7. Missing

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Winter blinked blearily, darkness pouring into the room.He usually didn't wake up in the middle of the night, he thought with a frown, glancing around the room.Nothing was out of the ordinary, and Qibli was sound asleep in his bed.

He heard snoring coming from the hallway, and owls hooting outside.He closed his eyes and tried to fall back asleep, but it didn't work, and he found himself tapping a claw against the ground in boredom.

"I mis well go for a walk to get myself tired."Winter sighed, sitting up and walking quietly toward the door.He has almost made it when he heard a noise behind him.


Winter whirled around, expecting to see Qibli staring at him.He bit his lip nervously.Qibli was still facing the wall, though, and his sides were falling in a slow rhythm.He appeared to be asleep.Was he.....dreaming...about Winter?

Winter shook his head. I'm hearing things, is all.The last dragon Qibli would be dreaming about is me.

He turned once more and hurried out of the room.The halls were so quiet, that every talon-step sounded like thunder.He winced everything he walked past a cave where dragonets were sleeping.He finally made it to the lobby, and slunk out into the night.

He breathed in the relaxing chill air of midnight, the stars dancing in the black blanket of space.He sat and started at them in awe, hypnotized by their display.Winter wished for once that he could be a star, twinkling and shining above Pyrrhia.Then mabye he wouldn't have so many problems, and dragons would actually like him.

"Too bad you can't be, and too bad no one will ever like you."a eery voice whispered in his ear.Winter's eyes widened as he felt something sharp prick his neck, and then he slumped, unconscious on the hard ground.


Qibli stretched, wings flaring open as he let out a loud yawn.Today was the day he'd go and see if the egg was still there.Why was he so excited? He didn't want it to be, surely?

He noticed Winter was gone, probably already up and in their first class.
Qibli smiled.Winter was great like that.
Although something felt a bit...off.

He hurried to Moon's room.If they went quickly, they'd be back in time for first class.Hopefully. Kinkajou was still asleep in her hammock, and Carnelian was brooding on her bed with a scroll.Moon looked up from her own scroll when Qibli came in, smiling widely.

"Eww, a boy.Why's he here?"Carnelian snorted, nose wrinkling in disgust.
She rolled up her scroll. "Actually, I don't care.As long as it doesn't involve me."she then flounced out of the room.

Kinkajou awoke to her snooty grumbling, confusion written all over her face. "Why are you here, Qibli? I honestly do want to know."

"Moon and I have somewhere to be before class, is all."Qibli shrugged, grasping Moon's talon in his and tugging her toward the door.

"Oh...."Kinkajou's face fell for a moment, but she forced a grin on. "Like a daaaaaaaate?"

"No, not like a daaaaaaaate,"Qibli shook his head, and Moon bit her lip, avoiding eye contact. "We're just going to search for something in the forest.Go to first class and we'll meet you there.Tell Winter I missed waking up to him groaning and grumbling!"he called, as they ran out the door.

As the two flew down to where the egg had been yesterday, Moon kept quiet as Qibli rambled on about how cool it would be to watch over an egg.

"But then someone would have to be the mother of the egg, and I don't want to do that.Ever."Moon giggled stiffly, slapping him with her wing once they'd landed.

Qibli nodded. "I guess so."
He then parted the long grass, many emotions flashing through his heart when he saw that the egg wasn't there.
"Well, I guess the parent came back..."

"No, I'd say they didn't.Look."Moon pointed to a trail of squashed grass, where something appeared to have rolled away.They followed it a little ways to a bush.Qibli peeked inside and the egg from before was lying on its side.

"Here it is, Moon! The egg!"Qibli grinned, hauling it out and staring at it.
The truth was, he didn't want the egg to be alone.If its mother or father didn't return for it, it would hatch and feel no love in the world.And it would probably die.He wanted to avoid all that by keeping it safe.

"We haha to take it.Please, Moon?"
Qibli begged, giving her his best please- eyes, and even throwing in a little pout.

Moon sighed. "Fine.But if a dragon shows up at Jade Mountain and demands her egg, you're going to be the one to confess about stealing it.Oh, and it's staying in your room."

"What? Why! I don't know anything about taking care of eggs, or incubation!"Qibli frowned. "I thought it was going in your room."

"I have two other dragons in my room, they take up too much space for his egg.You and Winter have to take it."
Moon explained softly, touching his arm.

"Fiiiiine."Qibli sighed. "And speaking of Winter, I haven't see him all day, so hopefully he's at first class.Now let's get this thing into my room."


They finally managed to sneak it into Qibli's room, disguising it as a bush of some sort.They placed it in the middle of both beds, then threw a camel skin rug over it. "There.Now we have to hurry or we'll be la-"

A gong echoed around the school, and Qibli winced, Moon cringing.
They both then charged for their room.
"What class do we even have first?"Qibli yelled as they ran.

"I think History with Webs!"Moon replied, nearly tripping over his barbed tail.

"Of course, the worst possible teacher for this occasion."Qibli groaned, not
stopping at the History cave and plunging in, Moon at his heels.

Webs frowned at them. "You're late, the both of you.Give me a good enough reason and you might just be sent to the Principal's office."

"We got lost in the forest and when we got back in the mountain, class has already started."Qibli summoned up a lie, hoping it sounded legit.Moon nodded sheepishly, making it even more real.

"Fine, have a seat.I'll allow it because it's your first time.Now let's start with role-call.I am your teacher, Webs, but call me, Teacher.Carnelian the SkyWing?"

"Here."she grumbled crossly.

"Turtle the SeaWing."

"Present."Turtle piped up shyly.

"Moonwatcher the NightWing."

"Here."Moon nodded, sitting down beside her best friend.

"Umber the MudWing."

"Here, sir."Umber smiled, eyes glued to Qibli.

"Qibli the SandWing."

"Here.."Qibli said distractedly, sitting beside Turtle.Something felt wrong about the class....but what was it?

"Kinkajou the RainWing?"

"Here!"she beamed, doing some sort of secret talon-shake with Moon.

"And lastly, Winter the IceWing?"
Webs looked up from his papers.

No response.

"Where is Winter?"Webs frowned.

"Winter wasn't in his bed when I woke up, so I assumed he was here,"Qibli spoke dreadfully.

"But if he wasn't, then where was he the whole time?"

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