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That hit was her breaking point. Hyun-Jae had snapped at the news that her best friend hadn't turned because he was bit or not careful. He had been turned because of the actions of someone who was selfish enough to cross a line to get rid of someone and prove a point about being right.

Na-Yeon held her cheek as she felt herself hit the floor. Her eyes watering as she got back up. "I was right and you people still want to defend him even when he's not here?!" She spoke up.

"Right? Right?! You were right! You killed him! You turned him because you couldn't handle accepting the fact that you were wrong and he needed to be apologized to! He saved your life and you cared only about you! You killed him!" Hyun-Jae spoke up as she was held in place by her brother.

Na-Yeon listened as she scoffed. "You want me to leave?! Fine! I'll go!" Walking to the door as she knew it had been her fault. Removing what was blocking the door from being opened. Releasing a few tears as she left the room and walked down the empty hall.

The zombies around the other classrooms and floors taking a whiff of the air before hissing and growling as they left their spots and ran towards her direction.

Ms. Park stopped Woo-Jin from following after Na-Yeon as she knew it was dangerous outside. "No matter what happens, don't die." She spoke. "And don't let anyone else die." She continued. "If you cause someone else to die.. life becomes meaningless. Okay?" She glanced around the room.

Hyun-Jae listened as she hated it all. Wanting things to be normal again. "Please don't go." She spoke up.

"Take care of each other." Ms. Park spoke before smiling as she soon rushed out of the room after Na-Yeon.

"Ms. Park!" Dae-Su spoke up as he was held back from going to her.

The door closing behind her as she ran after Na-Yeon. Managing to catch up to her and grabbing her arm in time to pull her back and away from the zombies after them.

Rushing back before pulling her to the staircase and heading upstairs with Na-Yeon to find a spot where they could go to hide in.

Ms. Park ran down the hall as she pulled Na-Yeon with her at the moment and hurried until Na-Yeon tripped behind her.

The zombie after them rushing over to her as Ms. Park shoved him away. Scrambling to get away from him as well but being bit in the shoulder as she yelled a bit. Managing to kick him off her after a while before getting up and rushing to Na-Yeon.

Grabbing her by the arm and getting her up as she ushered her into the first room she saw that was empty before closing the door as she didn't go in. Knowing she was infected and turning already.

Keeping the doors closed as she gasped a bit. Seeing the zombies around her before glancing through the glass of the door.

"M-ms. Park. They're all Gyeong-Su.." She spoke as she was sobbing at the situation. Watching the zombies around Ms. Park as they reminded her of what she had done.

"Na-Yeon.." Ms. Park spoke up with the little time she had left. "You were scared. So were the others. That's all. So make sure that you go back to them later. Go to them and tell them.. and tell Gyeong-Su.. that you're sorry. You have to stay alive.. stay alive and help your friends. Do anything you can to help them." She spoke as she felt her changes from the bite. Moving away from the door after a while and moving down the hall. Leaving Na-Yeon behind in the room to stay safe from the zombies.


Some time had passed as the others in the broadcasting room sat in the silence before Dae-Su spoke up.

"Do you guys hear that?" Dae-Su asked.

"Hear what?" Woo-Jin asked confused.

"The silence. If they had been bit there would be screaming outside." Dae-Su explained.

"He's right. There's nothing. Maybe they made it somewhere safe." Joon-Yeong chimed in.

"Does it matter?" Ji-Min spoke up. "No one told her to leave. She left on her own and Ms. Park chose to follow after her. She's a killer. She killed Gyeong-Su."

"Don't be like that." Hyo-Ryung spoke quietly before sitting in silence once more.

Hyun-Jae was quiet as she had calmed down with time but missed having Ms. Park and Gyeong-Su around. It wasnt the same as it used to be. They used to be a big group and they had continued to lose people.

Glancing up at her boyfriend as he seemed to be busy with a problem on his own. "Are you okay?" She asked lightly.

"Hm? Oh um.. I don't know if I should bring this up at a time like this or not." He spoke up.

"Then don't say it." Woo-Jin spoke as he hit the male in the stomach.

Su-Hyeok pressed his lips together when he got hit. Closing his eyes tightly and moving his head back a bit.

"Woo-Jin. Take it easy." Hyun-Jae spoke up lightly.

Su-Hyeok was embarrassed before bringing up the topic. "Does anyone else need to use the bathroom?" He asked.

The room was silent as they glanced around the room. Realizing they didn't have time to sit and realize they needed to go to the bathroom after hours of running and hiding.

"We can't really go out there to use the bathroom." Hyo-Ryung spoke.

"What about the window? We can use that and it just goes down." Dae-Su spoke as he explained his idea to them.

"I have a better idea." On-Jo spoke up as she had learned a few things from her father. Seperating the group as she had some of the guys move lockers into the announcement room to separate the bathroom before having Cheong-San and Joon-Yeong find things that absorbed things in a basket.

Hyun-Jae and Nam-Ra along with Ji-Min and Hyo-Ryung taping papers and cds to the window to covet the view and give more privacy. Making a functioning bathroom for them to all use as they ended up taking turned for the meanwhile.

Joon-Yeong waiting for the smell of Dae-Su going before him to pass before holding his breathe and heading back into the bathroom to use it.

Hyun-Jae sat near the window as she leaned her chin on the edge a bit. Glancing out into the night. Watching the field of zombies that were once students as Su-Hyeok joined her.

Sitting down besides her on the floor. "Are you doing better?" He asked quietly.

"A bit better. Nothing like before but I'm getting used to it." She spoke as she glanced at him. Holding his hand. "You? Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm okay." Su-Hyeok reassured her at the moment as he smiled and didn't want her to worry. Gently getting up as he picked her up. Sitting on the chair before placing her on his lap. "Get some rest. I'll be right here if you need me."

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