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"want to explain why you're here now?" i ask as i slam my door closed, glaring at jiseok who sighs deeply.

"chae, i'm sorry for everything i've done." he says with a soothing voice. "i just really had to come here to make things up to you."

"i thought it would only be jungsu here, not you!" i then shout with furrowed eyebrows.

"yes, i know, and i'm sorry for coming her unannounced, but chae please let me talk." jiseok frowns, looking at me with desperate eyes that look like they're about to tear up any time now.
with a sigh, i take a seat on my bed and pay the area beside me. jiseok smiles as he sits beside me, facing his body at me.

"chaeri, i was really a jerk for breaking up with you and i'm so sorry about that. i know i really hurt you-"

"i was heart broken, jiseok. i was never hurt as much i was when i read that you wanted to end our relationship. i don't even know why you broke up with me!" i groan loudly as i hide my face in my palms to hide my frustration.

"i broke up with you because i thought i wasn't good enough for you ok?!" jiseok shouts out as his face then slightly turns red, small tears flowing down his cheeks. "i didn't want to ever break up with you, but when i noticed we were getting so distant i couldn't handle it! i know how important quality time is to you and i couldn't even give you a minute. when you were in korea all eyes were on you. everyone was admiring you because of how beautiful you are. i was so pissed at that. then i also got jealous of seungmin bc you guys were so close. i was about to fight my best friend over you! i then noticed that you spent more time with the others than you did with me. i thought there was something wrong with me, then one thing led to another and here we are, exes. when saena told me that you went out on a date with juwon my blood boiled and that was it. i really didn't want to see you with someone new."

he then takes a deep breathe before looking at me.  "chae, i hate how our relationship is now. we used to be internet best friends, then we were boy friends and girlfriend and now we're like one sided hatred."

"you want to get back together, don't you?" i sigh as i wipe the tear from my eye. jiseok nods slowly as he then avoids looking at me. i sigh deeply as i stand up from my bed and head for the door.

"don't worry i'll leave myself. i have a hotel to go to anyway." jiseok stands up and follows me. "i'll see myself out."

"you have until you leave australia to make me fall in love with you again." i say with my hand on the door handle. "once we leave the room, you have 5 days to make us boyfriend and girlfriend, deal?"

"deal." with that, we shake hands and leave my room.
"you should go to the bathroom and freshen up, you look like a mess." i say as i shove him into the bathroom.

"i'll gladly be a mess for you." he smiles widely with a laugh as he winks at me before he closes the bathroom door.
with an airy laugh, i head down the stairs to join saena and jungsu in the living room.

this deal is going to be easy for jiseok..

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