going after the girls as he punched him back before checking on them if they were okay.

Kang growled as he moved to the closest victim, Kim Min-Ji, as he bit her on the mouth.

Dae-Su rushed over before grabbing him and slamming into the lockers as he turned to Min-Ji at the moment and didn't know what to do about what happened. Knowing that her fate was already sealed but hoping it wasn't true.

Cheong-San noticed before grabbing a desk and slamming him against the wall. Keeping him pinned as best as he could until Gyeong-Su rushed to help him.

Both struggling to keep him pinned there as they grunted. Using all their force to push him back into the wall.

Hyun-Jae gathered herself as she aimed. "Move your heads. Duck down." She spoke up. Waiting until the two did as told before shooting at Mr. Kang. Hitting his head as she watched him slide down the wall.

Shuddering at the sight before glancing back at the others as Dae-Su was holding back a turned Min-Ji trying not to cry. "We need to go." She spoke up as she walked to the doors. Removing the desks as Su-Hyeok helped and opened the door.

One by one they rushed out of the room as Dae-Su shoved a turned Min-Ji away from him and rushed out. Su-Hyeok was the last one as he shut the door behind him before running after them.

Na-Yeon was at the front before stopping as she slipped back onto the floor when zombies emerged from the stair case. Making them turn back.

Hyun-Jae moved forwards a bit as she shot one down but knew they were a handful and quick. Shooting down another to hold them back.

Su-Hyeok rushed to the front before punching and kicking them back as much as he could at the moment.

Hyun-Jae helped as she aimed before the other guys began to look around for something they could use until they grabbed windows and doors off the door frames. Keeping the zombies back and shoving them out of the way.

"You girls go ahead! Head to the science lab!" Joon-Yeong spoke up.

Hyun-Jae nodded before rushing up the stairs as she ignored all the blood. Keeping the girls together as she glanced around the third floor and seeing the zombies ahead. Aiming as she shot down a few of them. "Guys!" She spoke up.

Dae-Su and the others shoved the zombies back before rushing up as they got into position at the moment and blocking the zombies.

"It's locked!" On-Jo spoke up. "Dae-Su move back a bit." She added as she walked over and helped push the zombies back before grabbing the water hose and rushing back. Using the tip to hit the lock until it opened.

Shoving the door and windows back with the zombies as they all rushed in and shut the door. Glad that they had made it somewhere safe but two things were off. Not including that the windows to the room where broken. A third thing being on the way.

Ga-Eul quietly walked to the windows as he helped get Joon-Yeong out of the zombies hold as he fought back when something grabbed him. Hitting the zombie off him and helped block the windows before moving the the corner of the room.

Hyun-Jae glanced around the room counting them before glancing around again.

"Where's Su-Hyeok?" On-Jo spoke up.

Hyun-Jae was glad she wasn't the only one who noticed but the panic began to sink at the idea of him having to be out there ot being eaten by the zombies. "I need.. i need to go look for him." She spoke up.

Cheong-San walked over before holding her shoulders. "You can't leave and go out there. You'll be killed."

"What if he needs help?"

"We wait."

"Waiting is going to get him bit. I need to see him." She spoke up.

"Calm down. Su-Hyeok knows how to fend for himself and he's quick. He's probably hiding out there." He spoke as he tried to reassure her before hugging her as he rubbed her back to calm her down.

Hyun-Jae stayed in the hug before hugging back as she sniffed and didn't want to lose Su-Hyeok after how far they had all made it. Holding onto Cheong-San as she let out her feelings about the whole situation while he let her.

Moving her to a seat and having her rest and let it all out on his shoulder. He didn't mind and soon let her lean her head down on the table after she doze off and got up to check on the others and how well the door was handling the zombies outside.

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