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Qibli pried his eyes open, blinking rapidly to get his eyes to adjust.A light beam of light shot on from the window and directly into his eye, and he sighed.
His back felt cold, and he shifted to see Winter's back, his body moving slightly with each soft breath he took.

He was happy Winter slept with him last night.He had a nightmare, one about Sundrop.But he didn't want to dwell on that.

Qibli slipped out of bed and picked up his painting.He'd set it on the ground last night, because he was too tired to hang it up right away.There was a small hook above his bed, and he clipped it onto the hook.The painting looked great, and it would mean Winter was always with him when he slept.

Some might say that's creepy, but Qibli thought it was great.

Winter was still sleeping soundly, so Qibli stepped out of the cave.It was a day off of school because the dragonets of destiny were going to the rain forest to see Glory, so Qibli headed down toward the underground lakes.

He didn't expect to see anyone else there, and blinked in surprise when he saw Flux swimming in the biggest pool of crystal clear water.

Qibli didn't expect that a Mud/Sky/NightWing tri-hybrid would like to swim, and he approached her slowly.
"Hey, Flux.I didn't think you'd like swimming."he spoke cautiously.

She paused, pumping her legs to keep herself afloat. "Well I do.And who are you? And how do you know my name?"
Her scales were thick like a MudWing's but red like a SkyWing, and her wings were jet black like a NightWing and she had moon shaped sparkles on her forearms and hind legs.

"I'm Moon's friend.The SandWing in her Winglet, actually."Qibli explained. "Qibli is my name.It's nice to meet you.She told me about you."

"She did?"Flux clambered out of the water and shook herself.He was heavyset, and looked at least two times Moon's size.But she had a young look to her face, and she looked friendly enough, despite her frown.

"Yep.She was just asking me and Winter about something."Qibli shrugged, giving her his best smile.

"Oh, okay.Moon's really nice."Flux sighed, shaking her head to get water out of her ears and off her scales.She flared her wings, and Qibli gazed at her, waiting for her to leave.

But she didn't.

"Yeah, she is."he decided to say, utterly shocked when the hybrid sat down beside him, casting him a thoughtful look.

"So...you're close friends with her, right?"Flux asked cautiously.

"Yeah.We hang out quite a bit."Qibli nodded.

"Okay....Does she...erm- like you? Like, are you two dating, or anything?"
Flux looked embarrassed.

"Dating? No! I have a boyfriend."Qibli wrinkled his nose.He wouldn't dream of dating Moon. "Nope.She's single."

"Oh."Flux sounded relived. "Does she talk about anyone to you? At all?"

"I think she's only mentioned you."Qibli shrugged.He shrugged a lot.

"Okay, thanks."she grinned at him.
Flux hunched her shoulders a bit, looking a bit more relaxed.

"Can I ask you something?"Qibli asked her softly, gazing at the rippling water of the pool.

"I guess so."Flux responded quietly, fiddling with the silver armband around her left forearm.It had a small black rock in it, which she rolled between her claws.

"What does your name mean? I've never heard of a name like Flux before."Qibli frowned thoughtfully.

I hope that doesn't sound rude.

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