ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ xᴠɪɪ

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Questioning her brother once more about the hand thing quietly as she still got no straight answer from him at all. "Come on. I came clean about things. You should too."

"I will.. soon. When the time feels right."

"Promise Ga-Eul?"

"I promise." He spoke.

"Pinky promise me now." She spoke

"You're so childish." Ga-Eul quietly spoke but doing it anyways as linked his pink with hers. "There. Happy?"

"Very. I can't lose you too." She spoke. "By the way.. dad sent a message. He's alive out there in one of the classrooms. He didn't say which room but he's safe." She spoke in relief.

"Really? What room?" Ga-Eul asked.

"Not sure. He didn't say which room he was in."

"Okay. We'll have to figure something out then. Make sure that he gets a message and where he should go." Ga-Eul stated.

Hyun-Jae nodded before glancing at the window as she watched Su-Hyeok come back inside. "Where's Cheong-San?" She asked.

Su-Hyeok listened before rubbing the back of his neck. "We got separated."

"What? What do you mean?" Woo-Jin spoke up at the moment.

"The zombies left the room for a moment but when we were close to the phone something else happened and then the zombies came back. We had to split up and he ran out the room." Su-Hyeok spoke.

"Something?" Ga-Eul asked. "What exactly happened?"

"There was a girl in there. Smashing the phones. When she spotted Cheong-San trying to get one and she went completely out of her mind. She began to yell she was going to kill us. I don't know why but then the zombies were coming so we had to run after I shoved her back and away from us." He spoke.

Hyun-Jae quietly listened as she grew worried. "What do we do now?" She asked. "He could be out there." She added.

On-Jo was just as worried as she sighed and played with her sleeve. Unsure of what else they could do and with one of them missing she couldn't handle the thought of losing someone else. Thinking of something possible they could do.

Joon-Yeong stayed quiet as he listened before speaking. "I think there's drones in the lab of the science room."

"Can we use them?" On-Jo asked.

"Well.. they're unfinished. You'd have to build it to be able to use it." Joon-Yeong spoke.

"I'll go get it." On-Jo volunteered.

"How?" Joon-Yeong asked.

"Well.. I can climb back up and into the lab room from here with the hose." She spoke.

"Do you know which pieces you need to get?" He asked again.

"Ah.. um.. no." She shook her head.

"Well then I guess there's no choice but for me to go with you." Joon-Yeong spoke.

Dae-Su wanting to go too but being told by Woo-Jin that he would break the hose on the way up. Getting rid of the idea of him going.

"I'll go too." Hyun-Jae spoke. "I want to help and maybe there's a charger in there." She spoke at the moment.

"Not a chance." Su-Hyeok spoke up as he refused that idea."


"I trust you but you going with them could be dangerous."

"Everything is going to be fine. I want to help at least doing something useful. Three pairs of hands could be more useful than you think."

"I'm still worried about you going."

Hyun-Jae leaned up as she pecked his cheek. "I'll be back." She spoke. "I promise."

Su-Hyeok listened to her speak at the moment as he knew she was speaking the truth. Nodding as he gave into her idea.

Hyun-Jae thanked him before following after On-Jo and Joon-Yeong who had already gone ahead. Following after them and making it into the lab.

Quietly glancing around as Joon-Yeong knew where to go and what to grab as On-Jo helped him pack the drone and the pieces they needed.

Hyun-Jae glanced around as she found a charger before glancing around. "Isn't there something else we can take? Maybe theres medicine or food around." She spoke.

"I wouldn't trust anything that he had in here." Joon-Yeong spoke. "You saw the way Hyeon-Ju was when she walked into class and how she said he tried to kill her. He could've easily done something to the food we find here."

"I agree." On-Jo spoke.

"Maybe.. but.. why would he tamper with his own food?" Hyun-Jae asked as she looked through the drawers.

"Who knows? He was crazy enough to hurt Hyeon-Ju." Joon-Yeong spoke as he finished getting the drone.

"That is true but what if.. we find something he did to counter the bite? If he did something to start this whole thing there's always a cure in the movies."

"You're right. If we find a cure and we get out of here we'll be able to give it to them to make it for people to use." Joon-Yeong spoke.

"I don't think he made a cure." On-Jo spoke up.

"Why's that?" Joon-Yeong turned to her.

"If he had then Hyeon-Ju would have been healed and none of this would've happened." She explained.

"That's true.." Hyun-Jae spoke as she rubbed the back of her neck. "But he had to have time to write the progress of the time he had her here. Write what he finds and start a process for something to stop the spread."

"Maybe we're getting our hopes up to high." Joon-Yeong spoke. "We all want this to be over and go home." He added. "We should head back we have the stuff we need."

"Right. Let's go back." On-Jo spoke as she held what they needed.

One by one the three of them climbed back down towards the broadcasting room as they were helped back inside.

Joon-Yeong heading to the table as he sat down and got to work on remaking the drone and working on it to make sure they could use it for a bit. Seeing as it didn't have much battery.

Su-Hyeok hugged his girlfriend close as he was happy to see that nothing had happened. "I'm glad you made back in one piece." He mumbled.

Hyun-Jae closed her eyes as she enjoyed his warmth. "I told you I would come back. I promised." She lightly spoke. "Were you doubting me?"

"I was doubting everything else but you. The zombies are fast and you didn't have your bow or a weapon on you to defend yourself. I wouldn't have been there for you."

Hyun-Jae pulled back a bit as he leaned his forehead onto hers. "Su-Hyeok.. you worry to much."

"Then don't make me worry. I worry something will happen when I'm not here." He spoke.

"We're in this together. Okay?" Hyun-Jae spoke. "So you shouldn't be making me worried and running off like earlier. If neither of you had returned I wouldn't be sitting here waiting."

"Well I would've wanted you to stay here."

"I don't care. I would go out looking for you both. Even if you were both turned."

"That's dangerous."

"I know.. but you mean a lot to me so stop being so reckless."

Su-Hyeok gave a small smile as he leaned closer. Placing a small peck on her nose. "Fine." He spoke. "I won't be anymore."

Hyun-Jae was flustered by his move as she gave a small nod. "Good. I'm glad you understand that now." She mumbled.

Su-Hyeok chuckled as he enjoyed making her all flustered and shy. Hugging her closer to him as he pressed his cheek to her cheek and was comfortable with the feeling complete with her by his side.

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