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"i dont want you to leave.." jiseok says softly, breaking the silence of the car ride to the airport. "it's too soon." he then clings onto my arm as he pouts slightly.

"she has a life in australia, jiseok, you gotta let her go." gunil sighs deeply as he takes a turn into the airport terminal 2, then slowly making his way to the entrance.

i look down to my phone and see saena ringing my phone — she was in the other car with jungsu, jooyeon and hyeongjun. gunil, jiseok and seungmin were in the car with me. i pick up the phone and put it on speaker.

"which entrance are you going to?" she says over the loud voices in that car, which was probably just jooyeon and jungsu being jooyeon and jungsu. 
"we're going to the second last entrance, tell seungmin to follow us." gunil calls out as he waits for pedestrians to cross before going on ahead. he then finds 2 empty spaces so he quickly drives into the slots and presses that one triangle button at the top of the headboard before exiting the car. seungmin and jiseok does the same as i then leave the car last to gather all my things.

i them see seungmin's car come by, temporarily parking into the spot behind gunil's. they all leave the car, meanwhile jungsu was attached to saena.

"chae, here's your stuff." seungmin mumbles lowly as he passes me my large suitcase with my back bag ontop. i thank him as i hug him tightly, him hugging me back as he rests his head on my shoulder. "i'm seriously going to miss you."

"i'm gonna miss you too, seung." i sigh as i break the hug and go to gunil, him immediantly breaking down as he held me tightly, the others then join the hug as soon as they say jooyeon joining on our hug. the only person who didn't was jiseok. we all break the group hug, gunil, seungmin, jooyeon and saena crying, as i then go over to jiseok and hold his cheeks as his tears then began to stream down his cheeks.

"i don't care if it's too early, but i love you." jiseok cries out as he hugs me tightly, stroking my hair softly with his trembling hands. my heart instantly skips a beat upon hearing him say that. i smile widely as i wrap my arms around his neck and pecking his cheek.

"i don't ever want to let go!" we both hear saena shout out. we both look over (still remaining in the hugging position) as we then both see saena clinging onto jungsu like a bug. that sight made jiseok chuckle lightly though he was still crying.

"chae, you're going to be late for your flight." hyeongjun says as he shows me the time on his phone. my eyes quickly widen as i quickly peck jiseok's lips.

"i love you too. i'll call you as soon as i get home in australia, but for now you'll have to wait." i the break the hug as i grab saena off jungsu, dragging both her and my own luggage as we bit wave at the boys.

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