20.Quietness and a Hatchday celebration

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Woah...2000+ words? I think that's the longest yet! I just felt like writing. I'm actually really missing Sundrop. :( 

It's been quiet since Sundrop left.Too quiet.Qibli doesn't like it.He wished she could come back, but he didn't think she would.Why would she?

She has her real mother now, and she's a princess.She'll love her life.

Winter and Qibli had taken the day off of school with Sunny's permission.
She knew they were going through a hard time and needed a break.
Sunny herself was acting down, and not like her usual energetic self.

Sunny and Sundrop had a special connection.

Winter lay motionless beside Qibli on the top of Jade mountain, his eyes staring straight ahead of him.He hadn't spoken much to Qibli since last night.

This wasn't what I meant when I told him I had to love him MORE.This is so much LESS.

"Are you okay?"Qibli asked quietly.
Everything was so quiet now.

"Is anyone, really?"Winter chuckled bitterly.He then glanced sideways at Qibli, who smiled lightly. "But...you know I'm sad about Sundrop. But I also got a letter last night, after you went to sleep.Sunny came and delivered it."

"Who was it from?"Qibli spoke softly, feeling like he knew the answer.

"My parents."

"Oh.What do they want?"

"My head on their wall."

"What!?"Qibli gasped, then scowled when he saw amusement shining in Winter's eyes.But Qibli couldn't stay mad and was soon grinning.

"No.They just want me to come to the IceWing kingdom for Hailstorm's Hatchday.I don't know why, they hate me."Winter's eyes went cold.

"Maybe Hailstorm asked them to invite you? He likes you, doesn't he?"

"Maybe."Winter sighed. "But I'm not going.I can't.Sundrop's taking up too much of my mind right now."

"I'll come with you,"Qibli beamed. "It might be fun.Although royal IceWing parties must be depressing.Like, imagine a million of you in a party."

"What? I am a total party animal."
Winter frowned.

"Sure."Qibli grinned, nudging Winter's shoulder lightly with his own.

"Fine, let me ask Sunny.If she says we can go, we can."Winter sighed. "But be warned, my family is....irritable.Just don't say anything unless it's about how wonderful they are.And don't seem threatening, or someone miiight just snap your neck."

"They sound lovely."

"Not really."Winter rolled his eyes.
"You wait here, I'll be back."

As he left, Qibli was deep in thought.
He really wanted Winter's family to like him.Had he told them he had a boyfriend?

Probably not. He's Winter.

They definitely don't support him.

But they might.

Either way, this will keep me busy for a little while.

Winter was extremely nervous. As the two of them fly toward the Ice kingdom, it felt like bugs were crawling around in his stomach.How would they react to a SandWing in their palace?
And Winter prayed they wouldn't catch on to what was really going on between Qibli and Winter.

My family is idiotic, so I'm assuming they won't notice.

A/N: I didn't really know what to do about the ice wall thing, so in this au, it was...deleted. Like, someone tore it down. Somehow. Idrk. Don't question it.

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