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"seungmin!" i cry out as i dash out of the carriage and immediantly go over to seungmin who waited for me with open arms.  i hug him tightly as i continue crying.

"hyeongjun, what did you do to chae..?" jungsu asks with a stern voice. hyeongjun scoffs as he raises both his hands up with an offended face.

"i did nothing!" he defends himself with furrowed eyebrows and a slight pout.

"it's ok, you're on the ground now." seungmin laughs as i break the hug, him wiping my tears and fixing jiseok's beanie on me.

"get your own girlfriend, ok?" jiseok frowns as his voice deepens, him holding my hand as he pulls me away from seungmin and into his own embrace.

"ooo, someone's jelly!" saena teases jiseok with a giggle and a warm smile as jooyeon joins her in the teasing.

"shut your face." jiseok frowns as he lets go of my hand.
"what did we plan next again?" gunil asks as he fixes his jacket and hair, looking at the others.

"i think it was the shops now?" hyeongjun says as he looks up from his phone to see saena rummaging through his coat pockets. he panics a bit before pushing her towards jungsu. "are you tryna rob me?!"

"i'm hungry!" saena fights back as she crosses her arms. i agree with her.
"we didn't eat lunch long ago.." jooyeon mumbles as he scratches his head, turning around multiple times looking for a good place to get us some food.

"i have some snacks." jungsu says as he takes his backpack off and taking two bags of crisps out, passing one to saena and the other to me. we both thank him as we open the packets up and begin snacking on them.

"you're taking good care of your girlfriend." hyeongjun laughs as he walks on ahead of the whole group, leading us to the markets.

on our way there, jiseok was sulking the whole time as he looked at me with a sad face.

"is something wrong?" i ask as i throw the now empty packet of crisps into a trash bin, wiping the crumbs off me. jiseok shakes his head with a hurt smile.
something was definately wrong..

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