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about half an hour later and i was the last person the get gifted the last gift, and it was from jiseok.
"happy birthday." he sings as he passes me the large box with red wrapping and a red ribbon. i put on the gray cat hat that gunil had gotten me as i smile while carefully opening the gift and lifting the top off to see a small black, fabric box with red lining the opening. I take it out of the larger box and setting at side as i slowly open the smaller box as i then gasp.

it was a thin katana swirling around and making it a ring.

"are you proposing?!" jooyeon shrieks out as he looks at the ring with wide eyes. "it's barely been a year since yous got together and you wanna get married?!"

"i'm not proposing!" jiseok shouts out over the chaos that jooyeon had started. "i got chae the ring because she's been wanting it for weeks now but she couldn't afford it."

"thank you so much, i'm actually shocked." o then peck his cheek softly. "where did you even get the money?" i ask as i admire the ring before putting it on with a wide smile.
"i got a job at the convenience store down the road. it's just temporary until i find a stable job." he shrugs before placing a kiss on my cheek. "merry christmas baby."

"i want what jiseok and chae has." gunil sighs deeply as he slowly begins to lean over to hyeongjun who immediantly pushes him back.

"oh right, my aunt said we could borrow her rink today. she closed it for the whole day today just for us." jungsu says as he then stands up and begins the pick up the wrapping paper that was scattered all over the livingroom and shoving them into a plastic  bag. "we'll leave after everyone's ready."

"wait, you were actually serious about renting your aunt's rink?" seungmin asks with wide eyes as he helps clean the place up, placing all the gifts he got in the bag gunil had bought him. jungsu nods with a slight smile.

"we can see chae figure skate now!" hyeongjun jumps up a few times before tripping over saena's foot, resulting in them both falling over as hyeongjun pulled her down with her.

"you both won't be able to skate.."

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