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Hyun-Jae felt On-Jo grab her arm as she glanced at her. "What's wrong?" She asked as she was confused at the moment.

On-Jo was silenced by fear and pointed behind them at the shadow behind him. Getting up and helping her up.

The teen was confused about what was going with On-Jo before glancing behind her. Noticing the head of the familiar hambie they had barely escaped earlier that day. Feeling his breathe being stuck at her throat as she noticed who it was again.

Gwi-Nam smiled when he spotted the two closest to him at the moment as he lifted himself up over the wall a bit more. Grabbing On-Jo by the face and holding it a tight. His mouth covered in jaw since he had just finished biting into one of the students they hadn't noticed in the choir room, Lee Na-Yeon.

Hyun-Jae tried to grab his wrist and hand away from On-Jo when she heard the female whimper and had tears down her cheeks.

The male glared in her direction as he wrapped his other hand around her neck. Knowing what he was doing as he held a slight tight hold on her.

A gasp left her mouth as she gripped his wrist. Closing her eyes as she tried to get a breathe in.

Su-Hyeok and the others grew alarmed right away as he was the first to get up. Trying to stay rational when he saw his girlfriend in that mess as he couldn't and rushed over right away.

Cheong-San rushing over to try and help On-Jo and Hyun-Jae as he noticed Gwi-Nam grabbing them. Knowing how strong he was and what he was now made him harder to beat.

"Gwi-Nam.. you don't have to do this." Cheong-San spoke.

"I don't but you took my eye and left me to die. I will be more than happy to ruin your life and take whoever is close to you out. Who shall we start with?" He asked. "This one or this one?" He glanced between the two of them.

"Let them go." Su-Hyeok spoke.

"You can't tell me what to do, remember? I'm not the old me that used to follow orders from you or anyone else. I am a god amongst you weak little pesks." He muttered. Tightening his grip on two a bit.

Nam-Ra listened as she kept her back to the situation at the moment. Watching the fire as she felt her eye changing once again like before. Staying very still before getting up.

Jong-Soo walked over as he tried to intervene the situation before standing back when the male had tightened his hold on them. Raising his hands up a bit. "Gwi-Nam. You need to let them go. They haven't done anything."

"Shut it old man. You're lucky I already ate before coming here. That's the only thing stopping me from just eating any of you right now." Gwi-Nam spoke up.

Noticing that Cheong-San and Su-Hyeok had gone behind him. Turning to face the two and keeping his back to the others. You two two are really desperate." He mocked before releasing them when he felt something hit him in the back hard.

Nam-Ra had grabbed one of the wood pieces that had was used for the fire to hit him in the back with it as she watched him turn to her.

"You.. you and me are alike. You can join me instead of them. Come on take a sniff. Smell me. I don't smell like these guys do. You know it." Gwi-Nam spoke.

Nam-Ra listened as she shoved him away from her. Not wanting to hear anything from him. She didn't care if he was the same as her at all. After all she had been planning on distracting him all along.

"Careful who you try trusting." Ga-Eul spoke from behind him. "You don't know who they'll be more loyal to." He added before kicking him on the back as he sent him to the ground. "I have put up with you longer than it should've been." He walked over before grabbing him by the back of the neck similar to how he had on his sister. "You bullied my friends and you threatened my family."

Gwi-Nam couldn't help but laugh hearing him. "You're family and you? They're going to die and it will be fun to watch. You could've joined me. I would've let you join me." He chuckled.

"I wouldn't want to join you even if you were the last one on earth to talk to us." Ga-Eul spoke back. "To me you are nothing and still a no one."

Gwi-Nam grew furious hearing him. Using his strength to try and regain control of the situation as he grabbed his arm tightly.

The Jin male glanced down before kneeing him in the stomach and pulling away from him. "You seem to forget that I am not normal anymore." He spoke. "It was about time you had someone put you in your place but even I hold sympathy for a guy like you."

"I don't need your pity." Gwi-Nam spoke as he gathered himself back from the hit and glared at him. "You two should be on my side."

"You bit the girl that I liked. You almost killed my family. I would never side with anyone who does. Everyone here is my family. You deal with me when you lay a hand on them. You're not the only one who can do things." He spoke.

"You were always a pain in the ass but you were strong. It was better than that freak that ordered me around." He huffed.

"Well now I have the strength of a 'hambie' as the guys put it. You might not be affected by Su-Hyeok or Cheong-San but as long as I am here then you will have nothing to do." He spoke calmly.

"I will kill you if you get in my way again." Gwi-Nam spoke as he spoke as he laughed a bit.

"You can try." Ga-Eul spoke as he walked around him. "Because I will not go down by your hand without a fight." He added.

Su-Hyeok watched the two handle the male before keeping his girlfriend close as he glanced down at her. "Are you okay?" He asked as he reached his hand up to her cheek.

Hyun-Jae quietly listened as she was shaken up before glancing at her boyfriend. "Su-Hyeok.." She spoke as she hugged him. Staying in his hold as he felt his hand in her hair and placing her head on his shoulder. Calming down in his hold as she closed her eyes.

Su-Hyeok held her close and rubbed her back with his free hand. Gently before glancing beside him as he checked on Cheong-San comforting On-Jo besides them and was simply glad that neither seemed to have been injured badly or being bitten by him.

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