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"mate, keep your eyes off my sister if you still want the ability to see." kyeongtae says in english as he glares at jiseok who was just trying to eat his cereal that i had given him for breakfast.

"chae, what did he say?" jiseok asks me with a confused face. i take a quick drink of my milk before answering him with a small mumble.
"if you keep on staring at me like that then he'll take away your ability to see." i shrug before taking another bite of my toast.

jungsu and jiseok both stayed in the guest room last night since they were both too scared to join saena and i in my own room.
we'll also be leaving for the airport together tomorrow after showing them around sydney — unless we all get lazy and stay in all day doing whatever.

"tae, calm down." kyeongwoo sighs as he finishes cleaning the dishwasher out, putting the clean tableware in the cabinets and putting in the dirty dishes in. "put all your dishes in the dishwasher and start it."

"zayn's in charge while we're gone." doyun calls out, sunjae shouting back an ok while doyun grabs his car keys from the hooks in the kitchen, then continuing to steal my last toast as he dashes out. jungsu laughs at doyun's action which later on resulted him in choking on his toast and eggs.
"mom will be home tonight and dad will be home before 5, don't burn the house down." sunjae says as he slides into his jacket and signals kyeongwoo to hurry. the boy quickly dries his hands and ruffles my hair up before leaving.

"bye chae!" he smiles widely as he shuts the front door closed.
"your relationship with kyeongwoo is surprisingly good." jungsu says after saena passes him a refill of his orange juice to help stop him from choking to death.

"i told you he's my favourite brother for a reason." i shrug as i stand up from the stool at the island and going to the other side, putting my dirty dishes in the dishwasher and washing my hands.

"chae, what should we do with these two..?" saena asks as she also puts her dishes in the dishwasher, along with jungsu's who was helping with putting away the plates that kyeongwoo wasn't able to put away in time.

"i don't know," i shrug with a small yawn, "i might go back to bed."
"you're still tired?" jiseok asks as he starts the dishwasher after putting his dishes in, then washing his hands. "you slept all night though?"
"i'm not used to waking up at 8 in the fucking morning." i roll my eyes as i slouch back onto a stool and resting my head on my hands.

"then why did you wake up?" jungsu asks as he leans on a counter, pulling saena infront of him and hugging her from behind as she smiles widely. meanwhile i knew she was screaming in the inside.

"saena and i both woke up because of you jet lagged assholes." i groan as i slightly frown. jiseok laughs softly at me.
"i mainly woke up because i'm my body still thinks i'm in korea, and it's the weekend so it also thought i had work." jungsu shrugs as he rests his head on saena's shoulder.

"whatever, i'm going bathroom to shower." i shake my head as i get up from the stool, pushing it in, and jumping up the steps.

i want jiseok to hug me like how jungsu hugs saena..

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