4. Moonwatcher

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Qibli breathed in the crisp scent of early morning air, flapping his wings lightly as the sun began rising.He was sitting on top of Jade Mountain, clearing his mind.Winter's story had sent chills down his spine, and made him think about his own past.

His mother wasn't too bad, and he was sure she loved him....she just didn't know how to show it.His brother and sister were absolutely horrid, but Qibli still felt a twinge of love for them, despite their obvious hatred.

Winter seemed so....depressed, that Qibli just wanted to wrap him up in his wings and love him forever.
Qibli had never felt such strong feelings toward another dragon, especially an IceWing, and another male.
He didn't quite know what to think of it all.

He suddenly got the feeling that his mind was being creeped on, just as a shy NightWing stepped into view.Moonwatcher didn't look surprised to see him up here, nodding her head politely.

"Hello, Moonwatcher."Qibli greeted her with a friendly voice, though he was slightly confused as to why she was up here.

"Hey, Qibli.Beautiful morning."she sat down beside him, tilting her head toward the sky.The pale sunlight make her scales shine so beautifully, Qibli had to squint.Her teardrop scales behind her eyes stood out, and Qibli couldn't ignore how gorgeous she was.

Moon's cheeks went pink, and Qibli frowned, looking up at the sky.
"What're you doing up here, Moon?"

Moon sucked in a tight breath. "I had to get away from my roommates for a bit."she giggled airily, wrapping her wings and tail around herself insecurely. "Kinkajou can be a bit much, but I love her.Carnelian really clashes her personality, though, and the two of them are quite a headache causer."

"You've got two roommates? I only have one.And mine miiiiight be the most prickly prince there is."Qibli snorted affectionately, thinking of Winter.

"Winter is a good dragon,"Moon mused ghostly, gazing down at the trees below them. "He's just a bit difficult.Some dragons take time to warm up to others.Don't be too hard on him, Qibli."

She was talking like she knew him, which clearly confused Qibli.
Surely a NightWing wasn't friends with an IceWing? Winter didn't seem to like Moon at all.

"I won't.He's already in love with me,"Qibli joked heartily. "He needs me to sleep.I pretty much knock him out like a sleeping-bomb."

Moon chuckled softly. "I believe that."she whispered so quietly, Qibli barely caught it.

"So, what classes do we have today?"Qibli changed the subject, awkwardness filling the air around them.

"Ummm, I think our first class is music, then hunting, then lunch break and then I think...art?"Moon furrowed her brow as she thought. "Sunny wants us to work on more fun subjects, not just annoyingly boring ones.Though I quite enjoy history."

"Today sounds fun,"Qibli grinned. "I'm amazing at music.I play drums so well, oh! And the flute.And the cymbals and-"

"I get it, you have musical talent."Moon giggled, smacking him in the side with her wing. "I don't, so I'll probably sit out.But I'd love to watch."

Three gongs filled the air with their loud melody, and the two dragonets stood up, ready to go to their first class.

"I'll get Winter."Qibli started to fly down to the opening of the mountain, but Moon caught his talon to stop him.

"I think he's already there,"Moon blurted. "I saw him walking by before I came up here."she quickly added, flashing him a smile.She flew down ahead of him.

Strange, flashed through his mind, but he shrugged.Normal NightWing.

He followed her swiftly, landing on the ground and trotting into the school.
Fatespeaker had left her post at the door after the first day, and could be found either at the library or walking around the school.

As they entered the music room, Qibli's eyes immediately landed on a frosty figure who was glowering in the corner of the room, back stiff and posture perfect.He looked like a proper guard the way to sat.Qibli waved a talon, but got nothing from Winter other than a glare.

"Welcome, class!"The teacher called shrill fully, waving her talons in exasperation. "You are my first class! I am Melodious, but you can call me Teacher if you'd like! Today we are going to be making MUSIC! My absolute favourite thing in the world.Well, it was Ivy, but she died.Oh how I miss her.Come back to me, Ivy!"Melodious sobbed, then quickly smiled at the students.

Qibli shared a look with Kinkajou, saying, "what is her problem?"

"Everyone pick an instrument from the box, floor or anywhere, please!"
Melodious beamed.

Qibli immediately leapt for the drums, also grabbing a rattle for his tail.He knew how to multi-play beautifully.
He saw Umber drive for tbe bongos, and Kinkajou for the mic.Turtle was in the corner documenting them.
Carnelian was no where to be seen.

"Come on, Moon, sing with me!"Kinkajou cheered, her voice pounding off the walls loudly, causing everyone to cover their ears.
The RainWing grinned cheekily.

The NightWing blushed, sliding over to stand next to Kinkajou. "Kink, I really can't sing."

"Nonsense, I'm sure you can! Show us that beautiful voice of yours, Moon!"Kinkajou laughed.

Winter watched through narrowed eyes.Melodious spotted him, waving.
"Come on, Winter, everyone has hidden talent! Give it a try!"

"I don't."Winter growled.Moon, once again, looked sympathetic.
"And I refuse to participate, Teacher."

"Fine.Let's play! Music class is about having fun and expressing yourselves!"Melodious shouted.

Qibli started on the drums, shaking the rattle every once in a while.
Umber did his best to match, and then Moon started singing lightly as best she could.

Kinkajou sang loudly, giving Qibli a splitting headache.

Moon suddenly let out a gasp, falling forward.The mic went flying and so did Moon.She began wriggling on the ground, clutching her head in agony.
Kinkajou and everyone gasped.

"Was my singing THAT bad?"Kinkajou gazed at Moon in horror, then touched her snout gingerly.

"U-ugh.."Moon gasped, calming down a bit.She stood shakily, gazing around in confusion.She began walking around, pacing.

"Moon, what was that?"Winter snapped, bounding toward her and shoving her shoulders.She sat down, gazing up at him with confused eyes.

"I-I'm not sure,"Moon blurted. "I just got a terrible headache.Pain stabbed my head! It hurt so bad, almost like brain freeze, but worse."

Melodious clapped her hands. "Well, time for next class.Take care, Moon.I hope it was nothing.Perhaps allergies.See you all later!"

Qibli hurried over to stand beside Winter, brushing his wing lightly, surprised that he didn't jerk away.
"What're you thinking about?"

"Moon,"Winter whispered back, eyes focused on the NightWing who was hobbling out of the room, Kinkajou beside her.Her name made Qibli's stomach squirm, though he didn't know why.

"What about?"Qibli forced coolly, a smooth smile forming on his muzzle.
He leaned forward in anticipation as they walked out for hunting class.

"A-are you sure NightWings lost their powers? 'Cause it sure feels like Moon can read our minds.And that might have been a vision she just had-"

"What? Are you crazy? NightWings lost their powers long ago, Moon doesn't have them.She's probably just prone to bad migraines, or something."Qibli reassured him.

"Or something, is right."Winter grumbled, speeding up to lead the way outside.

That made Qibli think.

Did the NightWings really not lose their powers?

And can Moon read minds?

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