30.S for seven and s for Sundrop

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Sundrop lay in her hammock, staring up at the roof of the hut.She could hear Kiara snoring softly in the hammock next to her, and see the lump of Flecks bed above her.Twiggy's and Peace's were a little ways away, but still close.

Dew was sitting in the corner reading quietly to three dragonets.It was quiet time, Sundrop's personal least favourite.It was too quiet, other than the sounds of dragonets snoring.
Mostly they slept, or read, or played by themselves quietly.

Sundrop wasn't a quiet dragonet.
She liked to be loud and proud.
She didn't think she was very good at quiet time.

She turned in the hammock, staring out at the other colours.The other dragonets were busy playing small games, or using building blocks or colouring.

Fleck glanced down at her. "What're you thinking about?"he asked her.
"I'm thinking about lizards.They're so scaly and cool.Did you know that a lizard can lose its tail and grow another one back?"

"Hmm."Sundrop mumbled, not really paying attention. "I'm thinking about my mommy and daddy."she whispered.

"Oh.Why?"Fleck frowned. "Are they okay?"

"Yeah.They're just always at school.
They're young."

"Like, as young as you?"Fleck titled his head slightly.

"No! I mean, no."she quickly corrected her volume when Dew shot her a look.
"They're only, like, five or six or seven!"

"You can count really well."Fleck grinned. "I can only count to three.Two one three! What comes next? I don't know.Is it nine or eleven or fifty?"

"Umm- it's four.F for four, and f for Fleck."Sundrop giggled. "And s for seven and s for Sundrop!"

Fleck giggled, clearly amused. "What about Peace? Is there a number that starts with p?"

"Hmmm...I don't know."Sundrop admitted. "I don't think so."

"Oh, that's sad."Fleck pouted.

"But there is another one! T for three and t for Twiggy!"Sundrop giggled.

"Yeah, I guess.What about Kiara?"
Fleck frowned.

"Hmm..K? One two three four five six seven eight nine ten....I don't think so!"
Sundrop counted in her head.

"Ate? That's a number?"Fleck's stomach rumbled. "I wish I'd ate-en before quiet time."

"No, no, silly,"Sundrop laughed. "It's eight! E-I-G-H-T, like the number that comes after seven."

"Hmm.Eight.Is there any word that starts with K or P, other than Kiara and Peacebringer?"Fleck asked.

"What about penguin?"Sundrop snickered.

"Yeah! And kangaroo!"Fleck added.

"And picky, like Twiggy!"

"And kind, like Kiara."Fleck grinned.
"This is fun!"

"Alrighty, everyone,"Dew called, closing his scroll that he'd been reading to the dragonets. "Quiet time is over! Feel free to get a snack or play games."

Almost all the dragonets leapt away from the hammocks, but Sundrop didn't move.She had originally wanted quiet time to be over, but how she never wanted it to end.Laying in her hammock and playing the letter and number game with Fleck was really fun.She didn't know that they could have so much fun together.

So that's what they did.They laid there and played their new game until night fell and Sundrop's parents came to pick her up.

"Mommy, daddy! I played a really fun game with Fleck and we had so much fun and it was so much fun and I had SO MUCH FUN!"Sundrop yelped, crashing into her mother's chest.

"That's great news!"daddy laughed, picking up Sundrop and plopping her onto mommy's back.

Mommy chuckled. "And you're excited to come back tomorrow?"

"You know it!"Sundrop cheered.Then she yawned. "But I'm also tired, and hungry for supper."

"Then let's get home and get you fed and tucked into bed.Come on, Twiggy!"mommy called.Twiggy materialized before them, and Sundrop grinned at him.Sometimes she forgot he was a RainWing.

They flew home and ate a delicious dinner of fried scorpions and blueberries.Sundrop loved blueberries, and Twiggy gummed away at three fried scorpions.

Then Sundrop lay in her hammock beside Twiggy and closed her eyes, eager for the next day to begin.

I can't wait to see what adventures I have tomorrow!

Sundrop woke up to mommy and daddy rushing around the hut.
She stepped out into the kitchen and saw them grasping things and putting them in their pouches. "What's going on?"she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Sundrop, we slept in! We're going to be late to school,"daddy yelped, stumbling over mommy's tail in his haste to grab his breakfast.

"That's not that bad, is it?"Sundrop yawned, sitting down at the table.
Twiggy joined her a moment later.

"Not normally,"mommy explained. "But today is the day when we set up for the dragonfire cook-out.Qibli and I need to be there.We promised Sunny we'd help."he sighed.

"What's the dragonfire cook-out?"Sundrop and Twiggy asked at the same time, voices in sync.

"It's this thing that the dragonets of destiny decided to do,"daddy told them in a rush. "It's where all the dragonets gather around in their Winglets and try different roasted foods around a fire.
Then we'll tell stories and have fun.
It's tonight, but we have a lot to do."

"I'll come and help."Twiggy offered. "I don't really feel like going to daycare today anyways."he shrugged.

"Really? Thanks, Twiggy."Mommy sighed in relief. "I'm sure they'll be a job for you.Even if it's just carrying wood."

"Sundrop, can you fly to the daycare by yourself? You know where it is and it's not far.Just head through the village."
mommy stared at her.

"Sure."Sundrop shrugged.

"Okay, stay safe.We'll be back to pick you up, but tell Dew we might be late, okay?"mommy pressed a quick kiss to Sundrop's nose and then grabbed Twiggy, pulling him out of the hut.
Qibli hugged her quickly then left.

Sundrop tapped away at the table with her claws, then slid out of her seat.She went over to the cupboard and looked for breakfast.A banana would have to do.She peeled it and placed the peel on the table, before scarfing it down.Then she stepped outside and shut the door tight behind her.She walked along the path leading to the village, humming softly.

She was happy even though she was alone, humming a soft tune.

Although, she wasn't truly alone.

A ebony black dragon with gray underscales and crimson eyes stepped out of the trees and grinned evilly at her.Sundrop frowned deeply, sidestepping to walk past her.
The dragon glared at her, trotting to keep up.

"Hello, Sssssundrop!"the dragon said overly sweetly.

Sundrop remained silent.She didn't want to talk to strangers, even if they did know her name.

"Awww, it's okay.You can talk to me.
I don't bite."she tried again, staring at Sundrop like she was her prey.

Again, Sundrop ignored her, spotting them daycare a little ways away.She quickened her pace, and she was soon running.But so did the stranger, who easily outran her.

"Not so fast!"she snarled, grabbing Sundrop by the tail and pulling her towards her chest.She clamped a talon over her mouth and leapt into the bushes, running deeper into the forest.

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