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"did you guys break up?" saena immediantly asks when she spots jiseok and i going down the stairs. hyeongjun gasps as he smacks his hand onto saena's mouth. since his hand is pretty big, it basically covers her whole face.
"don't jinx it." he says through gritted teeth and a frown.

"get your manky ass hand off my face!" saena grunts as she smacks the boy's hand harshly. "now that they're up can we open presents?"

"you guys didn't open the presents?" jiseok asks as we both look over to the bright christmas tree and see the neatly done — and very badly done — presents under the tree.
"we wanted to open them with yous since it's our first christmas together in real life." jungsu shrugs as he grabs a flat, square, purple wrapped gift from under the tree and passing it to saena, then pressing a kiss on her temple. "merry christmas, love."

she smiles widely as she rips the rest of the wrapping off the thin box, immediantly smiling at the gift. as she takes the rest of the wrapping off, her eyes immediantly lighten up.

"i've been looking for this vinyl forvever!" she exclaims, taking the vinyl out she admires it. it was a nirvana vinyl, she loves the band and had all of the vinyls but now she has all of them. "i love you so much." she says as she places a small kiss on jungsu's cheek.

"what if we do it this way; when someone gifts someone their gift, that person has the gift another person and so on?" gunil asks as he takes a seat beside seungmin. we all agree with gunil.
saena the stands up and grabs a white wrapped box, passing it to jooyeon. "enjoy."

with a smile, jooyeon opens the gift and takes out an envelope. he slowly tears it open and immediantly screams loudly as he takes out 5 plastic wrapped things.
"what the fuck did you get him to make him scream that loudly..?" i mumble as i uncover my ears. saena bursts into laughter as she takes one of the pieces and shows the other side to us. we all burst into laughter.

she had gotten him hasbulla keychains and every keychain was a different design.

"if that's what you got jooyeon, i'm scared for all of ours."

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