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"first of all, learn how to fall." i call out as i help gunil back onto his skates after he fell down right when he stepped on the ice. "gunil  here was a perfect example. you need to find a good way to fall to reduce your chance of hurting yourself."

"chae's a whole different person when on ice." jungsu chuckles lightly while helping hyeongjun secure his helmet. they're all wearing helmets, elbow and knee guards and gloves. since i'm the only professional one here, i had the choice to wear it or not and i chose not too.

"chae!" jiseok shouts loudly as he keeps skating in one place, waving his arms all over the place while he tries to find his balance. i quickly go over and hold him in place.

"second, if you're going to fall just fall — but be careful of your surroundings. we don't want any collisions, we don't even want anybody to get hurt." we both skate back to the others. "does anybody need help with knowing how to skate?"
they all raise their hands.

after what seemed like a year, but was actually a bit less than a hour, i was finally able to help them learn how to skate. though they keep on falling but it's alright, it's their first time either way.
jungsu's aunt had to bring out the penguin helpers for jooyeon and jiseok as them two were the ones who kept on falling over.

"how the actual fuck do you do this..?" saena whines as jungsu quickly skates over to her to help. jungsu was pretty easy to teach, and so was gunil since gunil did use to skateboard.

looking around the rink, i notice seungmin on the ice with a face that looked like he was in pain. for me, that was an alert.
"seungmin!" i shout as i quickly skate over, stopping by turning my feet to the side and making some snow as i crouch down beside him. "you ok?"

"i think i cut my ankle with the blade.." he whines as he sucks in through his teeth.
"which ankle?" i ask as i help him up. he points to his right ankle. i nod softly as i hold his waist tightly as i help him off the rink. "you don't need to skate, just try keep your balance."

"it hurts so much, how do you not get hurt when at competitions?!" he whinces as i push his sweatpant leg up a bit to see the injury. luckily, it was just a small one and wasn't deep.

"oh trust me i get injured a lot. i get bruises from falling, i have cuts on my ankles from the blades — hell i even broken leg!" i laugh as i grab the first aid kit jungsu's aunt left for us if there was an injury. seungmin looks at me with wide eyes and an open jaw.

"you said you only sprained your ankle!"

"that's one of my not-so-bad injuries." i shrug as i take out an alcohol wipe and begins to wipe the cut, making seungmin scream.

"oh fuck!"

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