16. Daycare

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Really early the next morning Sundrop was wide awake.She'd only gotten a few hours of sleep, because she was so excited.She wanted to go to daycare so bad.She wanted to show all the other dragonets her best friend Twiggy.

Twiggy was curled up beside her, his beautiful brown eyes closed.He was a mostly brown dragon with green sparkles all along his wings and forearms.He had twisty olive green horns and light green freckles on his nose.But he didn't have any claws, or teeth, which made Sundrop sad.

But he's my best friend, and I love him.

He's perfect the way he is.

"Twiggy, should I go wake mommy and daddy yet?"she didn't want to make them mad.Okay, mabye she did a little bit.Daddy never got mad at her, but mommy was always faking annoyance around her to get her to laugh.

Twiggy nodded.He liked to be quiet, and Sundrop respected that.

She slipped out of her bed, Twiggy following distantly.She snuck over to mommy's bed quietly as she could, her small claws clicking lightly on the stone ground.She could hear snores coming from mommy's chest, and his back was facing her.She saw daddy curled up in a ball on his bed across the room, and frowned.Mabye she should wake up daddy first? No- mommy first.

She stood by mommy's back and then jumped in the air, letting out a squeal. "Mommy, mommy! Get up you sleepyhead!"she landed on the cold IceWing's body, which was not covered in any sort of blanket.His polar bear blanket had been stolen by daddy, who thought it was the softest thing in the world.She liked the feeling of mommy's cold scales on her warmer ones.

"Holy- Sundrop, it's too early!"mommy snapped, shoving his head between his forearms and trying to drown out the sounds of Sundrop chattering away.

"Mommy! Mom! Mom! Mommy!"
Sundrop chanted, aware of daddy watching them with amusement.

Mommy groaned, rising into a sit.He stared groggily at her through deep blue eyes. "What is going on?"

"I'm just EXCITED! For DAYCARE!"Sundrop cheered.

"If you're exited, go hang out with Qibli.If you finally realize that the world is a cruel, heartless place called hell, come hang out with me."
Winter pushed her gently toward Qibli, then turned and curled back up.

Daddy rolled his eyes, opening his arms. "He's just grumpy- well, grumpier in the mornings, Sun.Come here."she ran into his embrace, giggling.She hugged him, feeling just almost as much excitement radiating off of the SandWing as she had herself.

"I want to make mommy happy."Sundrop pouted suddenly, glancing over at the sleeping IceWing.
"She-HE doesn't seem to like much."

"Winter loves you, Sundrop.Don't worry."daddy mumbled, running his claws gently down Sundrop's back, making tickles that she giggled at.

"I know he does, daddy,"Sundrop beamed at him. "Can we go get Auntie Sunny now? Pwease!?"

Qibli sighed. "Fine, but we will have to be quiet, it's early and there are still a bunch of sleeping dragonets that would be intensely grumpy if they got woken up."

"Otay! I'll be quiet as a moose!"she leapt away from him and ran for the door, Qibli following along slowly behind her.

"It's a mouse, not a moose."Qibli laughed.

Sundrop held on to mommy's neck as they flew, Sunny and Qibli in the lead.Their bright yellowish brown scales glinting in the sun hurt Sundrop's eyes, and she closed them.

"I can't believe WE'RE going to see GLORY! Thank you SO much for inviting me!"Kinkajou beamed, flying right beside mommy.She was grinning at him brightly, her eyes shining.

"Kinkajou, for the last time, I didn't invite you.You were on the floor begging me to let you come."
Mommy growled back at her.

"I like Kinkajoooo!"Sundrop cheered, holding out her small talon.Kinkajou high-taloned it, and they let out loud and cheeky giggles.

"You two would be such a destructive duo."mommy sighed, rubbing his muzzle with a talon.

"Yeah we would! But I'm sad Moon couldn't come with us.She could've visited Secretkeeper."Kinkajou frowned.

"Where is Moon this early, anyway?"
Winter glanced at Kinkajou.

"She's going on a date with this girl."Kinkajou shrugged. "Moon says it's not a date, and they're just 'hanging out', but I don't believe her.Moon's totally got a crush on her."

"This is the first time I'm hearing of anything about that."Mommy looked a bit hurt as he gazed back at Kinkajou, who was flying a bit slower because she was getting tired.Sundrop didn't want mommy to be hurt, that made her sad.

"Well, you have been really busy with Sundrop,"Kinkajou explained gently.
"You haven't had much time to hang out with the Winglet and just talk.
During all your classes you are either distracted by her, or Qibli."

"I know, and I wish I wasn't."Winter sighed. "I really do.It's just- I don't know- never mind."he then closed himself off and sped ahead. "We're close enough, let's land."

They entered Queen Glory's hut and bowed down before her, Sundrop standing beside Kinkajou, their tails twined together.

"Kinka, can we go buy some fwuut? I'm hungry!"Sundrop whined, tugging on Kinkajou's wing.

"Soon, Sundrop, okay?"Kinkajou glanced at her, smiling warmly. "First we have to talk to Glory about daycare."

"Go ahead, I am listening."Glory was looking at Sunny, but Sunny turned and stared expectedly at Qibli.
Deathbringer watched them, his eyes narrowing as they landed on mommy.

"We want to drop our daughter, Sundrop, off at daycare very morning so we can focus on school.She'd been kidnapped yesterday at the carnival, and is bored and getting into trouble.
We think it would be best for her to make some friends and have fun in daycare."Daddy explained.

Glory nodded, gazing coolly at Sundrop. "And do you want to go to daycare, Sundrop?"

"I would love love LOVE to! Twiggy is coming with me, and I'm going to show all the dragonets there my best friend and future husband!"she grinned.

"Who's Twiggy?"Glory glanced quizzically at daddy.

"Umm- Sundrop's...imaginary friend that is VERY VERY real."Qibli winked at Glory, and she nodded in understanding.

"Alright, Kinkajou knows the daycare, you can go and get her settled in.Drop off time is whenever in the morning, but you must have her picked up before DARK dark, unless you've stated before that she's staying the night.Some dragons drop off their young ones for multiple days at a time, like if they're having a vacation or something.That's completely okay."Glory explained.

Then nodded, leaving the room.Sunny stayed for a bit, to tell Glory all about what was going on in the school.
They followed Kinkajou to the center of the village, where she got Sundrop some fruit.Then they flew to the daycare.

Sundrop trembled in excitement as she waited for mommy and daddy to talk to the caretakers.They seemed nice.There were three of them, all RainWings.
Floral, Blinker, and Dew. They all loved Sundrop, which made her happy.
Dew even said that he found Twiggy very smart, which made Sundrop giggle.

She knew right away that she wasn't going to like daycare.

I'm going to love daycare!!

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