27.Run away

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Qibli was aware that he was awake, but his eyes felt heavy with sleep.He let out a soft groan, feeling a odd coldness pressed against his side.What had happened? Where was he?

Is Winter okay?

I'll never forgive myself if he's dead.

Qibli forced himself to open his eyes, and immediately felt reassured.Winter was curled up beside him, sides rising and falling slowly as he slept.His beautiful blue scales were bruised, and it made Qibli grimace.

He felt a bit better than before, and they made him confuse. "Winter?"
he mumbled, voice rough.

The IceWing twitched but didn't wake up, and his talon flexed.

"Winter."Qibli nudged Winter's neck lightly. "Winterrrrrr- wake uuppp."

Winter's eyes snapped open, and he let out a relieved sigh. "Qibli! You're okay."he pressed his snout to Qibli's and closed his eyes.

"I am so sorry.I've been awful to you."
Qibli spoke softly, talons reaching out to grasp Winter's.

"It's okay, really.I don't mind that much.I'm used to it."Winter shrugged, unfazed look on his face.

"What happened, by the way?"Qibli asked. "How'd I get better?"

"Sunny and Glory went out and brought the brightsting cactus juice and it healed you.Now we're just waiting for a day or two to completely heal."Winter explained.

"Oh- I'm glad."Qibli smiled crookedly. "But what will we do? It will probably be boring being stuck in here for two days with nothing to do."

"Ehh- I can think of a couple of things we could do."Winter cracked a smile.
He opened his wings and Qibli staggered into them.They cuddled up together, tails twining.

"I'm glad we're in the hospital together at least."Qibli grinned, resting his muzzle next to his boyfriend's.

Sundrop grasped a glittery pink cloth and put her favourite stuffed animal in it, along with some glitzberries.She was running away, and she didn't feel bad about it.Her mother had pestered her annoyed her till she couldn't take it anymore.She ran to her room and didn't come out since.

"Mommy and daddy haven't forgotten us, right, Twiggy?"she said to the sky, wrapping up the cloth and grasping it tightly in her talon.She then approached her window and opened it.
It was a long fly down to the ground, and then she had to find Jade mountain academy.What if she got lost?

She took a deep break and launched into the sky.She flapped her wings, trying to adjust quickly to her weight depending 100% on her wings.

She flew down and down, worry building in her stomach.Maybe this was a mistake-

What is they're not happy to see me?

What if I run into a wild animal and it kills me?

What if Majesty realizes I'm gone and comes to find me?

Her wings seized up in fear, and she began plummeting through the air.
She kicked her legs and let out a screech, unable to will her wings to move.This was it, she would smack hard on the earthy ground and every single bone in her tiny body would crack and break.Just like her heart had.

She squeezed her eyes shut tight, and then all of a sudden she was hovering in the air, wrapped in the warm talons of a dragon.Someone had rescued her!

She kept her eyes glued shut still, and she felt herself being slowly and gently lowered to the ground.After a couple of minutes her talons hit the earth, and she opened her eyes.

"Oh my glittery stars, thank you SO much."she turned and her eyes widened at who had saved her.
Tears brimmed in her eyes and she threw herself at him, hugging him.

"Twiggy! I knew I'd see you again!"she wailed, clutching him tightly.
Nothing was impossible when she had Twiggy with her.

Twiggy smiled softly. "Hey, Sundrop.
I, Uh- really missed you."

Sundrop stepped back and grinned widely at him.And that's when she noticed something.

He looked different.

He looked....real.

"What happened to you, Twiggy?"she
frowned. "You look different."

"It's a long story,"Twiggy grinned happy. "But it turns out Turtle can see me more often then other dragons, if I try really hard to be visible.So I went to the RainWing village to see if Glory was doing anything cool, and I spotted Sunny and her rushing toward the medical hut.I followed them in and saw your mommy and daddy both lying in a heap on the.They both looked really hurt.Moon, Kinkajou, Flux and Turtle were in there, and when I entered, Turtle glanced over at me.He was frowning, too.I waved, and he hesitantly waved back.But then he was looking around like he couldn't find me.So once everyone left, I followed Turtle out.He walked over to the fruit stand and got a mango, then walked around in the forest for a little bit.
I was starting to get bored, so I willed myself to become visible.Turtle saw me again and then said, 'Make any ghosts near me real.' and I was real again! He undid that awful animus curse! Oh, and we know where to find your parents."

"Omg- oh my glitter.Twiggy, that's amazing! So did Turtle introduce you to anyone? Like my mommy or daddy? They didn't believe in you."

"No.I said I wasn't ready yet.That there was someone I had to find first."Twiggy sent her a lopsided grin.

"'Me?"she breathed, and he nodded.

"Then let's go find them!"she yelped happily, at the same time as a furious roar sounded from in the sky.


"Uh oh- we should most definitely be going now."Twiggy grasped her wrist and tugged her deeper into the trees.
They began giggling as they ran, aware that they were being hunted.Well, at least Sundrop was.

"Okay, follow me."Twiggy broke away from her and flew up into the trees.
She flapped her wings and found she could fly again.She chased after him, desperate to keep him in sight.

He wove between the trees with ease, and Sundrop clumsily followed behind him.He looked happy and carefree, despite the circumstances.

I'm happy for him.

But Sundrop wouldn't be satisfied until she was with her parents and knew that they would be okay.

What if they're dead?

No! She shook her head. They're fine.

Finally the RainWing village came into sight and they both landed on a platform.Hammocks and fruit everywhere, wow!

"That's the hut- see, Glory just came out of it!"Twiggy yelped quickly.They flew up to it after Glory had left and stood by the entrance.

Sundrop took a deep breath.This was it, she would be with her real parents again.And Twiggy.Her life would be complete.

She exhaled and inhaled deeply once more, then grasped Twiggy's talons and pushed inside the hut.

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