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"chae, it's late." kyeongtae says as he ushers me to the stairs, along with jiseok, jungsu and saena. "go to your bedrooms, go to sleep at whatever time you want."
it was now 1am and not much happened. we basically just stayed in and talked while doing whatever we could find interesting and entertaining.

"yeah yeah yeah, night tae." i say as i skip up the stairs and walking into my room with jiseok behind me, both of us saying goodnight to jungsu and saena before we close the door. 
i make my way over to my bed and throw myself onto it.
everyone has already washed up, so it was no problem at all.

jiseok sighs deeply as he turns the ceiling light off and turns my string lights on in return.
"chae, can we talk about what happened this morning?" he asks softly, him crossing his legs on the mattress while looking up to me.

i nod my head as i grab a pillow and hug it, resting my chin on it as i smile softly.

"i'm really sorry about that kiss, i didn't mean to do so. if i made you uncomfortable in any way-"
"would i have kissed you again if i was uncomfy?" i ask with a slightly confused face, looking down to him while also shrugging.

"right.." jiseok sighs deeply before laying down on the mattress, resting his head on his arm and grabbing his phone from his hoodie pocket, then scrolling through tiktok. "you can forget about what just happened, i was gonna say something dumb.."

"tell me?" i ask i lay down on my stomach and resting my head on my arms while still looking at jiseok. he sighs again before sitting back up and putting his phone down, looking right in my eyes.

"that kiss..did it mean anything?" he asks softly with rested eyes. "as in, did you fall for me again?"
i shrug as i lay back down on my bed, and get under the covers before remembering that doyun had set out a blanket for jiseok.

"there's a spare blanket under you right now, you do know that right?"
"oh my god, i can be warm tonight!"

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