11. Searching

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"Winter! Where did the egg go!?"Qibli gasped in panic, holding his head in his talons. "It was just here, stuffed in its nest.Where, where, where!?"he began moving things around, desperate to find it.

"Qibli, it's not here.Let's go search for it, it couldn't of gone far.I'll search just outside of the mountain, you get Turtle, Moon and Kinkajou and search the inside."Winter rested his tail briefly on Qibli's shoulder in reassurance.

"Okay."Qibli bit his lip, turning and racing out of the room.His tail was curled up close to him, which he only did when he was nervous or panicked.

We'll find the egg, Qibs, don't worry.

Winter spread his wings and flew out of the mountain at full speed, frightening a few young dragonets walking down the hallway.He circled the school, eyes flickering everywhere.The egg had to be close, if it rolled.

But that doesn't seem possible.There was no evidence that it rolled away.

Which means.....

Someone stole it!

Winter froze in panic, and his wings stopped moving.He felt himself plummeting and quickly flared them out and drifted down to the forest floor.

No! Queen Majesty probably just came back and got her egg.

He nodded to himself and turned around to head back, but suddenly a familiar scent drifted into his nostrils, and his eyes widened.
A mixture between smoke and warmth.

Shadowlurker? No, it can't be-

"Oh, but it can, Winter."came the cruel bark of the NightWing.He whirled around to see the mighty form of the dragon who had napped him.
Under one wing she had a sparkly egg tucked.A smug smirk was plastered across her muzzle, and Winter knew she had purposefully stolen it.

"Give that egg back now."Winter growled dangerously, stepping closer.With every step he took, Shadowlurker stepped closer to him, too.


"Why not? What do you want to do with it?"Winter frowned.

"Well, I could fry it up and eat it for dinner..."she said slowly, an evil grin widening on her snout.She lifted the egg in front of them and smiled at it.

"You wouldn't dare."Winter snarled lowly, claws flexing.He bunched his back legs, ready to leapt.He would attack her if he needed to.He didn't have much experience with fighting NightWings, but he could do it if he wanted to.

"Oh, but I would, snowball."
Shadowlurker cackled, tossing the egg up in the air and catching it with ease.
She didn't seem at all concerned that she would drop it, and that made Winter's blood boil.

Launching forward with all his might he caught her off guard.The egg slipped into his talons and he immediately set it down and blocked it from her view.Then he flew at her once more and raked his sharp claws down the side of her face.She let out a roar of pain and flinched back, charging up her fire breath.As she blasted it right at him, he dodged and fired frost breath at her muzzle, freezing it shut.He whipped his tail around and knocked her onto her side, then pounced on top of her and pinned her down, placing a claw across her windpipe.

"Okay! Take the egg,"Shadowlurker gasped, flailing her talons in the air.
Her eyes were wide with terror, and she seemed genuinely scared.

"Why would you steal it?"Winter growled, narrowing his eyes. "What do you have against Jade Mountain and the dragonets of destiny? You keep bothering them.Well, mostly me, but still."

She barked a laugh. "Winter, I'm a villain.I don't really have a reason for things, I just do them.Plus, eggs take good, just no one eats them.You should try it someday."

"Ew, no."Winter shuddered. "Anyways, give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now.You deserve it, after all, you did dragon-nap me."

"One reason? You're too scared."Shadowlurker chaffed, her voice full of mockery and amusement.
"You can't kill me."

"W-why not? I am completely capable of ending your life."Winter protested quietly, his grip loosening on her throat.

"You're scared Qibli won't like you if you murder someone."Shadowlurker whispered hotly. "Oh, and your parents.They already think you're a disappointment.This'll make it worse."

"How do you know those things?"Winter whispered in horror.
He had never told anyone those things.

"I have my ways."she smirked. "Now let me go or else your life will be miserable, you little maggot."

Winter hopped off her, face confused.
"I don't understand...?"

Shadowlurker smiled sweetly. "Okay, dense-head.One, I'm a NightWing who may or may not have mind-reading powers.Two, I was once your age and in love.Three, my parents don't like me either.Four, well, must I continue?"
She flapped her wings, head lifting.She didn't seem scared anymore, and Winter realized it was an act.

"No."Winter sighed. "Go ahead, take the egg and leave.Please just leave me alone."Winter haunched his back and gazed at his talons.

Shadowlurker let out a satisfied hum, trotting over and scooping up the egg.She turned to leave, but snuck a glance over her shoulder at Winter.Immediate regret.
Winter's sad face made her stomach flip.That was once her....

Winter looked up as she approached him. "Look, I know how you feel.So, if it makes him happy, you can have the egg back."she mumbled, placing it in Winter's talons.As their scales brushed, Winter shivered.The power in her felt familiar....Like the way Moon was....

Shadowlurker pulled back quickly, flashing his a smile-frown. "See you later, Winter.Good luck with him."
She flew up into the sky, scales shimmering.

Winter's heart felt warm.Shadowlurker did something nice for him, because she knew what it was like to be him.

"Someone finally understands."he smiled to himself.

The egg in his talons was cold, so he slipped it into his pouch and started towards Jade Mountain.

"If it makes him happy."

Who's he? Qibli? What did she mean by that?

Winter stopped moving as something finally slipped into his head.

He wouldn't deny it anymore.
He couldn't.How could he?
Shadowlurker had talked to him about it.It was right in front of his face.
As much as he hated to admit it, it was the truth.And honestly, he felt good.
He didn't care what his parents would think of him.They already thought so little of him, why did it matter anymore?

I like Qibli.

He smiled stupidly, continuing to walk again.He felt his pouch shake, and stopped, taking the egg out and setting it on the ground.Mabye it was too cold.

"Oh no, if I killed the dragonet, Qibli's going to be sooo mad at me."Winter panicked. "Warmth, it needs warmth!"
He darted off a little ways to gather leaves and moss to keep it warm.

Darkness had begun to set and as Winter found himself back to the clearing where he'd left the egg, all he saw was a cracked eggshell and slimy puddles.

"Oh no- oh no, no, no- it can't be....The egg-"


If someone could die because of a word, Winter would've.

He whirled around and saw a tiny, sparkly dragonet staring at him with round eyes.

"Mama, me scared!"it cried, stumbling forward into his frigid, tense chest.

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