33.I miss you

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Qibli couldn't believe what he had just watched.He wouldn't believe it!

There was no way Twiggy was gone. He'd appear somewhere.Maybe he'd just turned invisible before he hit the lava and didn't actually fall it! Yeah, that's it. Definitely. Twiggy's safe.

But deep down Qibli knew he wasn't.

Jinx was still distracted, her face twisted in a look of horror as she watched the lava pit. "S-Shadowlurker....is d-dead?"she squeaked, her voice trembling.

Summoning all his strength Qibli suddenly kicked her off him with his back legs.She flew across the room and landed in a heap on the floor.Just then Glory and Deathbringer entered the room.

"What the hell happened in here?"Glory demanded, seeing Sundrop unconscious, Winter laying defeated on the ground and Qibli and Jinx crying.

"T-Twiggy sacrificed himself to save us-"Winter mumbled. "He threw himself at Shadowlurker and they both fell in the lava...He's gone..."

"Oh- I am sorry for your loss.But at least Shadowlurker is dead now.She was a monster.Should we kill her daughter?"she pointed a claw at Jinx.

"Please don't!"Jinx yelped. "I've already lost so much! Do you really think I'll try and do anything...evil..again? Look at my face! I'm all alone in Pyrrhia."

Glory pondered for a moment.
"Ugh- curse my soft heart. Fine, you can go.But I swear to all that's good, if you do anything bad again I will personally rip your ugly head off and mount it on my wall.Although I would probably scream in fear every time I looked at it."Glory shivered.

Jinx didn't even bother being angry.
"I know.I'm ugly.No one will ever like me.Shadowlurker was the only one who didn't care what I looked like.
She said it made me look evil."

"That's honestly kind of sad,"Qibli sniffled. "But it doesn't make me like you any more.You should probably go now, Jinx.Before Glory changes her mind and decides to kill you."

Jinx nodded, and wordlessly slipped out the door.She was gone, hopefully forever, but knowing her probably not.

Everyone remained silent for a couple minutes, then finally Winter got up and picked Sundrop up.He held her with one talon and limped out of the room, following the tunnel Jinx had taken.

Qibli sighed, gazing hard at the lava tub.He prayed Twiggy would pop out of it.Maybe he was invincible? That would be great! Maybe he had lava proof scales and could swim around down there for as long as he wished?

"Qibli, come on,"Deathrbringer's voice was full of empathy. "It's too late for him.But you can still look after Sundrop.Glory's gone ahead, let's follow them."

"But...I shouldn't of just let Twiggy tackle her like that.I should have been the one to fall into the lava.But instead I let stupid Jinx pin me down.I didn't even really try to fight her.I was scared of her.I didn't want to be stabbed again."he closed his eyes.

"Hey, I know,"Deathbringer mumbled.
"Fear is a strong thing.But so is love.
Twiggy loved you guys so much, he sacrificed himself to save Sundrop.
He wouldn't want you to mourn like this for him.He would want you to show even more love for your family.
Winter and Sundrop still need you, Qibli.You can do this."

Qibli opened his eyes and gazed at the NightWing.There was sincerity and hope shimmering in his dark eyes.
"Thank you, Deathbringer.I didn't know you were so wise."

Deathbringer smirked. "It's one of the many, many things my Queen likes so much about me."

"Uh-huh."Qibli grinned at him, then raced down the tunnel after him boyfriend and daughter.

When Sundrop woke up she was curled up in her mommy's and daddy's bed, snuggled comfortably in between the two of them.She was happy, and for a moment thought it was all a dream.

Where's Twiggy?

Her face fell, and she felt tears brimming in the corners of her eyes.
She remembered it all now.

How could she let herself get kidnapped like that? She was a horrible dragonet! She put her parents and best friend's lives in danger!

"I'm sorry, mommy."she whispered, resting her head on mommy's chest and listening to his heart beat.

Twiggy's heart beat faster than mommy's. I liked how silly it sounded.
Ba dum dum dum ba ba ba dum dum dum.

Mommy cracked open an eye and peered down at her. "It's okay, Sunny.
It's not your fault."he mumbled sleepily.Then he squeezed her and fell back asleep.

Daddy was snoring beside her, and she suddenly felt all alone.Twiggy was always awake when she was, and always asleep when she was.He always had funny stories to tell her if she couldn't sleep, and always knew how to make her feel happy and carefree.

But now, she felt lonely and sad.

She carefully climbed out of bed and left the hut, walking quietly alone the platforms in the RainWing village.
She took in deep breaths, and smelled ripe fruit and vegetables.

She found a hammock outside and crawled in it, swinging herself softly.
It made her sleepy, and soon enough she was asleep.Her claws clenched into tight balls as she dreamt.

She walked forward in a white room full of stars and sparkles.It was so bright it was blinding, and Sundrop had to squint.She stopped and stood, gazing around in awe.Why was she here? And where was she?

"Sundrop, you came."a gentle, familiar voice sounded.Sundrop turned her head and let out a choked noise.Twiggy was standing behind her, eyes smiling.

She slammed into him and hugged him with all her might. "Why would you do something so stupid!?"she yelped. "If I was allowed to say mommy's no-no words, I would! But daddy said not to, so I'll just say one thing. You're stupid!
I really missed you."she cried.

"Sundrop! Don't cry, please,"Twiggy wiped away her tears. "It was hard for me, too.But I did it for you, because I love you.I know you would've done the same for me."he sighed.

Sundrop rested her forehead against his. "But who will I sleep with now? And share stories with in the middle of night when I can't sleep?"

"You can have sleepovers with Kiara or Peace,"Twiggy smiled lightly. "I think you'll enjoy their company."

"And Fleck?"Sundrop added.

"Ehh- I don't really like him.He's too rowdy and boyish.You should stick to girls, Sundrop."

"Twiggy, he and I played a really fun game!"she protested.

"Yeah- you told me.The one about the  umbers and letters? T is for three, and t is for Twiggy?"he grinned in amusement.

"Yeah! S is for Sundrop and s is for snails."Sundrop beamed at him.

"Well, L is for Little Sundrop and L is for love you."he squeezed their talons together softly. "I'll see you later, Sundrop."

Then he faded away gently, and became a star in the blazing sky.

And Sundrop woke up.

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