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Winter knew going to school was going to be difficult.But he didn't once think about how hard it would be to go to school with a dragonet.

Sunny took care of Sundrop most times when he was in class, but when he had classes with Sunny, he had to take her.He was contemplating getting a babysitter, but he didn't know if his fully trusted anyone enough for that.

Qibli held a sleeping Sundrop in his arms, smiling. "Winter, she's so adorable."he spoke quietly, trying not to wake her.

"I guess."Winter shrugged.He tried not to make of her, but he really did love his daughter deep down.He didn't want to give Qibli another reason to tease him.

Qibli is so annoying.

But I like him.

And he likes me.

Just as Qibli opened his mouth to say something, loud gongs shattered the peaceful slumber of Sundrop.She let out a wail, crying and reaching for Winter.

"Mommy! Loud noise! Scared!"she cried, latching onto Winter's neck.As days went by, her speech improved.It still wasn't perfect, and there were lots of words she didn't know, but she'd get there.

"It's just the school gongs,"Winter soothed her, speaking in his most gentle tone, which honestly wasn't much different from normal. "which means we have to get going, okay? I'll drop you off at Sunny's and she can-"

"No!"Sundrop cried out. "Sowwy, Mommy! Sunny amaze! Just want you today."she clutched on tightly to Winter's neck.

"I know, but you have to.Qibli and I need to focus on our classes.I'll see you at the end of the day, though."Winter started off down the hallway, toward Sunny's office.

"No! No! No! Not fair! Me loves my Mommy and Daddy!"Sundrop wailed, kicking and thrashing herself around.

Qibli reached over and picked her up off Winter's back. "Sundrop, I have a mission for you, Kay? It's super top secret, so no one can know..."he lowered his voice, head darting around to make sure no one was there.

The little dragon immediately perked up, clear interest shimmering in her dark eyes. "Hmm? Daddy has mis-on just for me?"

"Yep.I need you to-"he whispered into her ear, and Winter didn't catch the rest.But Sundrop was nodding her head, and when Qibli set her down in front of Sunny's office, she dashed in, not even stopping to wave at her parents.

"Woah, Qibs.You worked magic back there."Winter smiled lightly, wings brushing Qibli's as they headed for class.

"Thanks."Qibli looked smug. "I just so happen to be great with kids."

As they entered their first class, they were surprised to see Tsunami looking happy.She had a huge grin on her face.She waited until everyone was seated, then told them some big news.

"I just got news that there will be a travelling Carnival coming to the school for a few days!"Tsunami explained, and Kinkajou and Qibli cheered. "There's going to be new foods, fun games, and lots of dragons."

"It sounds super fun."Moon smiled.She seemed tired today, Winter noted.Her eyes were weary and her back slouched.

"When is it coming?"Turtle asked. "Like, soon?"

"I believe it will be here either tonight or tomorrow morning."Tsunami shrugged. "Carnival's are never on time."

"What kind of dragons will be there?"Winter asked quietly.He was wondering if there were going to be IceWings, or GlitterWings.

(Omg- wait- Imagine a
GlitterWing/IceWing hybrid! It would be so shiny and pretty!) -A/N

"I'm not sure.I feel like it will be a little bit of everything.I do know that the dragon who owns the Carnival is a SkyWing, and that he is married to a NightWing."Tsunami replied, voice light and cheerful, for once.She must be looking forward to destroying a bunch of young dragonets at some of the games.

"Well, I can't wait to tell Sundrop."Qibli smiled. "She's going to be so excited!"


"What's a Car-evil?"Sundrop tried her hardest to say the word, her face scrunching up as she tried again. "Carn-veil...Hmm."

"It's like....A big, huge, fun outdoor party with lots of games and food for dragonets."Winter listened as Qibli explained it to their daughter, who was laying at Winter's feet.

"Oh...Am I going to meet friends there? Ones that are small like me?"Sundrop looked up and gave Winter a toothy grin.She had a few teeth coming in, which meant she was getting bigger and bigger and older and older.So fast.

"Maybe."Winter sighed.He knew Sundrop needed a friend.If she had a friend to stay with her in Sunny's office, then she would be less lonely.But where would they find a dragonet that young, that was willing to be Sundrop's friend?

"Qibli, we need to talk for a moment."Winter poked his- well...he actually didn't know what Qibli was to him.A crush? A mate? A boyfriend? A husband? A friend? He poked Qibli's neck to get his attention.Not that he needed to, Qibli was always paying attention to Winter.

"Okay, just a moment."Qibli picked up Sundrop and placed her in her bed. "Goodnight sweetie.Mommy and I will be back soon to get in our beds, but first we have to have a little chat, Kay?"

"Otay.Love you, Daddy.And you too, Mommy."Sundrop smiled, closing her eyes and snuggling into the blankets.

Winter and Qibli stepped out into the hallway.Seeing it was empty, they began to talk in hushed voices.

"Sundrop needs a friend.She's getting older, she needs to start socializing with dragonets her age."Winter whispered.

"Where do we find someone like that?"Qibli frowned. "No one brings dragonets so young to school.Mabye at the Carnival?"

"I don't know about that....I think there will mostly be adults at the Carnival.Or at least dragons our age."

"What about the RainWing village!"Qibli snapped his talon. "Or the Night-"

"No.Defiantly not the NightWing village.Mabye the RainWing.Qibli....I have an idea."

"What is it? Are you proposing?"Qibli grinned.

"What? No! Shut up.My idea was....What if, after the Carnival, we ask Tsunami if we can go down to the RainWing village and find Sundrop a friend.Then, every morning we can drop her off at the friend's house.That way she'll be safe, and we can focus on school."Winter explained his idea to a serious looking SandWing, who was nodding his head as Winter spoke.

"Okay, it might work.But hopefully we can find a dragonet around Sundrop's age."Qibli nodded. "And one who isn't...Well, lazy."

"Lazy! Definitely not.Sundrop is the opposite of lazy, and if some sleepy sloth-headed RainWing child turns her into a sleepy glittery blob, then I'll punch him."Winter frowned.

"Woah! Chill, sweetie."Qibli smirked. "Ahh, puns.Gotta love 'um."

"You are an idiot.Goodnight, Qibli.See you in the morning for the Carnival."

"Alright...Love you."Qibli whispered, as Winter walked inside and crawled up on his bed.

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