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704 25 1

Gwi-Nam had reached the auditorium. Noticing all the zombies that had gathered there. Finding a familiar face amongst them. Letting out a small chuckle of amusement from seeing the zombified Joon-Yeong. Kicking him to the ground.

Walking past the zombies as he noticed the open doors. Walking out as he took a small whiff of the air. Trying to make sure he got their scent. Having only one in mind and it being Cheong-San's.

The scent of the group leading him up to the tennis courts. Catching sight of the more zombies. Scoffing a bit as he walked around the court. Breathing in the air.

Catching the scent of them being nearby. Following the scent as he smirked. Knowing that he was just about to get his revenge on Cheong-San.


Nam-Ra listened to the group as she stayed away and quiet. She could feel the hunger. Wanting to bite into Su-Hyeok since he was close to her. His scent and Hyun-Jae's scent wanting her to lose control. Not wanting to lose control of herself as she bit down into her own wrist.

Ga-Eul noticed before placing a hand over hers. "Bite me next time that you feel hungry." He whispered to her at the moment. Comforting her in any way he could. Knowing it wouldn't do much after all.

Ha-Ri returned to the others with Mi-Jin. "There's no way out from that side." She spoke. Glancing at them as they reached the group. Focusing on trying to find another way out. "I think we might have to wait until it rains again." She added.

Nam-Ra calmed herself down from the moment. Glancing at Ga-Eul before glancing at the others. Both of them flinching a bit at the sounds they heard above them. Focusing their hearing.

Ga-Eul glanced at her before glancing at the others and getting up. "We have to go." He spoke up. Catching the attention of the others.

"What? Why?" Su-Hyeok asked.

"They are planning to bomb the school and the zombies." Nam-Ra answered his question. "We have to go somewhere else or the blast will kill us all."

The military had decided to bomb three main spots of Hyosan in order to bring in the thousands of zombies together into the designated spots. Blaring a produced 24 khz sound. A sound that the zombies took interest in while they noticed that a hambie like Eun-Ji would drop in pain and cover her ears.

Cheong-San listened as he gave a small nod. He trusted the two of them. "Alright. We need to make a run for it now that we know that."

Hyun-Jae listened as she didn't feel up for running anymore. Not saying it out loud of course. She knew if she said something it would make them not agree. They had all promised to make it out after all. She was just tired and running out of energy.

Getting herself up at the moment as she listened to them. She wanted to get things over with and just be able to find some comfort and rest. Even if they had to keep running.

Cheong-San got ready to make a plan for them to use for their escape. While he was facing the group he didn't notice that Gwi-Nam had found them. His head peaking at them from the window with an evil smirk on his face.

Gwi-Nam wanted revenge. He wanted it very bad and didn't care about who he had to hurt in the process. He probably would've in the past. Almost feeling sorry for the guy that he and his friends used to make fun of. Now he only felt hunger and power. Feeling superior to those before him.

Cheong-San noticed the male as he turned to face him immediately. They didn't have time to deal with him. Especially when they would be getting bombed in a few minutes. Unable to take cover Cheong-San wanted to end things between him and Gwi-Nam.

Throwing the first hit as he knew it wouldn't do much to someone like him anymore though. Doing his best but he was losing an already won fight. Gwi-Nam only had an advantage that he didn't have.

Su-Hyeok got up and interfering between the two of them. Throwing his own hits at the hambie. Not backing down. Even when his hand hurt and when he knew that the moment he stopped everyone would be in dangers way.

Hyun-Jae listened before she gasped as she noticed Gwi-Nam shove him back. Her hand immediately moving closer to Su-Hyeok. Seeing him holding on to the edge so he wouldn't fall. "Give your hand!" She spoke up.

Su-Hyeok listened as he tried to before his hand held onto the edge again. Closing his eyes tightly for a second before he could try again and failing once more.

Cheong-San wanted to help his friend but couldn't. Focusing on Gwi-Nam and his attacks. He threw a few hits in but his arm was soon grabbed and twisted. Feeling like Gwi-Nam was about to throw him of the edge and trying to hold on. A small cry leaving his lips before screaming when his arm was bitten into.

Hyun-Jae watched him as she gasped. It all happened so quickly and in an instant another one of the group members had been bitten. Standing up to the best of her abilities as she tried to walk over. "Cheong-San!" She spoke up.

Gwi-Nam let go of the male. Spitting out the skin he had bitten of. The fresh blood staining his lips and his chin as he walked closer to her after dropping Cheong-San aside. "You're quite bold to even attempt to defy me." He spoke.

For the third time during the whole outbreak. She felt fear from seeing Gwi-Nam. Especially knowing what he was now. Standing still as she stopped moving closer. "Why?" Her question slipping her lips quietly. Eyes growing teary and her cheeks being stained by the few tears that slipped her eyes.

"Why?" Gwi-Nam repeated with a mocking tone. "Because I planned my revenge the moment I came back to life. I am your new god." He smirked. "You all are nothing but food to me. More victims to me." He added.

Hyun-Jae listened as she shook lightly. Shaking her head. "You are not a god. You're a monster. That's all you ever will be." She spoke with slight venom in her voice. Feeling his hand grab her jaw.

Her hands staying behind her as she watched him. His mocking expressions only there to taunt her. Bringing her hands forwards before stabbing an arrow throw him catching him off guard. In that time, Cheong-San managed to throw him off the edge. Watching him fall before glancing away from the others.

𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 ➤ 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐮-𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐤Where stories live. Discover now