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"if yous want to leave, just tell us and we'll go. hyeongjun's friend throws really wild parties so there will be alcohol and a lot of drunk people." jungsu says as he parks the car behind gunil's, all of us leaving the car. while saena catches up to jungsu, jiseok comes by my side and smiles at me widely.

"you look nice." jiseok says softly as he holds my hand while we followed the others to the front door. i smile back at him as i peck his cheek once more.
"thank you for letting us come here."
"i had to or else you and saena would actually die from boredom. i know how you guys love to do this rather than lazing 'round so i had to let you guys do something fun."

hyeongjun sighs deeply before pressing the doorbell, the front door immediantly opening and it was loud. there was loud music playing, colourful christmas lights hanging around the place, a table full of food and drinks and it was packed.
"hyeongjun, you made it!" the friend smiles as he allows us all in, not even bothering to question who we were. upon entering the house, saena immediantly snatches me from jiseok and brings me into the kitchen.

"pedo warning." she whispers as she points over to a boy with short silver hair who was minding his own business and talking to a group of people. with a deep sigh i shake my head.
"not everyone's a pedophille, and you're legal!" i say as i hold her hand. "i can assure you that nothing's going to happen. we're all gonna have a fun night."

"i snuck past gunil to give yous these." we both suddenly jump at the sudden appearance of jooyeon behind saena. he was holding 2 large red cups. he passes us the cups and immediantly makes a run for it after gunil spotted him.
saena and i both shrug and cheers the cups with a wide smile before chugging it down.

"you two, get over here!" jungsu shouts out over the loud music.

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