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Sundrop was having the best day ever! Her mommy and daddy had dropped her off at the most wonderful place ever.Floral, Blinker, and Dew were all really nice, but Dew was her favourite.
It was because he liked Twiggy.

She waddled after Dew, who was in charge of one group of dragonets.For some reason, Sundrop assumed they'd all be RainWings.But some were hybrids between RainWings and NightWings, and some were 100% NightWings.There were at least 10 other dragonets in Sundrop's group, and she suddenly felt nervous.

She pressed closer to Twiggy, who reassured her with a kind blink.

"We're starting you out in one of our smaller groups, Sundrop,"Dew explained. "And Twiggy."he then added. "Kids, this is Sundrop.She's going to be coming to daycare! Please be kind and make her feel welcome.Stay in the blue square for now, please."he spoke especially sternly to a large brown and purple RainWing who grinned mischievously.

Dew sat down in his spot and watched them, entertaining the few that approached him.He had Sundrop in view, though, in case she needed him.

Sundrop and Twiggy approached a group of three NightWings, smiling at them warmly. "Hey! I'm Sundrop! And this is Tw-"

"What kind of dragon are YOU?"one stared accusingly at her, his neck spikes bristling.He looked hostile, and super suspicious. "You don't look like anything I've ever seen.And I've been alive for at least 3 years now."

"Bugcrusher, stop it."the only female NightWing snapped, glaring at him.
She then smiled brightly at Sundrop.
"Hey, my name is Peacebringer, but you can just call me Peace.That's my idiot brother, Bug and my best friend Firework.What kind of dragon are you? If you don't mind me asking."

"It's fine, Peace! I'm a GlitterWing with I think some SandWing? But my mommy is an IceWing and my daddy is a SandWing.They adopted my egg."
Sundrop beamed, explaining to them in a flurry of excited words.

"I'll see you guys later, I'm going to show Sundrop around."Peacebringer waved a claw at her brother and BFF.
She grasped Sundrop's talon and pulled her toward the hammocks.

"This is the sleeping spot,"she explained happily. "Every hour we have a half-hour nap.You can sleep in the hammocks, or on the pillows on the floor.Whichever is more your style.
Anything within the large blue square is our turf.If you step onto the yellow or red square space, then you'll go in time out for ten minutes."she shook her head. "Time out isn't too bad, though."

"You've been in time out?!"
Sundrop's eyes stretched wide.

"Yep.But for a different reason."Peace
looked shy all of a sudden, and quickly changed the subject.

"Let me show you my two RainWing friends. Then you'll have three friends to hang out with."Peacebringer led her to a small blue and pink RainWing who sat by herself playing with wooden blocks.

"Hey, Kiara, check out our new friend."
Peacebringer grinned.

"Oh, hey."Kiara looked up from her blocks, waving a tiny talon at Sundrop.
Sundrop waved back, beaming.

"Can Fleck come over and play with you? And Sundrop and I?"Peace asked Kiara, who pondered for a moment.

"I guess,"she shrugged. "But if Fleck is rude then I'm telling Dew."

"Okay.FLECK! GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF THE HAMMOCKS AND GET OVER HERE!"Peacebringer screeched at the top of her lungs.

"COMING!"Fleck yelped, scrambling out of a dark blue hammock and hurrying over to them.He had mustardy yellow scales with navy blue horns and flecks around his muzzle and splattered down his hind legs.

"Hey, I'm Sundrop!"Sundrop greeted Fleck kindly. "And this is my best friend Twiggy."she grinned, waving at the air beside her.Twiggy waved at Fleck.

Peacebringer frowned. "Oh.Umm, hello Erm-Twiggy.You have very interesting scales."she giggled happily.

"Hey, Twiggy.What's your favourite color?"Kiara asked softly, even blushed. "What, really!? Mine, too!"

Sundrop grinned widely. "Twiggy likes you, Kiara.But back off, he's my future husband!"she laughed, matching smiles adorning both hers and Kiara's snouts.

Fleck frowned deeply, but remained silent.He glared slightly at the spot beside Sundrop, and she wondered what he was glaring at.She looked over to her other side and saw Twiggy glaring daggers at Fleck.

What's their problem?

"Come on, Sun, let me show you my favourite thing to do."Fleck grasped her talon and pulled her toward the hammocks.

This is going to be a crazy fun day!

"And then I met my new best friend, Fleck, Kiara and Peacebringer! And we played lots of games and had lots of naps and I learned all about sun-time and Dew told me a story and Twiggy played with Kiara and Peace and-"

"Woah, calm down, Sundrop."daddy chuckled, running his talon between her horns.

Mommy and daddy had just gotten here to pick her up, and she wasn't ready to go yet. "But I don't wanna go, not yet!"she clutched onto mommy's forearm, letting out a cry.

Mommy stared down at her, his eyes dark. "Sundrop- don't do this.You're a big girl now, start acting like it."

Sundrop pouted, but stopped crying. "Okay...But I can come back tomorrow, right?"she begged, eyes round.

"Yes, Sundrop, you can.You can come back again.Every day."Mommy sighed, dipping his head to press a soft kiss to Sundrop's cheek, which she would cherish forever.

I knew mommy loved me.

"Come on, Sundrop,"Daddy spoke quietly. "Let's go home and get ready for bed.You'll be flying back here in no time, don't worry."

"Okay."Sundrop smiled tiredly, clambering onto daddy's back.

But before they could leave, Fudge, the mischievous brown and purple RainWing from before came wandering over and stopped before mommy. "Hey, IceWing, are you Sundrop's mother? She said her mom was an IceWing, but you look awfully like a dude.Sundrop, are these yours parents?"

"Umm, yeah.They are."Sundrop murmured.

"Wait a minute- are your parents gay, Sundrop?"Fudge sneered, his teeth baring in an amused growl.

"What? No!"Sundrop let out a whimper, sliding off of daddy to face Fudge, who looked smug.

Too smug.

"Sundrop-"daddy began, but was cut off.

"Sundrop, your parents are both guys.
That's super funky."Fudge chaffed, his eyes rolling. "You have such bad luck."

"No! I love my parents, and they love me."Sundrop's eyes glazed over coldly.
"And at least I have parents, Fudge.
Because this isn't a real orphanage, and it never will be."

And with that, she grabbed mommy's talon and daddy's talon and strode out of the daycare with them.

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