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Hyun-Jae quietly rubbed her cheek after the room had gone back into silence as she still felt the leftover sting from the graze from her arrow. Thankful it had been a clean one or she wouldn't have long to turn like I-Sak had. Being under the weather especially after hearing the speach made from Ms. Park.

Hyo-Ryung and Ji-Min sitting with On-Jo at the moment as Hyo-Ryung was rubbing her arm and trying to comfort the poor girl who had to watch her friend turn and be thrown out the window. She knew she wouldn't have enjoyed that sight either. She'd be devastated.

Cheong-San glanced around the room before getting an idea. "Gyeong-Su. Open the door a bit." He spoke.

"W-what? You want me to open the door? Are you crazy?" Gyeong-Su asked.

"Not all the way. Just enough for an arm to stick out. We can probably use the hose outside and use it to climb down to a safe room. Now open." He spoke.

"Be careful." Hyun-Jae spoke up.

Cheong-San nodded before walking to the door as Gyeong-Su opened it a little. Thankful that the zombies hadn't noticed it. Leaning on the floor as he reached his hand out quietly and very careful before retracting his hand a bit.

The zombies shuffling in front of him as they kicked the hose out of his reach. Trying one more time before pulling his arm completely back inside and having the door be closed. Glancing around the room for something he could use before heading into the lab room.

Finding the arm of one of the figures there as he felt it was good enough before pulling it out as he walked back to the door. Having Gyeong-Su open the door again as he tried to reach the arm out once more but this time with the fake arm too. Quietly stretching to reach the hose until he did and sighed in relief.

Pulling it into the room as he had the door be shut again. "I got it." He spoke as he glanced at them and motioned them over to him. "We need to make ties that can fit our feet." He spoke.

"Make it in a zig zag motion." Joon-Yeong spoke up as he glanced at them work on that.

Cheong-San nodded as he did as Joon-Yeong told. With the help of the others and making the ties in a quick zig zag motion before soon throwing it out the window once they were done.

Debating on going down first but decided against it as Cheong-San made Gyeong-Su go down first.

Gyeong-Su was scared as he was careful clumbing down. Taking a bit of a while since it was a bit shaky.

"I want to go next." Na-Yeon spoke up. Trying to climb down as Cheong-San stopped her.

"Wait. He's still climbing down. It might snap with too many people on at once." Cheong-San spoke as he made her wait just like the others. Glancing out the window before seeing that Gyeong-Su was still climbing down before moving away from the window.

Gyeong-Su climbed quietly as he was scared of what he might find before reaching the broadcasting room. Seeing Ms. Park as he became overjoyed. "Hey! Cheong-San! Ms. Park is here." He spoke up before being helped inside by Ms. Park until he was hit in the arm by her.

One by one the other's soon climbed down. Being helped into the broadcasting room by one another and making sure they all made it down carefully.

Hyun-Jae watched them all go as she fixed her bag and bow on her back before climbing up the window. "See you down there Cheong-San. Don't be late." She spoke before climbing down and making sure to be a bit quicker. Being helped inside the room by Dae-Su and Woo-Jin as she thanked them before waiting.

Cheong-San had taken a while to convince On-Jo to climb down and to live for her dad and the people that still cared about her but he soon did as he watched her climb down and back towards the doors as he knew they'd break in at any second.

On-Jo climbing down as she reached the room before being helped inside by Dae-Su and Gyeong-Su at the moment. Now waiting on Cheong-San to climb down next.

Hyun-Jae watched patiently before watching as zombies fell from above as she feared the worst. That they had been too late and Cheong-San had been taken by them.

Rushing to the window to check on her friend but Gyeong-Su and Woo-Jin holding her back since it was dangerous. Unaware that Cheong-San was fine and trying to get a zombie off his leg.

Watching the hose swing back and forth as she turned away from the window. Not wanting to see as she used Nam-Ra's shoulder to hide her face for now.

Dae-Su and Joon-Yeong peaked their heads out once it was cleared to do so before seeing Su-Hyeok and Cheong-San hanging from the hose at the moment.

"Bare-Su." Dae-Su spoke up. Happy to see their friend again.

Hyun-Jae glanced up at the mention of her boyfriend as she glanced over. Making her way over after they were helped inside the room.

Su-Hyeok glanced around before spotting her as he immediately opened his arms for her before wincing when he was hit in the shoulder. "What was that for?" He whined.

"That was for giving me the biggest scare of my life! I thought something had happened to you." She spoke up before hitting Cheong-San on the shoulder too. "And you too! You scared me half to death!" She huffed.

"Sorry.." The two spoke as they rubbed their shoulders.

"Did you have to hit hard?" Su-Hyeok asked as he pouted.

"I did. You disappeared on me with no trace or word from you." She spoke before pulling him into a hug as she hide her face into his blazer. "But I'm happy that you're okay and nothing bad happened to you." She added.

"So you did miss me." He teased.

"Of course I did." She spoke.

Su-Hyeok smiled as he was happy to hear that but soon noticed something that wasn't there before and wasn't too happy about it. Holding her chin with a gentle touch. "What happened to your cheek?" He asked seriously.

"Nothing." She spoke.

"On-Jo pushed her when she was trying to shoot I-Sak." Ga-Eul spoke up. "The arrow grazed her cheek. It's not a deep wounds. More like a scratch." He added.

Su-Hyeok listened before glancing at On-Jo and back to his girlfriend. "Are you okay? Does it hurt?" He asked.

"It doesn't hurt that much anymore." Hyun-Jae spoke as she held his hand. "I'm fine. Really." She added. Reassuring him that she wasn't injured badly or anything like that.

Su-Hyeok listened before giving into her as he nodded. "Alright then but stay close to me from now one." He spoke as he placed an arm around her and leading her to have her sit down next to him. Placing his head on her shoulder.

𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 ➤ 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐮-𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐤Where stories live. Discover now