34.hi, mother, i am qibli of the gaywings

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Qibli woke up that morning to a knocking on the door.It was odd to have a visitor, since no one really knew they lived here yet.Winter groaned and grunted, snuggling deeper into Sundrop's side, so Qibli got up and answered the door himself.

It was a slim SandWing with a large brown pouch around her neck.The pouch was full of scrolls, so she must be a messenger and mail delivery dragon for Queen Thorn. "Hello! You must be Qibli? I'm Queen Thorn's newest mail deliverer.You've got mail!"

"Oh, thank you.Yes, I am Qibli.What's your name? You're not familiar looking at all."he didn't even think he'd seen her as a child.She looked at least 4 or 5 years old.

"My name is Oasis!"she beamed, fishing a scroll out of her pouch with his name on the clip.

Woah- that brings back the memories of me studying those Queen Oasis scrolls for months.

"Well then, Oasis,"he smiled warmly at her. "Thank you for delivering this."
Then he stepped back slightly.
But Oasis didn't move.She just stared at him expectingly.

"What?"he asked, confused.

"Aren't you going to read the message?"Oasis questioned. "That way if you want to respond to the Queen, I'll be right here to take it back.The matter was, uhh- slightly urgent."

"Oh- sure.Yeah, let me just read it..."
Qibli tore off the clip and unraveled the scroll.His eyes scanned it slowly and repeatedly.

Dear, son Qibli,
How's life in the RainWing village? Sunny told me you'd moved there.
I hope you're still learning lots, cant have you getting dumb! Haha, you're smart as a whip, I know.Anyway, more importantly, I'm hosting a feast for my friend's wedding she just had.
Her name is Stormy, and she'd love to meet you.The feast is in two days, and I would really love for you to come.
And bring a friend or two from your Winglet! I'd love to meet this...very special IceWing Sunny mentioned.
-Love you lots, Thorn.

Qibli smiled deeply, picturing his mother writing this. "I don't think I'll write her back,"he told Oasis, who nodded. "But tell my mother that I'll come."and with that, Oasis flew off.
He shut the door and went to tell Winter.He didn't like the SandWing desert very well, but if they left now, they'd have time to cool off and enjoy Thorn's palace before the feast.

"Winter! Sundrop! We're going to Thorn's palace for a feast! Get up and get ready."Qibli yelped, grabbing a bag and chucking food in it for the road.

Winter stumbled out of bed and stretched, arching just back. "Really, Qibs? This early?"he yawned. "Don't we have to tell the dragonets of destiny or something?"

"We'll tell Glory.I'm assuming Sunny will be there, so we can't tell her."Qibli grasped Sundrop and plopped her down on Winter's back. "You take first time with Sundrop.Then we can swap."

"Wait, Qibli,"Winter frowned. "Wouldn't it be wiser to leave Sundrop at daycare? Isn't this a formal feast? Will Sundrop really enjoy herself?"

"Umm- well, there probably won't be any dragonets, but- I wanted Thorn to meet her!"Qibli sighed.

"And then what? You haven't told her you're dating me yet, Qibs.If you show up with a daughter, she's going to feel hurt that you didn't tell her sooner.
Let's leave Sundrop, then you can tell Thorn and we'll go and visit for Christmas, or something."

"Fine,"Qibli sighed.Then he blinked. "What's Christmas?"


"I suppose it's an IceWing holiday?"

"Frick you, SandWing! It's more than an 'IceWing Holiday'! It's literally the biggest and bestest time of the year!
Are IceWings really the only ones who celebrate it? That's it, you and Sundrop are going to spend Christmas time in the IceWing kingdom."

"Won't Hailstorm, like, kill you?"
Qibli laughed slightly at Winter's passion on the topic.

"Nope! Christmas is the one time of year when EVERY IceWing is in a good mood.That's why I loved it so much, because my family wasn't mean to me."
Winter smiled lightly.

"Okay.Then it's settled.Sundrop, we'll drop you off at daycare, and then go to Thorn's palace.You and Winter and I will be going to the IceWing kingdom for Christmas, okay?"

Sundrop smiled widely. "Yay! When's Christmas?"

"It's in a couple of months,"Winter told her. "Four, to be exact."

They dropped Sundrop off at Daycare, then told Glory where they were going.
Then they flew for a day and a half straight, till they reached the SandWing kingdom.

It was hot and sticky, and Winter looked exhausted.He stood out like a sore thumb, his dirty white scales flashing in the desert heat.

When they reached the palace in the afternoon, it was quiet and peaceful.
Winter found a source of water and cleansed his scales till they sparkled like all things sparkly, then they went up to the palace doors. But as soon as Qibli opened the doors to the palace, loud noise and partying blared, and Qibli grinned at the familiarity.This was what he was used to for sure.Loudness pretty much meant SandWing party.

"I am so glad we didn't bring Sundrop."
Winter sighed, walking past shouting SandWings's telling stories and dragons dancing and being crazy in general.Everyone was smiling.

"QIBLI! You're here!"Thorn bellowed from her throne, as they entered the ballroom.She leapt off it and hugged Qibli tight, then pulled away and began inspecting his face. "Oh- you've got less freckles now.Shame, I loved them."she then ran her claw along his scar. "I've missed you more than you know, child."she hugged him once more, and he smiled warmly.

Then she let go of him. "Oh- and this is your radiant company."she quickly pulled Winter into a hug before he could protest, and was smothering him in Thorn-love. "He's so cute and handsome,"she winked at Qibli. "And so so COLD.Sorry, hug time must end."
She stepped back from Winter, who looked stunned, and clapped her talons. "Okay, let's get this party started, shall we?"

"Wait- mother,"Qibli whispered to her, before she could yell 'bring out the food'. "I have something I've been meaning to tell you.I've been so busy, I didn't have time to visit.But we're here now, and I'm ready to tell you."

"Are you engaged? To let me guess, Moon? Do you want me to throw you two a wedding?"Thorn frowned.

"What? No! Moon's seeing someone else,"Qibli shook his head. "Hi, mother, I am Qibli of the GayWings."he grinned crookedly. "And my boyfriend is Winter. Oh, and I have a daughter named Sundrop but she's at daycare."

Thorn processed this for, like, 0.1 seconds, then burst into a wide grin.
"I KNEW you liked boys! And this one is so CUTE!"she nodded at Winter, who looked flustered. "And a daughter? How'd that happen? You two didn't- ummm, wait-"Thorn suddenly looked confused.

"We found an egg in the forest and brought it back to our room to keep it safe,"Qibli quickly explained. "Then we got too attached to her.Sundrop is amazing, but her best friend Twiggy just died so she's having a hard time."

"Aww- poor girl.You should have brought her, Qibli!"Thorn huffed.

"I know, but she's having fun at daycare."Qibli sighed. "I'll bring her soon to meet you.When there are less...dragons around."

"Deal."Thorn ruffled his head with her talon. "Then let's eat."


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