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"there's still sand in my ass cheeks." doyun sighs as he walks down the stairs.

"tmi, bro, tmi." jungsu sighs as he chugs his second glass of water down.
"please don't drown." saena frowns as she then shoves a spoon of cereal in her mouth. "i don't want to call an ambo saying 'my boyfriend drowned by drinking too many glasses of water.' can someone even die like that?!"

jiseok then walks down the stairs slowly, pouting slightly with red eyes and a red nose.

"holy shit, are you ok?" i ask with concern as i sit him down on a stool, pressing the back of my hand on his forehead and his neck. no temperature.
"i woke up and hit my nose off your bed and it gave me a nose bleed." he mumbles with a sigh. "is there still blood on my nose?"

"the question is; is your nose ok?" doyun says as he holds the back of jiseok's head as he also presses around jiseok's nose softly. "yeah it's fine."

"jiseok, remember to have your things ready tonight. we're leaving at 3pm." jungsu says as he continues to wash his glass, drying it then putting it up in the cabinet.

"do you guys really have to go though? i really enjoyed your company." junseo shrugs as he stands up from the sofa in the living room, joining us in the kitchen. "especially when we played volleyball all together. that was really fun."

"remember when kyeongwoo thought he was gonna die because he thought he was lost?" saena smiles as she places her now empty bowl and spoon in the dishwasher, waiting for more dishes to go in before she starts it.

"i'm really gonna miss you guys when yous go back to korea." doyun sighs with a sad smile. "anyways i have to go now, i have work." he shrugs as he grabs his keys from the hooks in the kitchen, shoving them into his backpack before quickly dashing to the front door.

"i'll be dropping you guys off at the airport tomorrow." junseo shrugs as he walks back up the stairs. "you couples do whatever for your last day, just don't break anything."
with that he waves at the boys before going back into his room.

"so, if we just kidnap you..?"
"saena, no."

few hours later it was now nighttime, about half 1.  everyone has washed up and we were all in our bedrooms. jiseok was packing up all his things while i watched him with a sad look on my face.

"want me to bring anything back for the others?" jiseok asks as he zips his suitcase up, leaving it at the end of my bed as he then takes his backpack out. i shake my head with a frown. jiseok sighs as he looks at me. he then shoves his passport in a folder and leaves it on my desk, leaving his backpack beside his suitcase as he joins me on my bed.

"are you actually sad?" he asks with a soft voice. i nod with a frown.

"i know your just an ex, but this was honestly more fun than the last time you were in australia.." i mumble as i rest my back on the wall, bringing my knees up to mt chest as i sigh.

"here, what if we watch a movie then?" be then takes grabs my laptop and passes it to me, turning my projector on and facing it towards the windows. i smile as i log into my laptop and opening up netflix while jiseok pulled down the blinds so we could project the movie onto it.

"what movie do you want?" he asks as he centers the projected between us as he then takes a seat beside me. i shrug as i scroll through the choices.

"let's watch miraculous for the laughs." he suggests as i then nod, connecting my laptop to the projecter and then playing the first episode. jiseok takes the laptop off me as he then puts it on the night table, then pulling the sheets over us as we watched miraculous.

"if you feel tired, tell me and we can turn it off and i'll go on the floor." he whispers as i slowly nod.

what felt like to be hours later, i found myself waking up on my bed laying down. the show was turned off and my glow in the dark stars and moon were glowing brightly in the darkness.

i look down to the floor and see jiseok sleeping peacefully. i sigh deeply i mentally slap myself as i then slowly join him, pulling my duvet over us both since he wasn't even using his.
i then pull my pillow down with me as i rest my head on it.

"chae..?" jiseok whispers lowly, as he opens his eyes, looking at me confused at to why i wasn't on my own bed. "did you fall off?"

"shut up and go back to sleep." i mumble. jiseok laughs softly as he turns to his side to face me as he then pulls me in closer to him, i smile as i rest my head on his chest with his arms around me.

"did i win you back yet?"

"go to sleep."

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