29.Bathing and Bantering

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Qibli dropped Sundrop and Twiggy off at Daycare early in the morning.Three young dragonets came barreling over and wrapped her up in a huge hug.
Qibli assumed they were Kiara, Fleck and Peacebringer.

"Sundrop! We thought you wouldn't come back!"Peace beamed, grasping Sundrop's talons in hers and squeezing them. "We all really missed you! Well, except for Fudge and Bugcrusher. But oh well, they're jerks anyways!"

Qibli smiled at them.Sundrop looked so happy.Twiggy not as much, but he quickly became friends with them.

He knew they would have to fly to school swiftly, but Qibli honestly didn't want to.He was tired of school.
He didn't learn much, and was distracted throughout the day.

I guess it's not a good idea to have a boyfriend and a daughter when still in school.

But I'm still super smart.

He left the daycare after waving to Dew, and went back to the hut to find Winter busily sorting the cupboards.
He was stuffing fruits and meats into the space, along with some breads.

"Hey,"he sighed, sitting on his haunches and watching Winter.
"School soon."

"I know that, Qibli,"Winter sounded annoyed.He turned and held up a squashed watermelon and a mushy mango that was picked way to ripe.
"I paid these dragons to drop off fruit this morning and this is what we get?"

"It still tastes good,"Qibli shrugged.
"Just super messy."he took the mango from the upset IceWing and bit into it.
He was doing it to pleas Winter.
Sticky mango juice ran down his talon, and it was very chewy.But other than that, it was a perfectly good mango.

"You are disgusting."Winter rolled his eyes, but affection was laced in his tone, and there was a hint of a smile peeking out on his snout.

"Yeah, but you must be even more disgusting to be attracted to it."
Qibli retorted playfully.

"Whatever.Okay, that's the last of the things put in."Winter rubbed his talons together to clear away the sticky fruit juices and blood from the meat.

"What're you doing now?"Qibli asked, watching Winter dig around in a pile of brushes.He grasped a soft blue one.

"I'm taking a bath.I have to look good before school.Plus, I'm all sticky."
Winter told him blankly.

"I'll come with you."Qibli immediately said, rising from the floor.

"Ugh- fine.If you must follow me around like a baby duckling, at least it's somewhere useful.You look like a big ball of dirt."Winter tossed him a scrub brush and stormed out of the hut.

Qibli followed after him as they made their way through the trees and towards the stream. "You do know that a duckling is a baby duck, right?
So by calling me a baby duckling, it's pretty much like a baby baby duck."

"Wow, I'm enlightened."Winter muttered dryly.

"Also, would it be okay if I called you baby? I'm tired of calling you Winter."
Qibli asked smoothly.

Winter rolled his eyes once more, blush covering his snout. "That's stupid.
I'm not a baby."

"You know what I mean."

"Do I?"

"Yeah.You can't hide, your snout doesn't tell lies."Qibli teased, and Winter only turned darker blue.

"Shut up.You are an imbecile."
Winter snapped.

"Imbecile.That's definitely a Winter-word.I'm surprised you don't say it more often.That and 'haughty'."

"Oh shut up already."Winter sighed, but was smiling nonetheless. "You are impossible."he reached the edge of the water and dipped his front talons in.

Qibli sat and watched him for a moment.Winter cupped his talons together and poured the cold water on his face, letting out a sigh. "Much better."he mumbled, before wading into the water and beginning to scrub his scales down.They shone brightly once he scrubbed them.

After a couple of moments, Qibli joined him, also scrubbing down his scales.
They didn't shine or shimmer like Winter's, but they definitely looked cleaner.They went from dirty brown to lighter and fresher looking.

He felt a lot better, and climbed out, shaking himself.His scales quickly dried because of his heat.Winter was still busy scrubbing away, though.

"How long do your baths take? Three days?"

"Pfft- no! Five, at the least."Winter snorted, flapping his wings to rid of debris.

"Oh my great moons,"Qibli breathed. "You just joked! Like, for reals! Without me forcing you to."

"Yeah? So what?"Winter frowned, pausing in his bathing.

"Nothing."Qibli smiled warmly, glad he was turning into such a good young man.He grew up so fast.

"Hmmp."Winter grunted, finishing up his washing.Then he stepped up onto the rocks and holy moons was he shiny.
Qibli squinted at him, and he shook himself dry.

"Woah, are all IceWings this shiny?"

"Pretty much, if we take care of ourselves."Winter shrugged.
Then he began walking back toward the hut, so Qibli followed.

"I don't want to go back to school."
Qibli sighed. "Do you?"

"Kind of,"Winter frowned thoughtfully.
"I mean, I know Sundrop is safe, and you'll be with me, so it's not like I have anything to worry about."

"But what if something happens to her? We'll be SO far away."

"We're barely far, Qibs."Winter rolled his eyes. "Sundrop will be fine.She's got Dew, her friends, Twiggy, Glory and almost the entire RainWing and NightWing population to protect her."

"I guess so,"Qibli felt more reassured.
"Thanks, baby."

"Please, don't call me that."Winter glared at him, entering their hut again.
He put his scrubby back and then stretched, arching his back. He was ready to fly to school.

"Fine.What about babe?"

"Ummm, ew?"Winter wrinkled his nose. "How about Winter?"

"Hmmm- maybe.I'll think of something, don't worry.And it's going to be sooooo cute.Like....Sweet little frosty boy."

"Absolutely NOT."Winter roared, knocking Qibli on the head lightly with his icy wing.Then they headed out, Qibli laughing, and began flying for school.

This one was shorter. (975)
But I think it was pretty cute.

I just wanted to cover a bit more of Qinter. Y'know, for the peeps thirsty for cute qinter time. (Me)

Anyways, that's two in one day! Dare I do three? (Yes, yes I do)

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