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"don't go, please.." saena mumbles as jungsu softly wipes her tears off her cheeks using his thumb. he places a peck on her forehead before engulfing her into another long hug which made saena cry even more.

"chae, you gonna say goodbye to your boyfriend?" junseo asks as he closes the boot of the car after taking out jungsu's suitcase. i shrug as i look at jiseok who was slightly tearing up but tried his best to not cry.

"come here." i sigh as i walk towards him and wrapping my arms around his shoulders, him hugging me back by my waist.

"we'll leave you guys be." kyeongwoo says as both himself and junseo go back into the car after waving to the boys.

"i don't want to go, jiseok. are you sure we can't just move here?" jungsu frowns as he lets small tears fall down his cheeks. saena also looks up from jungsu's chest with a red nose and wet, red eyes.

"we both have a job in korea, we can't." jiseok chuckles lightly as he rubs my back with a smile.
"i'll find a job here!" jungsu whines as he pushes saena's face back into his chest as he hugged her tightly.

"imagine being that committed.." i laugh as i then break the hug, smiling softly at him. "well, have a safe trip home ok?" i smile at him before turning around to pull saena away from jungsu.

"wait.." jiseok calls out, grabbing my wrist. i shake his hand off as i turn to look at him with a confused face.

"what's up?" i ask, walking back a bit closer to him. he sighs deeply as he looks at me right in the eyes, his filled with stars and sparkles. "something wrong?"

"the deal we made.." he mumbles as he then holds both my hands with his. "did i win you back..?"

all this time, i actually forgot about it. i've just been enjoying my time with him. since we did have to act like we were still dating around my brothers, everything just felt natural. everytime my brothers were around, he sm would have to call me nicknames and all that and would sometimes have to peck my forehead. at night we would have to pretend i kicked him off so we would raise suspicion as to why we weren't sharing a bed. at the beach we also had to act like a couple. everywhere we went with my brothers, we were a couple, but when we were alone we're exes. not really though.. jiseok would always try and initiate conversations but i would just stupidly be cold to him. like what my brothers say; 'an ex is an ex, and will forever be an ex.'

"chae, please tell me, i can't stand this anymore." jiseok sighs deeply as his shoulders drop. "jungsu didn't really want to come here to surprise saena. i made that up so i could see you and try to explain what was going on. i wanted to get back with you, but you really love games and challenges, so you gave me one and holy shit it was so hard. i tried to do so many things just for you to fall for me again. i was even texting the others for advice at night!"

"look, if you're gonna confess then just do it right now so i can reject you.." i sigh deeply as i let go of his hands. jiseok looks at me stunned, a frown appearing on his face.

"there's no use." he smiles weakly at me as he sighs with defeat. "still friends though, right?"

"oh shut up." i groan as i cup his cheeks, pressing our lips together as i close my eyes. it took him a while to process what was currently happened, but he eventually smiled agaisnt the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing back.

this kiss actually made me feel something inside of me. i'm not sure how to describe it, but it's a good feeling.
i then break the kiss and rest my head on his shoulder.

"i hate losing.. especially to you.." i mumble as i look up to him, a smile appearing on the both of our faces.

"about fucking time!" jungsu shouts out in victory as he jumps around us, saena joining in with him. "i recorded the whole thing and sent it to the others!"

"i hate you so much." i frown as i lift my head off of jiseok's shoulders, letting out a deep sigh. "have a safe flight home, ji."

"i'll text you when i land." jiseok smiles widely as he then uses both his hands to mess up by hair. then grabbing his luggage and backpack as he then waves at us goodbye with jungsu by his side, both of them walking into the entrance.

"you're annoying, but i love you." i whisper as saena and i both wave back at them, waiting until we couldn't see them anymore. i then turn to saena.

"i'm quitting my job and i'm going back to the cafe."

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