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"you should get back on the ice, saena was telling us in the car how much you love skating." seungmin sighs deeply as we watch jooyeon fall down and bringing jiseok down with him. i shrug.
we've been sitting down for a good while now watching the others skate around.

"are you sure?" i ask with a slight frown. "i wouldn't want to leave you on your own.."
"i'll be back on in no time, i'll just wait around 5 more minutes and i'll be fine." he smiles as he pushes to the entrance of the rink. i sole at him as i skate over to the others and stopping by turning my feet to the side.

"my ass feckin hurts!" gunil whines as he pours slightly. "i seriously need a break.. my legs are starting to hurt."

"why don't we watch chae preform?" jiseok suggests as he catches his breath. saena shouts out a yes with a wide smile.

"i havent preformed in ages.." i say with furrowed eyebrows, following the others off the rink.
"just do whatever. i'm sure it'll be fine." hyeongjun smiles as he takes a seat beside seungmin and asks what was wrong.

"i'll connect my phone to the speakers." jungsu then says, taking out his phone. "what song do you want on?"

"you should do given-taken! i love that preformance so much." saena smiles. with a deep sigh, i nod my head at jungsu as i go back on the ice, hearing the others cheering for me.
given-taken is the best routine i have so far, according to both saena and my coach. my coach mainly loves it because i have very complicated movements included in the routine, some of which are dangerous.

as a warm up i decided to do a few laps around the rink, adding in some small jump and twists here and there, but nothing too extreme.

i throw up a thumbs up at jungsu, telling him i was ready. the others then cheer loudly for me as i get into my starting position — which is just me leaning more onto one leg and covering my left eye with one arm above my head and the other below.

after a few seconds of the intro i begin to skate around, the wind blowing my hair back due to the speed i was going at.
once it got to the chorus, that was when the steps began to get a bit more complicated.

i balance on one leg while spinning,as i slowly crouch down and back up.
i then jump while spinning, skate around for a bit more before getting into my finishing pose which was the same as the starting pose.

once the music stopped, i got out of the pose and bowed formally at the others who were cheering loudly as they got back on the rink with me.

"you were a whole other person!" jooyeon says as he heo hyeongjun support seungmin back onto the rink.
"you did so well for your first time in ages." jiseok smiles as he hugs me tightly. "i'm still surprised how you didn't get hurt at all."

"i may not be hurt, but i'm fucking freezing."

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