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"chae, saena's here!" kyeongwoo shouts from downstairs. i shout back ok, immediantly knowing she was coming up to my room either way. i then decided to sit up on my bed and wait for saena to burst in.

"chae, i'm still worried about jungsu and jiseok." looking up, i see the girl slouch in with a small frown as she closes my door and throwing herself onto my bed.

"hyeongjun said they were busy at work, so they're probably fine." i shrug as i set my phone down and look at the pouty girl who then became confused.

"wait, is jiseok even employed?" she asks as she immediantly sits up on my bed. i stare at her with confused eyes.
"no, he said he's looking for a job but it's hard to find one he likes."
"so he lied about being busy at work, he doesn't even have work!" saena shouts out as she quickly grabs my phone, quickly entering my passcode in as she begins to spam call and text jiseok on discord.

"Then what about jungsu?" i ask as i stand up and pick some clothes off my floor, allowing saena to do whatever.
"he's employed, so i understand." she says before screaming into my phone which immediantly let's me know she's sending voice messages now.

"i get that you're mad about jiseok lying about what he's doing, but please spare his ability to hear." i sigh as i grab my phone out of her hands, her reaching back out for it while whining.
we both then hear the bell go off.

"chae! can you get that?" doyun shouts from downstairs. i roll my eyes before opening my door widely.
"you get it yourself, you're closer!" i shout back as i close my door again.
"chae just get it for fucks sake!"

"saena come with me." i sigh as she nods her head, us both rushing down the stairs as i slightly jog over to the front door while looking down to my phone, reading what saena had sent jiseok.

"pizza for jace?" a deeps voice calls out. i smile softly as i nod my head at the delivery man. He was completely covered, sunglasses and a mask. It was a bit suspicious but i just brushed it off.
"that's my brother. thanks." i say as he passes the pizza over to me and leaves the doorstep, going to his car. i close the door with a sigh.

"doyun, your pizza's here!" i shout as i open the box and grab a slice of the cheese pizza. i then spot kyeongtae coming by.

"i ordered chicken under my name, so if the bell goes off can you get it for me?" he asks as he heads upstairs. i groan.
"why can't you get it yourself?!" i sigh deeply as saena laughs at me. to her this is normal. everytime she comes over my brothers always have me doing something.

"i'm going to shower, i've just finished cleaning the backyard for mom and i stink." he sighs as he shakes his head slightly, continuing to go upstairs.

"just 3 more brothers to give you errands." saena shrugs as she gets herself a glass of water.
"i don't think 'woo will give me any. he loves me too much." i shrug as i then take a seat on the stool at the marble island.

"chae, can you take the trash out later?" kyeongwoo then shouts out from the livingroom. i groan loudly as i slam my head on the island. "jeez, i was just joking with you.."

the bell then goes off again. knowing it could be kyeongtae's chicken i drag myself off the stool and drag saena with me as we both head to the front door. i smile softly again as i open the door to see another delivery man holding up a white plastic bag.

his face was also completely covered, and considering australia's hot weather it was very confusing for both saena and i.

"for leon?" he said with a slight korean accent. i nod my head with a smile as he passes the bag to me, boeing then jogging off to a car which looked almost identical to the one the other delivery man went off too. i shrug my shoulders as i close the front door, bringing to food to the kitchen island again.

"was he not boiling under that cap and mask? he was even wearing a long sleeve!" saenas says as i slightly shake my head with a small smile.
the bell goes off once more.

"before any of yous say my name, i'll get it!" i shout out as i slouch off the stool, saena laughing as we both make our way to the door. i sigh deeply before opening the door.

"ok you had to recognise one of us.." the covered delivery man then takes his cap and mask off, immediantly making saena scream loudly as she runs away upstairs. i then slowly close the front door closed as i scream, then opening the door again to see jiseok looking at me with the brightest smile.

"please don't close the door again." he smiles awkwardly. i frown slightly as i cover my lower face with my hand as i look at jiseok with teary eyes. "baby, come here." he laughs as he then hugs me tightly, just for it to be quickly broken by saena who screamed again. she quickly pushes jiseok onto jungsu, meaning them both fall. she quickly closes the door and locks it.

"they're skinwalkers!"

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