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"guys, what are you doing?" jungsu asks between his laughs as i slowly turn around with my curtain bangs in a tiny ponytail, the rest of my hair being held back by a cat headband. meanwhile saena's hair was tied back in 4 different hair ties while she was also wearing a dog headband. saena then looks at jungsu as she slowly places the wet face mask on my face.

saena and i decided to wake up early to do our skincare as we didn't really have the chance to since we were spending our time with jiseok and jungsu. we're currently in the upstairs bathroom, where we thought we had a locked door.

"you're next.." sunjae sighs deeply as he walks past, his bangs in 2 pong tails with a pink clay mask smothered on his face. "run while you can."

jiseok then emerges from my bedroom with messy bed hair, rubbing his eyes with squinted eyes as looks at what saena and i we're doing.

"what's seungmin and jooyeon doing in australia..?" he mumbles quietly as he looks at saena and i with a confused face.
"those are our girlfriends.." jungsu mumbles back. jiseok's eyes widen as he looks at us as if we were some kind of insperational art. he then slowly walks back into the bedroom, dragging jungsu along with him.

"you think we scared them?" "oh, yeah we did."

hours later we were back on the sofa, all of us groaning in boredom. saena wasn't even on the sofa properly - her head was hanging off the sofa while her legs were on the back, her kicking them everywhere.

"i'm actually about to die of boredom." jiseok whines loudly as he throws his phone beside him.

"is there anything fun here that we can do?" jungsu asks my brothers who were also about to die from boredom.
"if you're bored then go to the beach or something. go outside, you guys need to touch grass and smell fresh air." doyun laughs as he stacks the book he was just reading back onto the coffee table.

"it's like, 2 more nights with them.." jiseok then points out. "after that we gotta go back to korea."
"i wanna spend more time with them." jungsu then sighs deeply as he fixes his posture. "let's go to the beach."

"hell yeah!" saena shouts loudly as she rolls off the sofa and dashes upstairs.

"oh god no.."

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