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The next morning soon came around as the girls were still asleep on the chairs and using the table while Dae-Su, Woo-Jin, and Joon-Yeong were all laying on the floor huddled together.

Su-Hyeok was asleep with his girlfriend in his arms. Holding her close to him and sleeping on the floor. It wasn't ideal but it was the best they could do with what they had.

Once the sun rose a bit more and filled into the classroom as the students began to wake up after a while. Hyun-Jae was the last person to wake up as she had never been much of an early person.

Glancing around the room as she stayed with Su-Hyeok. Sitting up and leaning back with her boyfriend. "Morning Su-Hyeok." She spoke lightly.

"Morning. How did you sleep?" He asked. A bit of a teasing tone in his voice.

"I slept fine. Should I be thanking you?" She teased back before getting up at the moment as she stretched.

"When did you change clothes?" Hyo-Ryung spoke up quietly after rubbing her eyes.

"Oh um it got cold at night for me. I used the extra pair I bought from home." She lied as she smiled to make her lie believable.

"Who packs a second clothes?" Ji-Min asked.

"Me. I packed it for after school. I was going to go to a part time job interview. I didn't want to be in my school uniform." She spoke. She was wearing a long sleeved white shirt and black sweatpants.

Her green school sweater wrapped around her waist and her purple cardigan in Su-Hyeok's hand after being used like a pillow by him. She hadn't really minded that he used it as a pillow.

"I see." Hyo-Ryung spoke quietly.

Hyun-Jae gave a small nod since that was something they couldn't even do. Digging through her bag as she found her phone and sighed in relief. Turning it on as she had no missed calls.

"You still have you're phone?" Cheong-San asked.

"Yeah but it's on it's last battery. It won't last us long." She spoke. "And yesterday was the only day I didn't bring my charger."

"I can go look for a charger or a phone that has enough battery." Cheong-San spoke.

"No. It's too risky. How would you even go get one with those zombies out there?" On-Jo asked. Refusing the idea completely.

"She's right Cheong-San. It's dangerous." Hyun-Jae spoke. "I can try to call my mom. She works in the police department." She added.

Moving away a bit as she called her mother's number. Hoping to get an answer but nothing. Ending the call as she signed. Looking at the new message she had from her dad and her mother.

DAD★ - "Hyun-Jae.. I hope you and your brother are still out there and this message reaches you. I am okay. I am hiding in a room. Tell your brother that things will be okay. I love you. Stay safe."

Hyun-Jae read the message as she was reliefed to know that her father was still alive and out there in the school somewhere. She knew she would have to find him.

Moving onto the next message as she took a moment to compose herself at the moment. Seeing Gyeong-Su's name from their last messages togther. Her last messages with I-Sak. Seeing the class groupchat. Clicking on her mother's message quickly to avoid her emotions.

MOM♥︎ - "Hyun-Jae. I am going to find you and your brother. Your dad too. I'm on my way. Just stay alive until then. Wait for me there. Whatever happens I love you and we managed to find some information on why-."

While reading her mother's possible last message to her, her phone shut off while she was reading as she tried to turn it on.

"No no no. Come on. Not now." She spoke under her breathe as she set it down. "I don't have anymore battery. It died. It's useless at this point." She spoke as she buried it into her bag.

She wasn't going to lose her phone. The phone that held pictures of her and her friends. Of the people she had already lost to those flesh eating monsters. She needed to know her mother's message.

"I'll go to get a new phone. We'll need it to call for help." Cheong-San spoke up as he placed his hand on Hyun-Jae's shoulder. "And I'll find you a charger for yours if i can."

"I'll go with him. It's better than him going alone and there's a better chance of fighting them off." Su-Hyeok spoke up as he walked over to Cheong-San and his girlfriend.

Hyun-Jae was hesitant to agree. "No. It's dangerous out there and you two might get swarmed if you go out there. Just stay here and we can figure something out." She spoke.

"We'll be fine." Su-Hyeok reassured her. "Come on Cheong-San." He spoke.

Cheong-San was out the window in a heartbeat as he wanted to get them the help they needed. To finally he able to go home and see his parents again.

Su-Hyeok went to climb out after him before feeling a tug on the back.

"Be careful out there. I'm serious. Don't do anything stupid. Come back. Both of you." Hyun-Jae spoke.

"I know you're worried but we will get the phone and come back. Don't you worry any more. Okay?"

Once he got a nod from her, he too was out the window, following after Cheong-San as he was careful with his footing and where he was holding on.

Hyun-Jae felt her brother as she leaned her head on his shoulder in worry and a bit anxious to see them return in one piece.

"They'll be fine." Ga-Eul spoke up.

"I know they might be but you can't really blame me for trying to make sure they aren't doing anything stupid that might take their lives." She mumbled.

Hugging her brother a bit for comfort before noticing his hand as she reached over and glanced at the bandage. "Your hand." She spoke in a hushed whisper. "What happened?" She asked.

"What? I had a fight before yesterday and had to bandage it up." Ga-Eul lied.

"Quit lying to me."

"You lied about why you changed."

"T-that.. you know?!" She whisper-yelled

"I have been knowing. Why didn't you tell me that?"

"B-because.. we weren't a thing right away and I knew you and him were close friends.. I didn't want you to be mad or anything."

"I'm not mad." He spoke.

"Then will you tell me now?" She asked. "You were.. were you?"

"I wasn't. Don't worry." He spoke as he smiled. Lying but he made that this time he wouldn't give anything away. He was going to keep that secret from her and keep her safe like he promised his father he would do.

𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 ➤ 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐮-𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐤Where stories live. Discover now