19.A slight problem

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The next morning when Winter woke up, Sunny was sitting in their room chatting to Tsunami in a low voice.
Winter frowned at them, shaking himself before hurrying over to them.
Qibli was full asleep, and curled up in the curve of his stomach was Sundrop.

"What's going on?"Winter whispered,
seeing matching looks of worry on Tsunami's and Sunny's snouts.

"Queen Majesty returned this morning,"Tsunami winced. "She's searched the 'entire' Pyrrhia, or so she says, and she's not leaving until she finds Sundrop.She's searching the mountain now.I thought we should warn you, so you can think about what to do.I'll try and find her to distract her."Tsuanmi slipped out of the door.

Sunny glanced at Qibli, who had woken up and slipped past Sundrop. "What? Queen Majesty?"

"Yes,"Winter whispered. "Sundrop's real mother.I forgot Sundrop is literally a princess."he chuckled.

"We have to hide her!"Qibli blurted, whirling around. "And her crib, and her toys and her-"he began grabbing her toys off the floor.

"Qibli, don't."Winter muttered, and Qibli whirled around, fury in his eyes.

"What? Why not?"

"Because..."Winter closed his eyes briefly, then re opened them to gaze steadily at the upset SandWing. "Queen Majesty can take care of Sundrop way better than we ever could.She's been put in so much danger living here.
She wouldn't have to go to a daycare, she'd have other GlitterWing dragonets to play with.Majesty is worried sick, and you told me the last time she came that when she returned, we'd give her back."Winter pointed out, voice soft.

"I said we'd give the egg back, not my daughter that I love."Qibli snarled, neck spikes bristling.

Sundrop lifted her head and whimpered. "Mommy? Daddy? Sunny, what's going on?"she crawled over and slipped under Sunny's small form, peering out from between her forearms in fright.

Qibli sighed deeply, holding a talon to his face. "Sundrop, your mother is here, so you want to go with her?"

Sundrop looked confused. "Umm sure!"she crawled over to Winter and clambered on his back.

"No, no, no, not Winter.Your GlitterWing mother."Qibli shook his head, coming closer to her.

"W-what? But you're my family..."she
whined, not understanding.

"Qibli- she has to meet her.She has to."
Winter frowned, before turning and nodding to Sunny.The hybrid nodded, leading Winter out of the cave.

"She doesn't HAVE to!"Qibli wailed, following alongside Winter. "It's easy for you, you never even loved her anyway! But it do!"

Winter's talons quivered with fury.
How dare he say he never loved his daughter? Of course he loved his daughter. But it wasn't even his true daughter, and Sundrop's mother was here for her, she searched long and hard for her.She deserved to have her beloved kid that she never even got to meet once.

"Don't tell me who I love and don't love."Winter snapped harshly, glaring at Qibli before stalking ahead of Qibli and Sunny.He began to walk faster, then full on run down the hallways.

He saw a big group of dragonets at the lobby, and then a large glittery blob.
Qibli began to gain on him, and he only ran faster.He leapt into the middle of the circle, staring up at Majesty.
"Your Highness, I've found your daughter."he lifted Sundrop off his back and held her forward.

"Oh, my sparkly princess Dazzle!"Majesty held Sundrop-errr Dazzle, up to her face and pressed kisses all along her snout.She then pulled her into a hug and let out a deep sigh.Sundrop looked scared, and gazed at Winter with pleading eyes.

She doesn't look like a Dazzle.

"Where was she? I knew she was in this bloody school."Majesty snapped, eyes glued to Winter.They flickered to Qibli as he stopped beside Winter.

"We found her egg in the jungle the day after you left,"Qibli lied. "We took it in till you came back, but it hatched and we got attached.We named her Sundrop and she loved us.
She just went to daycare yesterday."
Qibli didn't know why Majesty would care, but she nodded anyway.

"I see...Sundrop? That's kind of cute.
But I think she prefers Dazzle, don't you, my little perfect pumpkin?"
Queen Majesty cooed at Sundrop.

"Ummm, no.I don't like Dazzle at ALL."
Sundrop shook her head. "I sounds too much fancy.I like Sundrop, and Sundrop is me."

"Oh."Majesty sighed. "Fine.Sundrop.Now let's go back to our kingdom in the sky."she flapped her wings, then turned to leave.

(Qibli's POV)

"Wait! You can't just leave with her!"
Qibli screeched, stepping forward.

Majesty paused, turning around.
"And give me one good reason why I can't?"

"Because she's MY daughter."Qibli snapped. "And I want her to stay here.
She'll be happy, I promise!"

Majesty scowled. "But she's future heir to the throne! When I die, she has to take my place, or else the GlitterWing kingdom will be put in chaos and everyone will probably murder each other."she explained.

"But Sundrop likes it here..."Qibli protested weakly.

"Well mabye once she gets older, she can come to this school as a student.You'll see her then, won't you?"
Majesty asked.

Well- I didn't really plan on being a teacher here, but it IS a possibility.

I kind of wanted to return to Thorn and protect her again.

And I know Winter's going to Sanctuary to live amongst the scavengers...

"Mabye."was all Qibli said.

"Well goodbye now."Majesty waved a talon, then carried Sundrop out of the mountain and away into the clouds.

She's gone....

She's finally, really gone.....

But...We didn't even get to do half the things I wanted to do with her! She didn't even get to build a sand castle.

For a moment, Qibli almost thought he saw Twiggy standing beside Winter, watching Sundrop leave with sad eyes.

"This is all your fault."Qibli snapped at Winter, turning and leaving. He ran down the hallway to his room and jumped into his pile of sand, burrowing under to the bottom.

How could Winter let her go like that?

Even if it was the 'right thing' to do, it sure doesn't feel like it.

What are we gonna fell the daycare?

Oh...when you think life is perfect, things go wrong.

Winter entered the room and walked over to Qibli's hiding spot.His cold claws clicked and clacked on the ground. "Qibli, look at me."

Qibli sighed, then surfaced through the sand.He gazed tiredly at Winter's glorious blue eyes, his obsidian eyes gleaming with tears.

"I'm sorry.I really am.But think if you were looking for your SandWing egg or dragonet, and Majesty had it.If she knew it belonged to you, wouldn't you want it back?"Winter sighed.

Qibli grasped both Winter's talons.
"I love you....And since Sundrop is gone, and I had a bunch of love for her, you're going to have to take it all, okay?"he grinned suddenly.

"Ugh- okay."Winter faked annoyance, the leaned forward to press their snouts together.He looked at Qibli seriously. "Maybe she'll come back."

"Maybe..."Qibli shrugged.


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