28.Together again

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Winter couldn't believe it.He thought he'd never see her again.He thought she'd be so happy in the GlitterWing palace, that she'd forget about him.

But he'd never forget.

Sundrop and Twiggy stood there, staring at Qibli and Winter.
Yes, he could finally see Twiggy for reals.The brown RainWing smiled at them, revealing gums.His brown eyes sparkled, and he was staring straight at Winter.

Then the two of them ran forward and leapt at Qinter.Qibli wrapped one wing around Twiggy and one around Sundrop. "Sundrop! You're back!"

She then burst into tears. "Majesty was mean and said bad things about you guys and my friends, and Twiggy! And then she told me I had to call her mommy but you're my only mommy and I was sad but she didn't even care and she said I had to marry some dumb GlitterWing boy I didn't even know!"
she wailed, clutching Winter's chest and shoving her face into the crook of his neck.His scales were cool and relaxing.

"Sundrop, it's okay,"he murmured, holding her tight. "You're back with us now, it's okay.We won't let Majesty take you again."he spoke determinedly.

"Really?"she pulled back to stare into his eyes, and he felt his heart aching.

"Really."Qibli nodded. "She'll have to go through us first."He grinned.


"I can't believe Twiggy was real this whole time."Qibli sighed, absently running his claws down Sundrop's back as Twiggy and Sundrop explained their stories.

"I know.I saw him, once or twice, actually."Winter mumbled, staring at the RainWing. "I'm so sorry that happened to you.Shadowlurker is the worst, and we have to get rid of her."

"And Jinx."Twiggy added.

"Yeah."Winter agreed eagerly.
"She's small, but deadly.I wonder how her face is doing?"he smirked.

There was a knock on the door and Moon, Flux, Turtle and Kinkajou entered the hut.Their eyes immediately brightened when they spotted Sundrop.

"Sundrop!"Kinkajou cheered, and the GlitterWing hybrid raced over and leapt into Kinkajou's spread open wings.They giggled and whispered rapidly to each other for a couple of minutes, while Turtle and Twiggy chatted and Moon talked to Qinter.

"So the doctor said you guys are good to go.He really wanted to run a blood test on Qibli, but I convinced him not to."Moon smiled.

Flux stared at them from her spot behind Moon, feeling slightly awkward.
She didn't really know them very well.
Moon draped a wing over her back and she relaxed though.

"That's great! We can head back to Jade Mountain then."Qibli grinned.

"Well- yes....I suppose you could."Moon scratched the back off her neck. "Or you could do what Glory offered."

"And what was that?"Winter demanded.

"Queen Glory said it would be alright if you guys stayed in the RainWing village.That way Sundrop can come to Daycare everyday, and you guys can just fly to school.Rather than Sundrop flying every time.Plus, it will keep her safer, especially from Majesty.
The dragonets of destiny agreed."
Moon explained.

"Hmm- can't be any worse than the school.Why not."Winter shrugged.

"Yay! I'll get to see Kiara and Peace again?! Oh- and Fleck!"Sundrop cheered, leaping up and down and flaring her wings out.

"Yeah,"Moon smiled warmly at her.

Twiggy frowned slightly. "What about me?"

"Well, who're your parents?"Moon asked.

"I don't know."Twiggy shrugged.

"Oh.Yeah, I forgot RainWing's don't really do parents.Plus, you know, you kinda died or whatever."

"You can stay with us,"Qibli waved a talon. "I mean, you are our daughter's future husband, so..."

Both Twiggy and Sundrop flushed, and Qibli smirked.

"Well- err- thanks."Twiggy mumbled.

Suddenly Winter's stomach rumbled, and all eyes turned to him.

Embarrassed, he glared at them. "What? I haven't eaten in forever."

"Here!"Sundrop snapped her claws, then ripped open her little bag she had and pulled out a talon full of glitzberries. "Eat these! They're super yummy."

Winter took them and tossed one in his mouth.Bright berry flavours immediately bathed his tongue, and he wouldn't tell Sundrop this, but it wasn't his kind of food.It was glittery and tasteful, and he preferred bland and juicy foods.But he ate them nonetheless, and Sundrop beamed.

"Thanks, Sundrop.That helped a lot."
he thanked her, and she grinned.

"Now, let's get you a hut."Kinkajou yelped, and both Sundrop and her took off out of the hut, laughing and giggling mischievously.

Winter shared an amused look with Qibli before following them out, legs slightly shaky.He hadn't walked for a little bit, and his legs were still bruised and tired, but he managed.

They followed the bubbly RainWing along a line of huts, each somewhat similar, until they reached the one second to the end.It had a sign on the door they read, 'Open'.

"Here you are! This one is open, so you can take it.Just switch the sign around and- done!"Kinkajou flipped the sign around so it read, 'Taken'.

"We'll see you guys at school tomorrow, then?"Turtle waved to them.

"Yep,"Qibli grinned. "Unless we, like, die or something.But that's doubtful."

Their Winglet left, and Sundrop, Twiggy and Qinter entered their new home.It had a small living room, a nice kitchen with lots of cupboards and a wooden table in the middle.Vines were twisted up the legs, and flowers in vases lay around the house.There were two bedrooms, so Winter and Qibli claimed one, and Twiggy and Sundrop claimed the other.

"I think we'll like it here."Winter yawned. "But I'm exhausted, so I'm going to bed."he flopped down on the bed, and Qibli climbed on after him.

"We'll go sleep in our hammocks.
Goodnight mommy and daddy."Sundrop grinned at them.
Twiggy and her ran off giggling.

Winter closed his eyes and listened to the sounds of Qibli's breathing.
He was glad they were both still alive.
And now they had Sundrop.

Everything had worked out in the end.

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