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The classroom was filled with silence after a while. Most of the students taking a break from having just ran for their lives and the sounds of the zombies outside weren't any better since they were still trying to find a way back inside the room.

Cheong-San returned to sitting besides his friend at the moment and rubbing Hyun-Jae's back lightly. Letting her rest before watching as I-Sak joined their table and sat across from them.

"Cheong-San." She quietly asked.

"Hm?" Cheong-San asked curiously.

"You and Su-Hyeok are close, right?" She asked.

"I guess. Why do you ask?" He asked curiously at the moment.

"Well.. do you know how he feels about On-Jo?" She asked.

"About On-Jo? Not really.." He spoke.

"Is he dating anyone?" I-Sak asked quietly. Trying to help her best friend get with her crush as she didn't know that he was already taken by the same girl across from her.

"Hey.." Hyun-Jae spoke as she raised her head a bit. Having woken up a while ago but keeping her eyes closed. Glancing at I-Sak. "Su-Hyeok is taken. He's my boyfriend and he's off limits." She stated.

I-Sak was shocked as she was speechless for a moment before clearing her throat. "S-sorry. I didn't know you two were a thing. Since when?" She asked.

"It's fine but we started today. So much for a date planned but we're very happy together." Hyun-Jae spoke as she placed a strand behind her ear. Digging through her pocket before holding his name tag as she put her faith that he would be fine.

Cheong-San listened before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Come on. Rest up so that when we find him he won't have to worry about whether you're tired or not." He spoke.

Hyun-Jae nodded before laying her head back down and calming down as she knew On-Jo had been waiting for an answer and that Su-Hyeok had been planning on returning her name tag back to her but with everything that suddenly happened it hadn't been something achievable.

I-Sak watched before excusing herself as she got up and walked over to her best friend. "On-Jo." She spoke quietly and smiled at her. "I found some information out. It seems like your crush already has someone."

"What?" On-Jo asked.

I-Sak nodded. "Su-Hyeok and Hyun-Jae are a couple. She just confirmed it. I think that's why he hasn't really given you an answer. They started today." She spoke. "Sorry.." She added.

On-Jo listened as she was jealous of the news but didn't show it as she simply nodded. "Thanks for telling me." She spoke and held her friends hand gently before glancing up at her immediate. "I-Sak.."

"Hm?" I-Sak asked as she glanced at her friend.

"Your hand..." On-Jo spoke as she held her friend's hand with both of hers. "It's cold." She mentioned before seeing the trail of blood running down her nose. Knowing what it meant as she refused to believe it was happening. "Your nose.."

I-sak lightly touched before seeing the blood on her fingers as she wiped her nose some more but a bit more came down her nose as she panicked. Getting up as she walked to the mirror. Seeing the blood and her eyes being different.

Hyo-Ryung patting Ji-Min on the arm lightly as they watched the female. "She was bit?" Hyo-Ryung asked nervously since they didn't have anywhere to run if she was turning.

"I wasn't! I wasn't bit!" I-Sak spoke up as she tried to defend herself but she glanced at them before turning to On-Jo as she shook her head.

Once Na-Yeon heard the whole commotion going on she got up and moved back. "Kick her out." She spoke up. "Get her out!" She raised her voice.

Hyun-Jae got up. "Shut up before you attract more zombied to us and we really don't have anywhere else to go." She spoke before turning to I-Sak as she didn't want to shoot a friend.

"I-Sak.." On-Jo spoke as she had sadness laced in her tone. Refusing to believe she was losing her best friend when they had escaped all that mess from earlier.

"On-Jo.. It's not.. it's not true, is it?" She asked quietly. She didn't want to die. Especially like that.

"Shoot her already!" Na-Yeon spoke up.

Hyun-Jae ignored her as she turned to her before glancing back to see I-Sak had already turned.

The turned I-Sak mainly glancing at On-Jo before charging at her. Growling and hissing. Ready to take a bite out of them.

Hyun-Jae got an arrow as she aimed before being shoved to the ground by On-Jo.

On-Jo didn't want to see her shoot I-Sak or wanted anything to happen to I-Sak as she teared up.

Cheong-San took charge as he ran before shoving I-Sak out of the window and moving away from the broken glass

On-Jo immediately ran over and holding I-Sak by the wrist and hand. Trying to pull her back up or keep her from falling. Remembering the good times they had before zombies had been a thing as she let out a few tears.

Cheong-San rushed to her as he tried to get her to let go at the moment. Not wanting to risk her life after everything. Making her try to let go before Na-Yeon passed him a stool to which he grabbed and used to hit I-Sak on the hands so she could let go of the ledge and have her fall to the floor.

Successful with the last few hits as the two watched her fall before he pulled her back inside to the others. He felt sorry that things took that turn but he knew survival of the rest was important. They had to keep going.

Gyeong-Su and Ga-Eul having helped Hyun-Jae up as she had a small cut from the arrow grazing her cheek.

Ga-Eul holding his breathe as he cleaned the wound and acted like normal around them but he knew that if it had been him he would have been bitten. He would've turned by now. Relaxing and moving away once he finished up on her wound. His left hand being wrapped as it wasn't too suspicious since he mostly got into fights and it could've been there before the apocalypse.

"You okay?" Cheong-San asked.

"No. That hurt. She didn't have to shove me that hard."

"You were going to shoot I-Sak."

"I wasn't. That wasn't I-Sak anymore and we both know it. I wouldn't have shot her while she was still conscious. You could have gotten us all killed if you had let her stay in here. I hate this just as much as you do but next time that happens-."

"Hyun-Jae." Ga-Eul spoke up. "Relax. I'm sure she's sorry enough as it is. We lost a good friend and classmate to them but we can't keep fighting one another. Let's all just think of a way to leave this room before they find a way to come into the room." He added. "Everyone agree?" He asked.

The room was silent before he got a few nods in return at the idea of planning their escape at the moment and a few sitting back down to think of something that could get them to safety.

𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 ➤ 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐮-𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐤Where stories live. Discover now