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"saena, don't go too far ok?" jungsu breathes out as he wipes the water off his face before placing a peck on saena's cheek. she nods happily before swimming over towards me.

"i swear jiseok's doing things to make me go crazy." i mumble to saena as i watch him play volleyball on the sand with my brothers.

he was on a team with sunjae while the twins were on the other side. everytime jiseok and sunjae got a point they would do a handshake. they've gotten closer than i thought they would and i'm honestly happy for them.

jungsu was swimming around with doyun and junseo. luckily we didn't leave any belongings outside. after kyeongwoo said he wanted to play volleyball there was nobody to look ater the things so we put them all back in the car but left the chairs and umbrella out, because who would be interested in stealing an umbrella?
kyeongwoo has both the car keys safe in his shorts with a zipper concealing them. it'll be fine there since he won't be going in the water at all.

"i think he's just trying to have fun." saena shrugs as she brushes her hair out using her fingers. i shake my head with a sigh.

"yeah i'm probably over thinking it.." i shrug as i smile softly.
"you're overthinking because you still love him." saena smirks as he then drags me over to the shore, bringing us both to jiseok and the others. "mind if we join you?"

"not at all. saena join our team." kyeongtae smiles at us, saena then pushes me towards jiseok as he skips over between the twins taking the back, i trip slightly over myself from saena's push but luckily jiseok helps me regain my balance. as soon as he sees kyeongtae serve the ball, he lets go of me and he's now fully focused in the game.

"sunjae, hit it!" jiseok shouts. sunjae immediantly reacts as he hits it upwards in saena's direction.
she holds both her hands together as she then squats slightly, hitting the ball over the net my brothers also brought along with us.

the ball was now coming towards me. i open my fists up and push it over to sunjae since i was in the back, him trying to push it over but accidentally missing it.

"let's go!" kyeongwoo shouts out with a wide smile. "20 to 17! we win!"
"ah come on!" jiseok groans as he falls to is knees, frowning. knowing how much he hates losing, i laugh at him while ruffling his hair up.

"you'll win next time." i smile as i help him up. "the twins are volleyball players, so it wasn't really fair." jiseok then widens his eyes at me as he looks at the twins who were celebrating with saena though we both didn't even do much.

"you cheaters! you didn't tell me yous played volleyball!" jiseok whines as he sulks over to them, bringing me along with him. kyeongtae laughs as he calms down.

"i thought you knew?" kyeongwoo then says with a confused face. jiseok shakes his head with a frown.
"you guys played jiseok." sunjae laughs as he goes over to the cooler and grabs a drink, then taking a seat on the beach chair. the twins follow him as they were also parched from playing the game that lasted who knows how long.

"you're making me go crazy for you right now, you know?" jiseok whispers after saena leaves us for jungsu. i smile as i slap his cheek lightly.

"oh, i know." i say as i connect our lips for a short second before breaking it.

"have i won you back yet?" he says as he hugs my waist, pulling me into him a bit closer as he rests his forehead on mine. i smile as i shrug, pushing him away from my as i then grab his wrist and drag the sad boy over to saena and jungsu who were sitting by the shore alone together.

"you guys get back together yet?"


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