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The fly home was easier than the fly there, but it was still hard on Winter.
He preferred flying from heat into cooler temperatures, rather than the opposite.Jade Mountain wasn't very cold, but it also wasn't boiling hot like the Sand Kingdom.He didn't underhand how Qibli liked it.

As they reached the RainWing village it was dark, and they decided to go to their hut and pick up Sundrop in the morning.She would probably enjoy her sleepovers there.

"How do you think Sundrop is doing?"
Qibli asked, as if reading his mind.

"I'm not sure,"Winter admitted. "But I hope she's having fun and staying safe."

"Yeah, me too.We'll see tomorrow I suppose."Qibli opened the door to the hut and they went inside.Winter followed after and immediately took a piece of fabric and began wiping down his sandy scales.

Qibli ate an overripe papaya from the cupboard then climbed in bed.But he found he wasn't actually tired, so he lay there watching Winter busy around.

Winter finished wiping all the sand and dirt off his scales, then set the cloth in the sink and began going through the cupboards.All that was in there was a couple moldy fruits.He picked those up and tossed them outside.Then he climbed in bed beside Qibli and pulled a thin blanket over his body.

He had his eyes closed and his back to Qibli, so when Qibli spoke, it was muffled.He didn't particularly care what Qibli had to say, but turned anyway. "What?"

"I asked you if you were tired."Qibli repeated, smiling slightly.

"Hmm- kind of.Flying sometimes makes me less tired than I think it should.Gives me a rush of adrenaline, or something."he shrugged. "Why?"

"I don't know.We're alone, without Sundrop.We could do something."
Winter picked up on a bit of suggestiveness in his tone.

"Like what?"Winter frowned. "I don't really feel like looking at your face right now."he closed his eyes again.

"Why not!? My face is so handsome."
Qibli snuggled up close to Winter's side, then rested his head on Winter's shoulder. "I know you think so."

Winter felt heat rushing to his face, and was glad it was so dark in the room. "Shut up.You're ugly as a rock."

"Do you have a thing for rocks, Prince Winter?"Qibli raised a brow.

"Heck no! Shut up."Winter groaned, shoving Qibli slightly with his talon.
Qibli just smiled against his scales.

"My mother really liked you."Qibli changed the subject.

"Yeah, I could tell."Winter snorted. "It was awkward, but nice at the same time.I've never had someone act like that over me, especially because I was 'gay'."he frowned. "I liked it, though."

"My family is good about that stuff.Sunny came out as poly.Thorn was happy about that.She liked the thought of Sunny getting so much love from other dragons, or something."

"That's good."Winter murmured, sleepiness overtaking him.He got drowsy listening to Qibli talk sometimes.In a good way.

Qibli kept chattering on, and Winter felt himself falling deeper and deeper into sleep.

Early the next morning Winter was up and about, preparing breakfast with the little food they had.When Qibli got up, they ate and left the hut, feeling refreshed and happy.

Well, as happy as Winter could be.
He wasn't exactly known for being happy.More liked depressed and moody, said Qibli.

"Do you think she'll be happy to see us?"Qibli asked him, tone bubbly.

"I'm sure she will,"Winter replied quietly.Secretly he was thinking she wouldn't be glad to see them.She really liked daycare and her friends, what if she decided she didn't need him?

"And then we can take her to the village to get some food."Qibli began making plans. "And then tomorrow we'll go back to school and actually learn some stuff before we graduate."

"We won't graduate if we don't learn stuff,"Winter rolled his eyes, approaching the daycare. "It's kind of the whole point."

"Yeah well, I'm so naturally smart I don't need those boring teachers telling us boring things in boring tones."
Qibli snorted, sending Winter a wink.

"Uh-huh, I'm sure you are."Winter sighed, ducking into the daycare.
He expected a ball of scales to slam into him, but he was left feeling cold.

Dew approached them slowly, a friendly look on his face. "Hey.Glad to see you two back safely.How was your trip?"he tilted his head.

"Fine."Qibli nodded.

"Where's Sundrop?"Winter feared she had been hurt or ran away.

"She's in the hammock right now,"Dew's voice dropped to a whisper. "But she's emotional."

"Already? I thought that was a young dragon thing?"Qibli frowned.

"She's sad about her friend, Twiggy.
Well, she was fine till yesterday when she drew a picture of him.She's been quiet since."he sighed. "I tried everything to cheer her up, I swear."

"Thank you, Dew, I'm sure you did."
Winter murmured, moving past him to reach the hammocks.Qibli followed him closely, Dew standing by and watching them.

When they neared the hammocks, Winter heard voices.

"Come on, Droplet! Can we pleeeease play a game?"a dragonet whined, and Winter knew that voice sounded familiar, but couldn't quite place it.

"Not now, Peace,"Sundrop sighed. "Maybe later."

"Sundrop, Qibli and I are back."Winter said, popping up beside the hammock Sundrop was laying in.Peace was at one end curled up in a ball, and Sundrop was on the other end.

"Oh- hey mommy."Sundrop's eyes sparkled for a moment, then she sighed, clambering out of the bed.

Qibli picked her up and hugged her close. "Sundrop! Are you okay? You know, with Twiggy and all?"

"Not really,"Sundrop whispered. "But I don't really want to talk about it."

"Okay, then we don't have to."Winter said protectively. "Let's get out of here.
Do you want to go pick out some fruits for lunch?"

"I guess so."Sundrop nodded slowly.
Qibli set her down and the three of them walked out of the hut, waving to Dew as they did so.

They stopped by the fruit stand and Sundrop picked out strawberries and two oranges.Then they returned to the hut and ate some food.

"Go get some sleep, Sun.Then you'll feel better, okay? Try not to think about Twiggy."Qibli rubbed Sundrop's shoulder soothingly.

Sundrop nodded, climbing into bed and curling up in a ball. "Mommy?"


"Will Twiggy ever come back?"

Winter swallowed thickly. "Ummm-
I can't say, Sundrop.I'm sorry."

Sundrop nodded sadly, closing her eyes and curling up tighter.

Winter and Qibli shared a nervous look, then laid down beside her.

A/N: I'm honestly not sure what more to add to this story, or how many chapters long it should be.

What do you guys think? 40 chapters? Or more?

I know I want Sundrop to meet Thorn, and MAYBE Twiggy will come back. I don't know yet.

But other than that I think it's good. Tell me if you have any ideas! :)

I also kind of want Qinter to have a son that is a
IceWing/GlitterWing hybrid.
But idk.

Anyways, have a great day/night!
-Leafy/Capy 💚

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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