12. Parents

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"Don't worry, Qibli, I'm sure Winter found the egg."Sunny soothed him, rubbing his back reassuringly with her warm talon.They were sitting in her office with Moon and Kinkajou.
Turtle and Peril were still searching Jade Mountain.

"Someone wouldn't steal it, surely?"Kinkajou looked worried.
She was a cool purple, her frill dark blue.

"Of course not."Moon hushed her, clutching her tail in her talons and squeezing it nervously.

As time ticked on, Qibli started to get worried that Winter wouldn't return.
Mabye something bad at happened to him.Perhaps whatever took the egg snatched up Winter, too!

"I should go look for him."Qibli stated, standing up swiftly.He was going to head to the door when a warm tail draped over his own.

"Qibli, relax,"Sunny whispered softly. "Winter will be fine.He's fierce and a good fighter with a good heart.He will find the egg and come back, you don't have to worry about him.We can keep the egg safe and stored in the vault room until it hatches in a few weeks."


"No buts,"Sunny shook her head, pressing a claw to his lips to silence him. "You should head to bed and get some rest.Winter will return by morning, I'm sure of it."

He nodded and went to move out the door.As he did so, talon steps echoed down the hallway, causing Qibli to freeze, barbed tail swinging in front of him, ready to attack.

The feet sounded heavy and weary, and Qibli frowned in confusion.
Old dragon? Tired one?

Qibli's eyes widened with joy as he saw Winter turn the corner and stumble into the room. "Winter!"
His white scales were dusted light brown with dirt, and smudges of grass stains streaked his muzzle and feet.
He didn't notice anything different until he heard a gurgle noise and spotted a dragonet clutching his back.

"Oh.My.Moons."Kinkajou gaped. "THE EGG HATCHED! Winter, you're a father!"she cheered loudly, dancing around Moon happily.

"More like a mother."Sunny giggled, stepping forward to touch the child.It let out a cry, flinching away from her.It slid onto the floor and in front of the IceWing, then snuggled into Winter's chest.

"Qibli- please take your little demonic dragonet away from me."Winter squeezed his eyes closed tight, holding his talons out and shaking himself, desperately trying to get it off him.

Qibli stepped forward quickly, grasping it gently. "Hey little girl, how are you? Are you hungry? Or cold, or-"

She began sobbing her eyes out, outstretching her arms for Winter. "Mama! Scared!"she screeched.
As soon as Qibli set her down she rushed at Winter, curling into his stomach and glaring out at Qibli.

"No- wait- Qibli's your mom, not me!"Winter whimpered, awkwardly holding her up and away from himself. She gazed into his dark eyes, smiling sweetly.

"Mama, oou wuv meee! Yah?"she giggled, eyes bright.

"Ummm, no."Winter blurted. "I mean YES! Of course I love you.Haha..."Winter was dying mentally.He knew Qibli would tease him forever about this moment.

Qibli smirked. "Awww, Winter loves his daughter soooo much."he stepped forward and hugged Winter, encasing the dragonet in the hug with a wing.

"Mama, who he?"she pointed a shaky claw at Qibli, who grinned at her affectionately.

An idiot.

My idiot.

"Ummm- he's Qibli.Your dad.The one who actually loves you."Winter groaned.Why did children have to be so difficult?

"So...oou me momma, and he me poppa? Oou me fwamily?"she grinned, giggling. "I wuuuuv me fwamily!"

"Awww, me too, Sundrop."Qibli bopped her nose with his claw lightly. "That's what I want to call you.Sundrop.What do you think, mi esposa?"he smirked, glancing at Winter.

"I like it."Winter shrugged, ignoring Qibli's strange words.He sighed.He would have to deal with Sundrop.Hopefully she grew more distant as she got older.

"I'm going to bed, I can't deal with this right now."Winter grumbled, ignoring Sunny, Moon, and Kinkajou's looks of adoration as Qibli, he and Sundrop walked out of the room.


Qibli yawned, stretching.He clambered out of bed and blinked blearily, eyes slowly adjusting to the morning light.Warm beams of golden bronze light flowed through the window, right onto a sleeping dragon and dragonet.
Winter was curled up on the floor in the sun with Sundrop squished between his talons.

"All you guys do is sleep, come on, get up."Qibli ushered them up and awake.It had been two days and they were making good progress.Sundrop either stayed in the room with one of them, or rode around in Winter's pouch.She much preferred riding around on Winter's back, but Winter was embarrassed by that.

"We're up, we're up."Winter groaned, arching his back.Sundrop scuttled over to Qibli and kissed his chin good morning.Qibli squeezed her tiny talon softly.These were the moments he cherished in his heart.Was this what it was like to have a dragonet? It wasn't so bad.

Sundrop then began racing around the room. "Pway! Pway! Pway! Wets pway, papa! Mama, come on and pway!!!"she shrieked, bouncing off Qibli and into Winter.

"No, no, no! Call me 'Winter', okay? Win-ter.Not Mama or Mommy or whatever.I am a dude, and I am not your mom.I am Win-ter."the IceWing yelped, holding her away from him with an arm.

"Wee-ter-? Twoo hward! Mommy, mommy, mommy!"Sundrop chanted, dancing around his feet.Her sparkly golden tail slapped against Winter's side multiple times.

Qibli smirked in amusement. "Oh, Winter, you're such a good mother."
He began dancing around his grouchy friend as well, grin only widening as Winter's scowl deepened.

It's so fun to tease him.

"Mommy, can I go pway with Auntie Kinka?"Sundrop stood up on her hind legs and gazed into his eyes, her talons on his chest. "Pweeeeease?"

"Fine."Winter shrugged. "Bye have fun stay safe!"he gushed as he pushed her out of the door.As soon as she'd left he slumped on the ground and let out a sigh.

"Winter, come on, she's not that bad.She's a great kid."Qibli frowned, sitting down and gazing at him.

"I know, but having a kid strapped to your body 24/7 can be quite tiring.I don't understand how mothers do it."
Winter frowned, gazing up at Qibli with round eyes.

"You're a great mother."Qibli grinned, eye-brows waggling.He knew Winter could accomplish anything he desired, with just a little determination.And Qibli hoped that raising Sundrop was something he wanted to do.

"I'm tired, so give me cuddles."Winter demanded, voice confident as he clambered into his bed and outstretched his talons.

"So needy."Qibli smirked, sidling over to him and curling up around him so his chest was pressed against Winter's.
Their breaths mingled, and their temperatures mixed into a perfect neutral.

Winter pressed his head underneath Qibli's chin, nuzzling into his neck.
He let out a soft sigh, ice crystals melting around their faces.

"I really like you, Winter."Qibli murmured, finally feeling slightly confident.

No response.

He's asleep.

Qibli fought back his disappointment, closing his eyes and hugging Winter closer to himself.


I'll tell him, soon.

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