5. Fishing

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Winter frowned, deep in thought.
A dragon named Ashes was leading them through the forest for hunting.
Moon walked at the back, Kinkajou just ahead of her.Umber and Turtle were deep in conversation, Carnelian brooding beside them and Qibli was trotting beside Winter, a huge smile on his face.

"I love the feeling of heat on my scales."Qibli sighed, barbed tail swinging dangerously close to Winter's tail.

"How is this heat? It's just damp grossness."Winter's snout wrinkled in disgust, shaking raindrops off his wings.He enjoyed a dry coldness.

Ashes frowned. "Come on, it's not too bad.I quite enjoy this weather.Though, I'm used to it and you may not be, at all so never mind me saying that, actually forget I said any of this.You're an IceWing, you wouldn't understand.Apologies if I offended you with the words that just came out of my mouth, Winter."

Winter and Qibli shared a look, eyes wide, then mouthed, "what is wrong with her?"Qibli broke out in a contagious grin, and stupidly enough, Winter felt himself smiling as well.

But then Kinkajou bounded in between them, smiling at Winter. "So, I didn't get very much time to talk to you, 'cause you ran away and all, but I'm Kinkajou, and I think we should be friends!"she beamed.

Winter frowned, small smile that had adorned his face just a moment ago, lost forever. "Uhhh, I'd prefer if we didn't.I'm an IceWing.Typically not friends with a RainWing."

He expected her to be offended, but she just brushed it off like nothing.
"But isn't the war over? Why are the IceWings still so anxious and scared? Why can't we be friends?"

Anger flared through him, and he froze, midstep. "S-scared? Anxious? We are not scared, or anxious! You are!"Winter snapped, pushing past her and walking in the front, though just behind Ashes.
Kinkajou thought she was sooo great, knowing exactly what he and his tribe were thinking. Well she didn't! And she never would.

He could feel eyes on his back, and was about to whirl around and snap at the dragon, but then Ashes interrupted that. "Here's where we can get fruit.You  may pick fruit if you'd prefer, or you can go in search of wild animals.But you are not to kill the sloths."

"Let's pair you up in twos, that way you won't get lost.Can I have Kinkajou, Umber and I on fruit, Turtle on fish and Winter on fish and then Qibli, Carnelian and Moonwatcher on larger meats?"Ashes appointed the teams.

Everyone nodded, and Winter reluctantly walked over and joined Turtle.He shyly gazed at his feet, intimidated by Winter, probably.
"So, where should we fish, SeaWing?"

"Turtle."he mumbled softly, out of instinct. "I mean, over there by that river."he then pointed a claw behind Winter, to a babbling river with a streaming current.

"Alright, then let's go.No time to loose."Winter stalked off toward the water, chin high.He could wash in it after they'd finished fishing, that would cool him down for sure.At least for a little while it would.

Turtle crouched a little ways down thestream, poised to catch a fish if it leaptup, while Winter sat down half on theshore, haunching his back and frowning in focus as he watched the slippery creatures swim below them.

"Get ready, I see a big one coming,"Turtle whispered, gaze sharp on a large rainbow trout as it swam between the rocks and right under Winter's rigid talons.He snapped it up in an instant and slit it, killing it, then tossed in on the grass.

As Turtle continued to call out fish, and occasionally catch one, Winter started to get bored.Which meant his mind started drifting.He thought of golden tan scales, mixed with splotches of dark brow and a ragged scar.A not-so-stylish earring that only one dragon could pull of.

Snap out of it, Winter! No fantasizing about your roommate! He's a lowly SandWing, he doesn't deserve you!

"Umm, Winter? You let three good fish swim away.Are you feeling alright?"Turtle asked gently, not accusing him of anything.Too soft.

"Fine,"Winter said gruffly, straightening his posture. "I was just thinking we have enough fish.Let's head back to the others now."
He hurried over to their pile, it consisted of at least ten medium and large fish, and six or seven small ones.

Winter grabbed the sack Ashes had given them and loaded it with the fish, tying it and throwing it at Turtle to carry. "Let me wash off first, fish-face."
The insult slipped out before Winter realized what he said.Fortunately, Turtle didn't seem to care.

Winter dove into the water and splashed around, dunking his head under and washing away the fishy smell.He then got out of the water, feeling refreshed.

"Oh my three moons, you are sparkly."Turtle covered his eyes with a talon, then opened then again.The sun beaming off his glimmering scales must've been too bright.

"Sorry."Winter didn't know why he was apologizing, but he did.As they headed for the others, Winter felt himself at ease beside Turtle.He was a good friend, and Winter could find himself asking the SeaWing for advice.There was still something...off...about him, thought.Something he couldn't quite place.

"We're all done, so let's head back to School and enjoy lunch."Ashes smiled, leading them back the way they'd came.
"I had fun picking fruit with you two."she then added to Kinkajou and Umber, who nodded.

"I hope you all had fun hunting."Ashes beamed, eyeing Winter carefully, then Turtle and then the rest of them.

Everyone nodded.

On the way back, Qibli was deep in conversation with Moonwatcher, and Winter narrowed his eyes, confused as to the sharp pain in his chest.Why should he care if Qibli is hanging out with her?

Carnelian and Winter walked in silence at the back, casting each other hostile glances every now and then.When it came time to fly up to the mountain, Winter spoke to her, saying, "I don't get why we are enemies.We have the most in common."then he flew past her.

Growling, Winter spotted Qibli and Moon flying side by side, wing tips brushing slightly.Moon looked anxious, and Qibli looked unsettled.

What did they see while in the forest?

And what are they not telling us?

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