3. Family....

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"Winter, you disappoint me."Narwhal's powerful voice boomed down upon Winter, and he let out a cry, stumbling back into Icicle, who let out a hiss of frustration.She swiped at him, catching his wing and drawing blue blood.

"You are NO son of mine,"he snarled frostily, shoving Winter back so hard, Icicle was pushed out of the way and Winter's back hit the wall of the palace.
His breath was knocked out of him, and he lay limp on the floor.

Winter looked pathetically to his mother for help, but Tundra was watching emotionlessly from the side, eyes cold and hard.
"Papa, stop..."Winter groaned out, his tiny, 2 year old feet trying to get him up.

Icicle sneered at him, Narwhal glared at him, Tundra gazed at him in bright disappointment....Winter closed his eyes tight, letting out a cry.

When he opened them again, Sunny was staring at him, eyes soft with sympathy.Winter hated sympathy.
Father told him it made people soft.Weak.Useless.

"Winter, are you okay?"Sunny repeated lightly, reaching out a talon to grab his.

Winter choked on air, whirling around and storming toward the exit.
"No.."he muttered, tears streaming down his face.He flew into Qibli's and his dorm room, throwing himself upon the ice ledge and sobbing.

His father's face popped into mind, and he sobbed harder.Icicle's next: he clawed at his head angrily.Tundra last: he drifted into a rage-filled sleep, hoping he could just dream happily, but knew it would not come.


"Winter, please listen to me!"Lynx begged, eyes lit with frustration.
She trotted beside him, holding a book.
"I think it could really help."

"I don't care, Lynx."Winter huffed. "I'm fine, and you know it.Just leave me be."
He sped up, not wanting to see the pretty IceWing anymore.

"You're not fine! Every day you come out with more and more wounds! Narwhal is abusing you, and you know it! Please, I think this will help."she held out the book.

"No one is abusing me! I told you, it's battle training."Winter snarled, taking the book and ripping it in half, wincing mentally.

"Winter-"Lynx gasped.

"Don't 'Winter' me, Lynx.I am a Prince, and I demand you to leave me alone!"Winter growled, whirling around and flying toward his palace.Behind him, Lynx let out a sob, running in the opposite direction.

He didn't want to hurt her!

Then everything went dark, and Winter opened his eyes to find himself in the ballroom of his palace.Dragons were everywhere, but his family was no where to be found.He pushed his way through the crowd until he reached his sister, Icicle. She sneered and chaffed at him, pushing him to the floor.
Everyone laughed at him, calling him a disgrace.

And Winter couldn't handle it.
He charged up his frost-breath, then blew it at Icicle with all his might.
She froze like a statue, surprised by the sudden attack.Everyone around him gasped.


"This is our royalty!?"

"How could he!?"


Icicle died before him, people shouting bad names in his ears.Winter held his head, closing his eyes so tight he saw splotches.He let out a shriek, blackness becoming red.

Then everyone disappeared.


Winter awoke to a comforting warmth enveloping him.He let out a sigh, relieved it was just a dream.His mine was still buzzing with his family, but he managed to push it a bit farther back.
He cuddled into the warmth of his blanket, but then he realized it wasn't his blanket.

It was Qibli.A living, breathing dragon.

He was cuddling with his roommate.

He jerked away, strength flooding through his body.He flapped his wings, surprising a sleeping SandWing who fell off the ledge and smacked into the ground.He gazed down, hoping he wasn't dead.

What? Why do I hope he isn't dead- he's the most annoying dragon on Pyrrhia!

"I'm alive, thanks."Qibli groaned, standing up shakily.He then let out a cry, flopping back down and wincing in pain.

"Qibli, I didn't mean to-!"Winter gasped, then stopped himself.Qibli was fine, he could tell because the Sand-bag was shaking with laughter, eyes lit with amusement.

"You should have seen your face! I didn't get to, because I was acting, but still, I bet it was priceless!"Qibli burst out, chuckling heartily.

Winter grumbled, turning his back to Qibli. "What do you want?"he snapped.

"Cuddles with you."Qibli flirted easily, sidling up to the IceWing again, and wrapping his wings around him.

"I-I need some space.Okay?"Winter mumbled, but didn't pull away.
The truth was, he did want comfort; someone to love him and care about him.

But he was scared it would make him soft.And weak.And....broken.
Qibli made him think of someone who wouldn't give up till he had broken everyone around him.And that scared Winter.

"Sure, if you really want-"Qibli went to move, taking all the warmth with him.

Winter closed his eyes, grasping Qibli's gentle talon and pulling him into himself.He wrapped his wings around himself, pushing Qibli down on the ledge beside him.He cuddled tightly into Qibli's chest and muttered, "If you ever say anything about this, I'll shred your pretty face off."

Qibli looked so smug, it nearly killed Winter.He held Winter close, letting out soft breathing. "So, do you want to talk about it?"

"Kind of, not really."Winter whispered. "But I should, so I guess I will."

"It was my family,"he explained. "They scare me, always in my mind and head.My father...he-he abused me.My mother never comforted me and... my siblings were always better than me.It hurts, Qibli.So, so much.I'm such a disappointment to the family, royalty and IceWings."He began to cry again.

Qibli's eyes clouded with sympathy, then hardened ever-so-slightly, sensing Winter didn't like it. "I get it.My family isn't the loveliest either.Well, my real family.Thorn adopted me when I was young.I got another chance, and you deserve one, too.I'm sorry you had such a terrible life."he rubbed Winter's back soothingly.

Winter tried to stay asleep, but he just couldn't.Qibli has that effect on him, he supposed.Growing more tired by the second, Winter allowed himself to drift asleep, hopeful that this time, he dreamt of flowers and ice cream instead of....that.

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