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i sigh deeply as i skip down the stairs with my phone in my hands, me scrolling through social media. i then walk over to the kitchen and grabbing a glass and filling it up with cold water from the water dispenser from the fridge, still not looking up from my phone.

"phone down, please." doyun asks as he snatches my phone out of my hands and places it on the top shelf of a cabinet, somewhere i obviously can't reach. with a sigh i turn around and see jiseok wearing a matching apron with junseo, them both cooking together.

"jiseok, you're cooking?" i ask curiously, peeping over his shoulder to try and see what he was making. he nods his head slowly as he flips the pancake over.
"he wanted to cook for you, so i decided to help him since jungsu told me about his past experiences with cooking." junseo shrugs as he tosses jiseok a banana. "chop this up, it's her favourite topping."

"be careful, alright?" i say to jiseok, patting his shoulder softly as i jump up onto the counter and stand up on my knees, reaching for my phone.

"holy shit, chae get down!" jiseok calls out as he lifts me down and places me back on the ground, then reaching up for my phone and passing it to me. "next time just ask me, i don't want you hurting yourself. what if you fell?!"

"that would never happen, jiseok, you're over thinking." i frown as i go back to being attached to my phone, scrolling through tiktok and not even looking up.

"doyun took it off her for a reason, jiseok." junseo laughs as they both look at me, junseo then taking my phone off me again but this time he put it in his hoodie pocket. with a groan and a frown, i slouch my way over to the living room and throwing myself beside kyeongwoo, leaning on him with my arms crossed.

"want to go on my phone?" he whispers, passing me his unlocked phone. i smile as i take his phone, immediantly opening his tiktok. "don't like or favourite anything, you can send it to your account if you want. "

"thanks." i mumble as i continue to scroll through the comedy filled for you page, laughing at some and sending he videos to my own account.

"ow, holy shit!" jiseok shouts out. in a flash, i throw kyeongwoo's phone back onto his lap as i quickly run to the kitchen, then seeing junseo holding jiseok's hand with a cloth wrapped around it, red liquid seeping through.

jiseok laughs nervously as i see tears begin to fall down his cheeks.
"chae, go to the bathroom and run his finger under cold water. i'll go find the first aid kit." junseo says as he passes me the cloth with jiseok's hand in it. i nod slowly as i lead him to the downstairs bathroom, turning the light on and closing the door.

"and you were telling me to be careful.." i scoff as i unwrap the cloth and inspecting his index finger. the tip of his finger was chopped off, but luckily it was only a small bit. i then let the cold water run over his finger while i try to get a closer look at the wound.

"why are you so interested in my finger?" jiseok chuckles as he watches the water go from clear to red in just under a second. he then wipes his tears using the back of his other hand.

"why are you so interested in getting back with me?" i shrug as i go over to the bathtub in the bathroom, grabbing a bucket from the corner and filling it up with water, then leaving the bloody cloth in it to soak.

"why are you like this?" he then sighs as i join his side again, shrugging as i then look at him with a smile.

"if you don't like how i am, then why are you trying to get back with me?" i ask, slightly leaning in with a curious face. "how are you supposed to win me back by-"

jiseok then pulls me in with his other arm and connect our lips for a short, yet soothing kiss before breaking it.

his reaction immediantly shows that he regrets what he did after seeing that i was frozen in my place.

"chae, i'm really sorry." he whispers, letting go of my waist. i shake my head and cup his cheeks, kissing him once again, this one lasting a bit more longer.
this finally felt right. i missed it so much.

both jiseok and i were enjoying the moment until junseo barged in. i quickly break the kiss and pretend to wipe jiseok's tears.

"sorry i took so long, i had to make sure the pancakes didn't burn so i had to wait for the one that jiseok did to finish." junseo sighs deeply as he places the red first aid kit on the counter.

i look at jiseok before sighing and leaving the bathroom.
"junseo, could you take care of jiseok on your own? i have something i need to do." i say to him and receiving a nod with a smile. i smile back at bith junseo and jiseok before dashing upstairs and barging into the guest room where saena and jungsu were still dead asleep, both of them cuddling together.

i sigh deeply before grabbing onto saena's ankles and pulling her off the bed, earning a yelp from her. jungsu immediantly sits you from the bed with wide eyes, him also pointing to saena with a confused look.

"don't worry i'll bring her back." i smile and laugh awkwardly as i drag saena into my bedroom, then leaving her on the mattress jiseok was staying on.

"why the actual fuck did you just kidnap me?" saena mumbles quietly as he rubs her eyes and yawns, stretching out her arms.

"i just kissed jiseok.."

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