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The sound of her brother filled her with a bit of shock and relief. "Woo-Jin?" Ha-Ri asked as she walked over quickly before pulling her brother into a hug in their small reunion.

"You're okay." Ha-Ri spoke up.

Woo-Jin nodded as he was more than happy to see her again. Thankful that they could see one another again. "I'm fine." He mumbled before he pulled away. Cutting the reunion short. "We need to get going." He spoke.

Hyun-Jae listened as she nodded. "The others are.. are up ahead. We'll be left behind." She spoke as she glanced at them. Turning away as she limped back up the hill.

Woo-Jin walked over as he placed an arm over his shoulder to help her. Hyo-Ryung taking the other side to help him.

"Thanks." Hyun-Jae spoke as she was a bit faster with their help.

"You stayed back to help me. It's the least that I can do." Hyo-Ryung replied to her as gave a small smile.

Ha-Ri made sure to follow after the three of them at the moment. Making sure her group kept up. Especially since they had to wheel Jun-Seong along after he had been injured and couldn't walk.

Nam-Ra rushed into the first place that she could with the group. Realizing they were all there before letting out a small breath. "Zombies." She spoke up.

"What?" Ha-Ri asked as she listened. Her question being answered when lighting struck down and filled the auditorium like room. Showing the zombies in the room as she panicked.

The group couldn't leave now that they were noticed. Running to the closest door leading to the storage room as Mi-Jin tried to help roll Jun-Seong into the storage room.

"Mi-Jin. Go." Jun-Seong spoke up as he was crying a bit. "Go." He continued.

"I'm not going to leave you." Mi-Jin spoke as she tried again before watching him roll himself off the stretched they had for him.

Jun-Seong had made the choice and his choice had been to sacrifice himself to save them time. "Go!" He yelled. He had known he wouldn't have made it far and he was scared in that moment but he felt Mi-Jin had been a good friend to him during that whole time they had spent together.

Ha-Ri and Su-Hyeok pulled the female into the room as they shut the door behind them once she was in. Feeling bad to have lost someone again. Sitting in silence.

Hyun-Jae was lowered lightly in the corner as she winced a bit. Shifting a bit before glancing at her leg. She knew it had probably opened again from the kick she had done. The pain was unbearable but she knew she had to endure it. Holding her father's hand a bit.

Su-Hyeok glanced around the room. Seeing Ji-Min was missing as he walked past the others to go sit next to Hyun-Jae. Reaching over and holding her hand a bit. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I think so." Hyun-Jae spoke. Keeping her head leaned back before glancing his way. "It just hurts and I'm tired." She mumbled.

"I know." Su-Hyeok spoke. Glancing at her. "Just rest. I will be here the whole time. Close your eyes." He quietly spoke. Placing a small peck on her forehead.

Jong-Soo was happy to see that his daughter had managed to find someone like him. Someone kind and compassionate. It was all he wanted for his daughter. His head turning to his son to see how he was caring towards Nam-Ra and liked seeing that his wife and himself had done a good job raising the two.

He hoped that there could be a way to see his wife again after the whole mess that happened. At least to have one last interaction. He was willing to give up his life for his kids if it came to that.

Su-Hyeok lightly placed an arm around Hyun-Jae's neck. Letting her rest her head on his shoulder. Quietly rubbing her arm as he knew how tired they must all be. They had had barely survived another day. Having lost two more along the way.

His head resting above her head as he closed his eyes. Listening to the storm outside before closing his eyes. The tiredness in his body settling in as he managed to doze off in a short amount of time.

It was hard to find the peace of getting sleep but with being exhausted it was easier. Being fast asleep in no time. It wasn't like they had anywhere else to go. They would need all the rest they could get if they wanted to escape in the morning. Being trapped in the storage room wasn't ideal.

Cheong-San was reluctant to fall asleep after seeing his mother. Battling to stay awake only to lose. His eyes growing heavy as he gave into sleep as he stayed with On-Jo. His head leaning back. Wishing that he'd wake up and things would go back to being normal again. Just like a few days ago.


The next morning soon came as the small window in the room allowed for some light to shine down on the remaining survivors. Waking a few of them up.

Hyun-Jae quietly woke up. Stretching a bit as she wished to wake in her bed again. Glancing around as she noticed the others already waking up as well. Her gaze lowering to her leg as she noticed the dry blood. Hoping the wound had some rest. Not wanting to slow the group down after they had traveled so far to make an escape.

The silence in the room was loud. Having the previous night being the last night to have seen some of their friends. Letting it sink in that it was up to them. They had to save themselves and had to grow up faster than they had expected. They couldn't trust the people who were meant to save them.

Hell had unleashed and hell was unpredictable. Even if they wanted to live. They had no clue of which one of them would be next in line to be bit or who would make it out.

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