9. The Egg

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"Look, I'm sorry, but we can't keep it!"Winter growled, holding his snout in his talons. "Why would you bring an egg to our room? Moon, how could you agree to this?"

Moon sighed. "Winter, the egg was abandoned.We had to take it in.And I didn't have the space in my room."
Her voice was soft, as if she didn't want to offend him or make him angry, which was wise.

"Winter, please, it was my idea,"Qibli stepped a bit closer, warmth indulging Winter's scales and soothing the rage a bit. "Let the egg stay for a bit, please?"

Winter let out a long, loud sigh, his brow so furrowed and his eyes so narrowed it hurt his skull. "Fiiiiiiine.But I swear, the second that thing hatches, -- if it even does -- you are shipping it away to a adoption center."


"Deal."Moon nodded. "You won't have to deal with being a mother yet, Winter."she sent him a pointed smile, but Winter didn't quite understand it.


Moon left and Qibli made a bed for the egg to keep it warm. "I wonder what kind of dragon it'll be?"

"Probably a NightWing."Winter growled, curling up on his ice ledge and glaring at the egg.

"Why would you say that?"

"Ummm, it was in the jungle, wasn't it? So either a blasted Night-dragon or a lazy RainWing."Winter huffed.

"Winter, I thought we talked about RainWings.They aren't lazy, they're just not motivated."Qibli spoke in a motherly voice.He curled up around the egg, brushing his claws softly across its smooth surface.

"Yeah, well I'm not motivated, but people don't call me lazy."Winter grumbled.There was a moment of silence, then he piped up nervously, "Do they? Call me lazy, I mean?"

"Ummm, I don't think so?"Qibli shrugged. "But I do hear them calling you stuck up."

"Yeah, well they call you an idiot."




"An annoying flirt."

"Hey, not in front of the egg!"Qibli smirked, mouth popping open in a fake shocked look.

Winter rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah."
He turned away from Qibli and closed his eyes.

"Hey, don't stop talking to me!"Qibli cried, and Winter was sure he was pouting.

"Why?"Winter snapped, swivelling his head once more to peek at Qibli.

"Because-ummm...I like your voice."Qibli spoke honestly. "It's deep, yet soft.Soothing."

He likes my voice.

Qibli likes me-errr, my voice....

Winter shook his tail. "Yeah, and yours is squeaky and annoying."he closed his eyes, trying to pointedly ignore him.

"I know that's not true.Well, I strongly hope."Qibli smiled, wing draped over the egg to keep it warm.

"I'm asleep now."Winter monotoned, pulling the blanket higher up over his shoulders.

Qibli barked a laugh, which Winter totally didn't find cute. "You're very amusing.Fine, I'll do my own thing."

Winter ignored him once again, and tried not to shiver as he felt Qibli's sharp gaze resting on his face.

"Seriously? Fine."Qibli sounded lightly hurt.He heard a shuffle and blinked open an eye to see Qibli curled up tight around the egg, his back to Winter.

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