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Qibli was kind of tired of listening to Kinkajou's stories, and zoned out.He hoped they reached Jade mountain soon.He didn't have the heart to ask her to stop, and, well, she was Kinkajou! You didn't say no to Kinkajou and live for much longer.

"Kinkajou, do you think you could-"

"Guys, where's Winter?"Turtle suddenly blurted, looking around. "I thought he would only be gone a second- but he hasn't returned."

"It isn't like him to just leave us."Moon agreed, now glancing around.

"Well duh-"Qibli snorted. "He's probably already back at the school.You know he's not really sociable."

"It's hard to be sociable with your friends when they're all socializing with each other and not including you."
Turtle mumbled quietly.

"Let's just go back to Ja-"

There was a loud crash in the forest followed by a series of curses, and Qibli paused mid-sentence.They all stared toward that direction, then began racing toward the noise.

Thorns and branches tore at Qibli's scales as he pushed through the bushes.He spotted a flash of black and olive scales, and followed after it.
He spotted a nasty looking dragon hauling Winter toward a cave, and fury built inside him.How dare this dragon take his boyfriend! He had to help.

He threw himself at the enemy, slamming hard into her side.She let out a screech, dropping Winter's limp form and falling over.Then Qibli aimed his barb at her throat and pinned her down. "Get away from Winter!"he snapped.

"Never! He's what Shadowlurker wants, so that's what she'll get!"
the one-eyed dragon snarled in fury.

Suddenly Qibli felt a sharp stab of agonizing pain hit him in the back.
He knew what had happened, although it had never happened to him before.

She has a barbed tail? I hadn't even noticed.

"Qibli!"Moonwatcher shrieked, starting toward him.Kinkajou's blurred shape grabbed Moon, then her jaws opened wide and an inky black liquid shot out of her gums.It flew through the air perfectly and hit Jinx's good side of her face.And with that she was off, flying and roaring in agony.

Qibli slumped on the ground beside Winter, breathing raspy.His sides rose and fell quickly with each shallow breath.Numb pain spread up his body, and he knew he was going to die.

"Kinkajou, fly to the school and get the dragonets of destiny! Quick!"Moon snapped, and Kinkajou nodded, obeying.Turtle came over and crouched beside Qibli, running a claw over the stab wound.Qibli didn't even feel it.

"We need to get them both to a hospital."Turtle said swiftly.

"How? The closest one is in the RainWing village.It's not far, but these two are heavy."Moon frowned.

"We'll wait for Clay and Tsunami to get here, they're strong.Sunny can fly ahead and tell Glory.And Starflight...he can stay with us."Turtle explained.

A couple minutes later a bunch of dragons landed beside them, and Qibli could blearily make out Tsunami, Starflight, Sunny, Clay, Kinkajou and....who was that? He didn't even know.Or care.

"Qibli, can you hear me?"Tsunami gripped his shoulders and shouted in his face, but he couldn't really focus.

He squinted at her, and then blackness ebbed its way into his mind and he went unconscious.

Winter blinked open his eyes and frowned.He was in an unfamiliar hut, and it was dark and cold inside.
Winter snuggled closer to his warm blanket, but it let out a groan as he did so, and his eyes widened.He looked over and saw Qibli asleep beside him, bandages along his back.

What happened to him!?

It was Jinx, wasn't it?

Winter moved to sit up, but his body ached and he let out a grunt, sliding back down.He had dark purple and blue bruised along his scales, and his head was throbbing.

Two RainWings entered the den, and he figured he was in the RainWing hospital.They spoke in hushed voices, and Moon, Turtle and Kinkajou followed them inside the den.

"Sunny and Glory have already headed out to find the brightsting cactus juice for Qibli."Moon told them, and they nodded.Then they began another series of whispering, casting glances at Winter and Qibli.

Cactus juice?

Was Qibli stabbed?

Winter quickly sat up, ignoring the pain. "What happened to Qibli?"he wheezed, his chest lurching.

Moon turned toward him. "Winter, he was stabbed by Jinx.She flew off, after getting hit by Kinkajou's death spit."

"Thanks, Kinkajou."Winter smiled slightly at her, and she beamed at him.

Winter turned to Qibli and lowered himself till his body was pressed against Qibli's. "Will he be okay?"

The first RainWing doctor sighed. "If we can get the cactus juice in time, then hopefully.But if not, then no.It wasn't too close to the heart, but still not far away.It will take some time to reach his heart, but not long.If they don't hurry, we could most definitely lose him."

Winter's heart felt like a heavy stone in his body.He knew Qibli was going to die, all because he decided to run away by himself and get dragonnapped by a murderous crazy killer.

Winter felt wet beads slipping down his face and leaking from his eyes, and covered his face in his talons.He would NOT cry in front of others.

I just want to stand on top of the tallest mountain in Pyrrhia and yell the world and all of the dragons on it.

"It'll be okay, don't worry, Winter."Moon settled down beside him and rubbed his arm reassuringly. "If anyone can find the juice, its Sunny."

"Thanks."Winter mumbled, resting his head on his talons.He leaned slightly against Qibli, and the SandWing subconsciously leaned into him.

"Moon, Flux wants to talk to you."Kinkajou had left for a moment, and then poked her head into the den.
Moon nodded, getting up.She waved to Winter before leaving, and the doctors left, leaving Turtle alone with them.

"I'm really sorry I didn't come after you when I saw you leaving, Winter.I was a bad friend, and I'm really truly sorry."
He mumbled, then followed the others.

Winter lay there in silence, listening to the raspy breathing of Qibli, and the gentle rustling of the trees just outside the hut.He felt sick to his stomach, and just wanted to die.How would he live without his Sundrop AND the love of his life? He couldn't.

How can a dragon be so unlucky?

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