25.Creepy Stalker

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Winter couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being watched.He knew it sounded crazy, but he felt like someone was stalking him and his Winglet.

The whole time they were out in the forest, it felt like eyes were on him, and not just one set.You know how some people say 'it feels like someone is watching'? Well, it literally did.
But whenever he glanced around for someone, he didn't see anything.

"Qibli, I don't think we're alone,"he whispered to his boyfriend, who was staring very intently at Kinkajou's face as she told him a dramatic story about her and a snail. "Stay alert, okay?"

"Hmm."Qibli nodded slightly to him, then commented on Kinkajou's story.

Winter sighed.He didn't much care for Qibli when they were hanging out with the Winglet.It was like Qibli had two personalities.When he was with their friends, he acted all cool and silly and popular, desperately trying to work his way into their lives.He ignored Winter for the most parts.But when Qibli was alone with Winter, every conversation was heated, and he acted flirty and casual around him.Winter sometimes just wanted Qibli all to himself. Was that really so selfish?

"I'll be right back."he mumbled, moving away from the group.No one except for Turtle spared him a glance.

I'll just have my own adventure. They're about to head back to Jade Mountain, but that doesn't mean I have to.

Winter stalked along the forest floor, hitting cracklings leaves with his icy tail.His talons stepped over roots and snapped twigs in half as he walked with his head high and his wings back.He liked to walk with purpose.

He walked for so long, he couldn't even hear his friends laughter of shouting.
All around him was silence.

He'd expected for that feeling of eyes to go away, but it only grew stronger.
Winter paused, suddenly freaked out.
He was alone in the forest with who knows what stalking him.He was the prey, and he didn't even know what the  predator was!

"Who's out there? Show yourself!"Winter roared, turning in circles and glaring defiantly out at the swaying branches and rustling grass.

He honestly didn't expect a response, so when a small, lithe dragon stepped out of the bush, his eyes widened.
This dragon was scrawny and had small talons and wings.She had black scales all over expect for her forearms and wing-skin, which was a dull, olive green.Her eyes, well, eye, was a flashy purple.One side of her face(the left) was torn and ragged, her eye socket empty and eery.The horn on her left side was also cracked and missing down to the base, and dried blood crusted it's surface.Her appearance looked small and not scary until you looked at her face.There was also a red scar across the bottom side of her chin.

"Who're you, and why're you following me?"Winter snapped, neck scales bristling as he flared his wings.He hoped he looked intimidating, but he doubted that strongly.

The dragon cackled darkly, eye glaring at him. "I'm Jinx, of course! I work for Shadowlurker.She...isn't pleased with you."Jinx grinned, revealing jagged, pointy red and yellow teeth.

"Shadowlurker? Man, I thought she'd left for good or something.She's pretty annoying."Winter sighed, rubbing his temples and ignoring the outraged look on Jinx's face at that comment. "Anyways, I should go.I need to find my Winglet."he stared off in a random direction, hoping Jinx wouldn't follow.

"Not so fast."Jinx snapped, taking a couple swift steps toward him.He was surprised by how strong she was, and her grip tightened around his forearm as she grasped it.She held him still, glaring poison at him.She hated him, yet he'd never even seen her before.


"Let me go."Winter snarled, voice low and harsh.He would fight her if he had to, and he couldn't feel guilty about it.
She was small, he could take her on.

"No.Shadowlurker isn't happy with you, as I said before.She wants to tie you up and slice your stomach open while you suffer in pain.Then she's going to take your intestines out and use them as a scarf -which now that I'm saying sounds kind of gross - and then she's going to rip your heart out and bite it to shreds before your dying eyes.
Although, by that time you'll probably already be dead."Jinx's eyes were bright and excited as she explained.

"Uh-huh.That won't happen."Winter suddenly bit down on her talon was holding him.She let out a roar, backing up, and he began charging his frost breath up.But before he could do anything else, the small dragon had grasped him by the shoulders and flipped him down onto the ground.She leapt on top of him and held him by the throat, raising her barbed tail that he hadn't noticed before and aiming it at his heart.

Oh sh-

"Maybe I should just kill you now,"Jinx sighed. "But Shadowlurker will be mad at me, so I can't."she narrowed her eyes, thinking fast.

She swiftly and silently slammed a sharp talon down on Winter's head, and for what felt like the millionth time in his life Winter ebbed away into unconsciousness.

Twiggy narrowed his eyes, watching Jinx struggle to carry Winter's bulky form on her back.She flared her wings out to try and keep her steady, and took slow, wobbling steps.Her eye was narrowed in concentration, and she let out grunts of exhaustion.

Twiggy was glad her cruel job wasn't easy.

He walked up to her quietly, smiling brightly with smug satisfaction. "Couldn't of knocked the light RainWing unconscious, or something?"

"Shut up."Jinx grumbled through gritted teeth. "Can you at least- Ugh- help me?"she tripped on a root and fell forward, but stumbled and righted herself at the last moment.

"Help you? Sure, I'll help you carry your victim away.He also happens to be my best friend's dad, so why wouldn't I want to help kill him?"Twiggy stared her right in the eye and snapped sarcastically.

"You are useless, y'know that?"Jinx snarled, teetering under his weight.

"Yep.Most villains find me useless.But I guess you're ignoring the fact your mother is the reason I'm like this."
Twiggy averted his eyes from her eye, staring instead at his talons.

"What are you talking about?"Jinx looked genuinely confused, which surprised Twiggy.Didn't she know?

"I thought you knew? Shadowlurker stole my egg from the RainWing hatchery.She had a husband at the time that was an animus.She was angry with  me and got him to turn me into a ghost. She didn't tell you, I guess."Twiggy frowned.He thought it was stupid.

"She's an idiot, but I can't leave her."
Jinx sighed. "I'm sorry.But she won't stop until she destroys the Jade Winglet, the dragonets of destiny anyone else who gets in her way."

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