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"i'm still bored and the weather's shit." saena groans as she slides herself down the last few steps. "australia could never."
"my friend's having a party down the road tonight, so if you wanna go we can." hyeongjun shrugs as he keeps his eyes glued to his phone.  "it's a christmas party since it's christmas day tomorrow.."

"can we please go?" i ask as i shoot my head up, dashing over to jiseok on the sofa and kneeling in front of him as i hold his hands. "baby, can we please go? i can't stand this boredom any longer!"

"did.. did you just call me baby?!" jiseok shouts out as he looks at me with wide eyes. "that's the first time you called me that!"

"if you got chae to call you baby, you have to let her go to the party." seungmin shrugs as he continues to rest his head on gunil's lap, his legs on hyeongjun's.

"hyeongjun, is it alright if we all go?" jiseok asks. hyeongjun nods his head, still not looking up from his phone.
"let's fucking go!" saena and i shout out loudly as we both get off the ground. i immediantly cup jiseok's face and plant a quick kiss on his cheek before going up to saena and celebrating together.

the past few days the weather was really bad, and the others didn't want us getting sick so they had us all stay home. luckily — according to the weather app — the rain should stop after today and it'll be snowing.

"chae, you broke jiseok!" jooyeon calls out as he continues to poke jiseok in his face, him staying still as he held his cheek.
"ooo, jiseok got a kiss." gunil teasingly sings out as jungsu joins in but immediantly stops after seeing saena glare at him.

"party starts at 9, so be ready by then."

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