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"holy shit, it's snow!" saena shouts out as jungsu holds her back from running onto the streets.

"calm down we just ate and i don't want you getting sick." jungsu sighs deeply as he holds her hands.
"is there snow in australia?" hyeongjun then asks while he takes a photo of the snow, which ended up in a jooyeon photoshoot.

"in some areas, yeah, but not where saena and i live." i say as i admire the snow, sticking my hand out as i watch the small specks of snow fall onto my arm.
i was really enjoying it until i got hit in the head with something cold.
turning around, i see jiseok holding up a small snowball as he smiles at me.

"we are not doing this in public." gunil sighs as he grabs the snowball out of jiseok's hand and mashing it on top of his head. "can we stick to what we had planned for them, please?"

"wait what do you mean 'planned'?" saena asks as jungsu finally lets go of her.

seungmin shrugs as he zips his long, black coat up and doing the same with jooyeon. "we can't say, it has to be a surprise." he says.

"follow us, ok?" gunil smiles as hyeongjun joins him to talk about whatever. we were all walking in duos or trios.

jiseok wipes the snow on me as we all trail behind gunil.
"i hate you so much.." i mumble as i give him a side glare with a frown. he laughs softly as he slides behind me and wraps his arms around me. with a groan, i brush him off me.

"don't even." i roll my eyes as i cross my arms and walking closer to seungmin, though he just pushes me back to jiseok.

"get me in one of your couple fights and there will be a fight — not between yous though."

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